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Posts posted by Esau.

  1. He doesn't have the type of guitar chops that Trey has though and that was what I was getting at.



    Matter of opinion I suppose. Different play styles and all. But fair enough.



    I don't know why he feels he should be slamming other artists though. That job is for critics, not a fellow artist. 



    Perhaps its slamming to those who love Phish, but Crosby didn't just suddenly just go off on the band. He was asked his opinion and gave it. I don't know why people ask questions they might not like the answers to. Of course with some folks in fanbases (not unique to just Phish of course) anything other than 'awesome' or something similar is almost always received negatively, more so perhaps when it's from another musician it seems.


    Anyway, I guess I just find the controversy and level of outrage by some folks I've seen (not so much here, but on social media) over Crosby's comments kind of mind boggling. Everyone is entitled to their opinions of course. I'm passionate about the music I love too. But if I were to get upset over criticism about Bob Dylan, I'd be in a perpetual state of rage.  :lol:


    I get where your coming from though and I'm not trying to be argumentative. It's just how I see it.

  2. Usually once or twice a year I reopen my netflix account for a month or two. I've never rated anything, nor have I liked or compiled a list of the things I like to watch. No real reason, I just never have. Today I fired it up to find something to watch later tonight and noticed the Netflix top suggestions for me didn't seem to make much sense. 


    Because I watched: 1990 UK version of House Of Cards

    Netflix recommends: Man Hunt: Boston Bombers


    Because I watched: Family Guy

    Netflix recommends: Stop At Nothing: Lance Armstrong Story


    Because I watched: The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy

    Netflix recommends: The Heat (Sandra Bullock/Melissa McCarthy)



    These are just a couple of the more bizarre examples. For the life of me I can't figure out how they determine these recommendations.



  3. Seems Relix mag was on top of it all too. 





    Hmmm, considering Trey was asked to play with the Dead and well, he wasn't.



    Perhaps not for the 50th farewell shows. But he's now 73 or 74 years old and rumored to be calling it quits soon (he mentioned in 2013 he was thinking of retiring). He's played with the Grateful Dead (both supporting and with on stage) in the late 60s and early 70s several times. Not too mention has Garcia and other members of GD on some work of his own. So I think he's earned whatever recognition you might be getting at regarding Trey playing with them. Surpassed it even, in my opinion.


    ...and um, well, CSNY.

  4. just taking the piss, really- first time I saw that image I didn't even notice it said "Pipers"



     A close friend of mine (also a piper) who was a reserve player for the Canadian band, Enter The Haggis has met Red Hot Chilli Pipers a few times dragged me out to a show in Toronto a couple years back. Entertaining band (depends which one you see I suppose). Serious amount of energy, but family type show overall, but still some freaks in attendance. Basically, worth checking out if you enjoy the pipes and they happen to play a fest you're at.

  5. All that discussion is very well related.  The only thing that turned my stomach slightly was the hatred for iTunes.  You guys…geez.


    Labelling and organizing music as one sees fit in iTunes is completely supported.  


    One of my favourite features of iTunes is iTunes Match.   I've got access to my entire music library from that magical cloud without having to store everything I 'may' want to listen to on the iPhone, or I can pull the music down on other computers.  Also since I have spotify going, I rarely pull stuff down anyway so I'm probably wasting money on one of those subscriptions.



    I suppose this is  a bit long winded for this topic, but it may make a few things a smudge clearer.



    From my experience trying to using itunes in the past and assisting a friend more recently, it certainly didn't operate like that. Especially with SHN or FLAC files, which make up the majority of my collection. Perhaps it's just me, though I don't consider myself technologically challenged. But even the mp3s I've EAC'd from my studio recordings and custom tagged would get extra info added to the tags or had my own info rearranged. No hate, it simply doesn't suit my needs in the fashion I prefer. That's been my main issue ever since trying it out almost a decade ago.





    Removed long winded scotch & herb laden rambling. Liquor in the afternoon, what can I say....

  6. Sidebar: I have one of 160GB iPods, and I use MediaMonkey for all organizing and transferring. Fuck iTunes.



    I didn't realize that, it's good to know there is an itunes alternative. That makes getting an ipod more attractive to me now. Thanks!


    I had tried mediamonkey back in the mid 2000s, but since I didn't own any portable devices I was only looking for a desktop player and opted to stay with winamp (still my main desktop player atm) since I had invested so much time and effort into it's customization with my music files.



    edit to add: sorry for temp hijack bouche. All done, moved to private.

  7. It is pretty amazing what my phone - and I assume most phones, can do with music. I transfer higher quality mp3's (usually of the 320 variety) and have a whole slew of equalizer and sound file options to alter the sound (read: reduce treble).


    With good headphones (I use Bose), the proper EQ settings and the "Tube Amp" option - my tunes sounds spectacular.


    And my phone didn't cost $400 for the unit, along $25 per album - but I can also make phone calls!


    Sorry Neil but the last couple of years have really tarnished the sterling reputation you had enjoyed to this point.



