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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the impression that some of you are suprised and or shocked that terrorist activities are 'all of a suddden,' occuring in Canada.

    To this I ask:

    Are you kidding?

    Do you all really think Canada is some kind of political bubble?

    Do you think that terrorists overlook the fact that Canada, in many respects, stands for everything they despise?

    Do you really think the whole, 'we're not as bad as the U.S." card is going to hold out for that much longer?

    Was Canada not on the list of sacred enemies Bin Laden unleashed a few years back?

    If it was a matter of time, I can't believe it's taken this long to find them.

    Welcome to a more American Canada.

  2. I think it's hilarious that this happened in the most dangerous park in the city of Ottawa. Seriously; any other city and I may not even be here. What a joke. I'm still looking for this kid. I have a list of 101 things I should have said rapidly compiling in my head, I must let him know how I feel. Or how to rob. Or how to cross the street if he ever sees me again.

    Crackheads; like pigeons, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

  3. I do wonder if that is something worth reporting with descriptions to the cops though. Couldn't they be 2 idiots that are involved in other crimes?

    Judging by the level of organization these two crackheads had pulled together, and the aura of, "I'm gonna rob this guy as an afterthought," that this guy shed on me, I doubt they've successfully excecuted any other crimes. I mean, it literally took this guy 3 minutes to convey the fact that he was robbing me. It was like a slow morph, gentle segue from heckling to robbing. But like a dubbed out version of robbing; slow and easy going. The setlist would read:

    Heckling * > Robbery **

    * Dyslexic Version

    ** Dubbed out, slowed down version.

    In fact, the robbery was so heady, I might as well call the Makisupa Police and wait half an hour for a Ghost to show up.

  4. that guys sounds like the biggest bonehead robber ever. idiot! i'm sure, yats, he'll spend the majority of his years in and out of various institutions, not for anything too serious, but just for being a sheer moron.

    I was thinking, instead of having him in and out of 'various institutions' we could institute him to various, renowned city centers in the USA such as Washington D.C. and see how far his little awkward robbery pitch gets him down there.

    Philly would be a nice spot for him too.

    The list goes on...

  5. There, I said it. Last night, I was the victim of an "attempted robbery." All negative association with the word robbery aside, I still have all my possessions, physical integrity and walked away with a hilarious story to tell. It goes a little something like this:

    Me and my dog Sly were walking through a park, not far from my home in Ottawa. The park kind of marks the fringe of crackhead-central and yuppieville. It was dark and empty except for two kids who looked around 17-21 years of age maybe who were sort of walking my way from afar. They start yelling.

    First dude is yelling: "hey bro, you got an extra smoke?!!" and the second: "Hey, you wanna buy some dope?!!"

    Neither of them were particularly charismatic in their approach and we all know no one on here smokes dope so I replied: "Sorry, this is my last one," and "I'm straight bro," to the questions accordingly. As I changed trajectory to avoid futher conversing, they kept walking my way repeating the same questions, only to find the same response. Dude looking for a cigarrette gives up and continues on his way. The guy trying to sell me pot hasn't given up yet and he intersects my path, gets right up in my face and says: "are you positive?" I assured him I was 'positive' yet things continued to escalate from there with important questions like: "how positive are you?" to which I replied, "100%" He wasn't convinved and inquired if I was giving him "my everything." Again, I assured him I was. I even upped things to "110%" and added that even if I did want anything, I had no money.

    This is when things got "ugly." Over the course of the conversation, his body language had been evolving and getting more and more intense to where he was beginning to to exuberate hints of violent intentions. He requested that I give him my wallet and empty my pockets; over and over again. Pretty monotonous. To each request I responded, "no, I don't have anything." His body language grew more intense to where his fists were clenched and he was staring me down. My dog, a 30 pound border-collie, agile but potentially harmless, began to growl; a deep, deep growl that says "I don't have time to bark, the next thing that comes out of my mouth is bite." At this point I'm a little nervous; I only weigh 120 some odd pounds and his fried was still wandering around. I have faith my dog would give me a hand if it came down to the nitty gritty, but I'm not a violent person and I didn't really feel like getting into it.

    My fighting resume is weak. The only fights I've been in were maybe with my brother during our adolescent years, and then later with boxing gloves in our early twenties, but I have no formal training in the field here. Plus I wear glasses, no one likes broken glasses.

    It seemed like the battle of the witt was over and I had won through perservereance at which point there was a long awkward silence. He hadn't layed any ultimatums on me yet, just stood there trying to look intimidating. He didn't have a weapon, he didn't even offer to beat me up, he just stood there. After about 20 seconds where his only remaining tactic was to start wailing on me, for which I was half ready with clenched fists and half of Lassie, a slew of cars came along the road, offset from the park. I glance from the glare in his eyes briefly to see what was coming and, low and behold, an officer of the law, in an officer of the law car was amongst the traffic. I thought it prudent to point this out to the dude, who, at this point had me in either a vague robbery scenario, or a really intense sales pitch. We looked into eachothers eyes for a few more seconds before he walked off at which point my dog started barking aggressively. I walked to the street, and the light and, once it all sank in, I just started laughing. When I realized he might appreciate my laughter, I laughed louder, walking down the street home.

    Moral of the story is, maybe you had to be there for it to be funny, but when it comes down to it, if you're going to rob somebody, let them know. Maybe even enter the scenario with a plan, a robbery blueprint if you will. Or just light up and leave me alone.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about that Afro Pop. They can be real dicks, I've dealt with them on numerous occassions. While it pains me to say this, you have to come across as an ever-obedient, maliable member of society. You have no option but to be transparently courteous to them, as degrading as it feels. They are trained as though the safety and integrity of the nation lies in their hands and their decisions. I can understand their angle, they have to profile when dealing with the mass amounts of people they do. They don't have the leverage or time for faith in humanity. Things suck the way they are but that's not a war you're going to win at the border as they are only brainwashed peons in the whole debacle. Also keep in mind, the security index was probably pretty high in light of the arrests made in Mississauga, 1+ hour from the same border you were trying to cross. I'm sorry you didn't make it to Hunter Mtn, but I wouldn't let this deter you from trying to go back just because of one bad experience.

    For the record; Someone asked, Canadian guards ARE just as bad.

    For the record; Dima, you're a fucking custie dick, put the salt away and use a little tact.

  7. No, Ottawa (Page 42) is not inspired by the song, it has to do with the meaning of life, the residency of my soul and only really means anything to two people on this planet.

    Kind of an inside joke, but not funny.

    How about a witty truce?

  8. By all means, get money for the ticket, or a financial equivilant. I'm just saying, if someone on here is making an offer, why hold out till tennessee where the treats will be bountiful regardless. Actually, you'll get a more honest trade/reimbursement up here in Canadia if you ask me.

  9. Did you have some sort of bad situation there?

    It looks like its big enough and dippy enough to attract a seedy element but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

    Nothing terrible happened to me or anything, just a bunch of out of control wookies heckling and disturbing the general peace. It's a gorgeous spot, just really spread out so the safety in numbers thing goes out the window at the campsites. I'm not trying to be melodramatic, maybe it was because SCI was headlining or just cause it was Independence Day Weekend and all the wooks come out of the wookwork.

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