    Agreed. (re: Neil and using phone)


    I've never owned an ipod or any portable digital music device for that matter, so I can't really make a comparison. But, my cheapo LG android phone ($100 new w/ $50 of airtime) plays music great for my needs. Since its a really old model and doesn't have much internal space I replaced the stock 2gb micro SD card with a 32gb micro SD and transferred 20gb of live FLAC & 320 mp3 files on it (saving the rest for apps/updates etc). I'm lacking high quality head/earphones but I did get a pair of brand new beats that apparently "fell off a truck"  for 20 bucks at a bar I frequent (I checked too, they're not knock-offs)  and so far they've suited my purposes just fine as a casual user of such things.


    At times I do feel a better (and perhaps dedicated) device and head/ear phones would be nice though. I wondered about the Pono player, but since I use these things so infrequently it didn't seem worth the money for me. I almost jumped on a deal for one of those 160gb ipods not long ago before they were discontinued, but my past experience with trying itunes frustrated me to no end as I prefer to label and organize my music as I see fit. With my current phone I can add and change tracks as I want and they remain how I labeled them. That's enough for me.

  8. .........but does it mean he intended to do harm if he felt threatened?



    Well, obviously I can't speak for him or claim to know his intentions. What I can speak on though is, as someone who has in years past had my share of scraps, I feel I can quite honestly and confidently say that a haymaker style sucker punch is intended to do one thing, and one thing only. Damage.

  9. Thats my big issue with this. He simply hauled off and suckered someone without any regard for whom it may have been, and even after he saw it wasn't who he claims he thought it was he just went back to playing. That kinda makes me not believe he thought it was the male heckler that had been bothering him during the show. I completely accept that if someone jumps on stage uninvited the deserve to be removed - though, if only dancing like the girl was, I don't believe that violence (especially that level) is really necessary.


    As for the lack of security, thats a good question. Only one source I read mentioned his rider, and I've not seen any other mention of that  in any article I've read, so I won't claim it's true. It was mardi gras so it's odd there wasn't loads of security present in my opinion. Though if it was a rider request or they were invited as some folks have claimed it would kinda explain why security weren't on top of it. 

  10. There seems to be conflicting stories floating around. I saw a few folks I follow on my twitter feed last night who are at mardi gras and claim to have been at the show, saying the two girls were invited up originally, danced then asked to leave, and some folks claiming otherwise. I'd like to see some video leading up to all this and not just the clip that seems to be circulating, obviously someone has it.


    That said, I certainly don't think its acceptable to get on stage uninvited, no matter what the circumstance. But, I also think its pretty fuckin unacceptable and irresponsible of this dipshit to just blindly haul off and smack someone, what if it was staff, security or even a cop removing the girl from the stage - would it still be considered the acceptable thing to do?

  11. You put yourself in that position, you deserve every punch you get.


    Edit: I saw a different angle than is posted here. This one looks awful and makes me review my opinion but I still feel that a presence onstage is sacred so I understand an artist becoming protective of themselves. Fuck.



    When he made his public apology yesterday he claimed he was bothered by a male heckler while he rapped and after asking two women to leave (after dancing on stage for a little bit) he thought it was the heckler who came up on him. He then blamed it on the fact he hadn't had dinner or time to get high previous to the show, also that he had to walk about a half mile to get to there due to it being Mardi Gras, so he was "frustrated".


    Seriously. Its fuckin Mardi Gras.

  12. I read another article earlier today about this, though I can't recall where. It said that security was minimum at his request (per his rider). His agent claims his didn't know if it was a man or woman on stage, but if you watch the video you can clearly see him looking face to face with the girl as he adjust his mic before his solo.


    The guy is a piece of shit.

  13. I use handbrake for video conversations. Works well  //thread


    Is handbrake available for tablets? I thought it was a computer program used to convert videos for play on tablets. (opposed to converting video on tablets)



    I was originally going to suggest VLC since its what I use (no conversion needed) but kinda assumed NW had tried that. Regardless, good to hear you got it worked out.

  14. Is any of that part of the mythical "Volume 2" bootleg?


    Not really sure to be honest. I know I've seen it on different trading sites with less or additional tracks (typically always alt. takes or official tracks of vol. one only) and labelled as volume two or volume four. Usually though these different versions are only repackaged copies of the circulating outtakes with a scattering of official tracks from either Dylan or Wilbury albums or both as filler.


     A few different versions from the 'Bob's Boots' website (probably more though):


    Volume 2 > http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t42.html

    Volume 2 (beta) >http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t41.html

    Volume 4 (Bel Air sessions) > http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t58.html

    Volume 4 > http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t44.html

    Volume 4 > http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t43.html

  15. I had always wished they'd had toured, or had a live performance. I remember making a shit-load of long distance calls in summer of '88 trying to get info on a live show or performance. When I first got the internet (2000) I went on a search for any non-studio recordings (video or audio) of the Wilburys, checking every torrent and Dylan trading site I could find. As I learned back then, they don't exist.


    Though there is circulating footage of different members playing a track or two together at each other's shows throughout the years. But nothing of the entire band other than that of the official documentary (above) and the official videos.


    I did find a copy of the studio outtakes of volume one and volume three though.  http://www.phishhook.com/view/details.php?recID=4549403

  16. Bob in the Hammer:




    Nice. I skipped school a couple days to try and be an extra in that movie while hoping to meet or see Bob. Never saw him, but did get in a couple groups for background crowds. I've watched the movie a couple times (its bad) but have never seen myself in any background scenes. I assume they were cut, or never used. I still made 100 bucks though.

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