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Posts posted by Esau.

  1. Thanks Brad, I believe I still have all the necessary programs, cables and gear to transfer, and my LMA account is still good, but I'll keep that in mind, much appreciated. I am kinda motivated to check lately since one of the three main Gourds tapers recently uncovered a few boxes of cassette and DAT masters of recordings he did during the 95-99 years and had asked if I was still doing that sort of stuff and wanted to help out. The thought of hearing & transferring some uncirculated Gourds recordings is kinda exciting and tempting me to set sh!t back up. 


    All the unfinished Fat Cats shows I had on my old PC were dropped onto a unlabeled DVD (dumbass move) when I migrated to my new system last fall and I'm in the middle of a room reno so every CD/DVD/HDD I own is currently packed safely away in boxes but with no organization or reason, so I'll have to sort through everything to find them - hopefully I still have them. The majority of the recordings were either lower quality (loud audience levels), or incomplete (single and half sets etc) hence their not being uploaded when I was doing all the other shows a couple years back. But I'm pretty sure there were a few complete shows, undated, or partial dated (eg: 98 Hamilton) or no venue mentioned at all.


    Hell I still have the video of the entire DBT show in Hamilton (2006?) to sync and render, if I could just get the motivation (and a video cam again). But that's a back burner project for now. 

  2. Today felt like a good day for a peameal sausage fatty. Excuse the poor light, my phone has no flash and stove top no light.


    Bacon - weaved, then peppered and spiced with my pulled pork spice (not shown).




    Peameal & cheddar sausage, shaped and rolled in ziplock. Cut one side of baggy off and lay sausage on top of bacon weave, again seasoned with custom rub (below).






    Mustard powder


    Turmeric (always! its good for you, and makes all the juices yellow)

    Ground cumin

    Onion powder

    Garlic powder

    Smoked paprika


    Then on top of that I laid out some 17 yr old cheddar slices (too lazy this A.M to grate, or at least clean grate afterwards) and also added some cheddar curds.




    Next some veggies I grew: spinach, yellow & red pepper, mushrooms a friend grew, and a small amount of smoked pulled pork I had leftover from last weekend. Seasoned again (generously) with ground pepper, garlic salt and pulled pork spice. I threw in some dijon mustard, franks hot sauce and a glop of some homemade BBQ sauce I made.




    Rolled the sucker up toothpicked and tied, used the remainder of the above rub on the outside and now it's sitting in the fridge awaiting grill time (2pm today) where it'll cook at 210-225 for about 3hrs or until it reaches a 165-170 internal temp. Probably use cherry or peach wood for smoke - whichever is already chunked up.






     I tend to get too excited and hungry and usually forget, but I'll try to remember to snap a pic when I throw on the weber and when it's done.



    [edit to add]


    Was a tad bit late due to whiskey, but it's on the grill now (as of 2:35pm). I got lazy again and just went with hickory wood for smoke since it's all I've cut up this week.


    It's not the prettiest fatty I've made...



  3. I'm amazed that they tried to convince people that half of 2 apples = twice as many apples.



    I've heard that pitch before. Something about creating one million jobs by firing one hundred thousand people.


    Seriously though, this line has me the most confused. Is there really a demographic, and can it really be that large? 




    Jones said shorter songs were a good fit for the 18- to 34-year-old demographic the station was going after.






    In 1967, during the creation of the original Basement Tapes, Bob Dylan left a treasure-trove of long-lost handwritten lyrics unrecorded. Now for the first time Elvis Costello, Rhiannon Giddens (Carolina Chocolate Drops), Taylor Goldsmith (Dawes) , Jim James (My Morning Jacket), and Marcus Mumford (Mumford and Sons) have come together to create and record new music to these lyrics. The album, Lost On The River: The New Basement Tapes was produced by T-Bone Burnett and is slated for release November 11. 









  5. Calgary's 90.3 Amp Radio Stops Cutting Songs In Half.  






    CALGARY - A radio station in Alberta has given up a format featuring shorter versions of songs which it said gave listeners "twice the music."


    The station, 90.3 Amp (CKMP) in Calgary, changed to the style called QuickHitz nearly three weeks ago. Owner Newcap Radio said it was a first for a radio station in Canada and perhaps the world to take up the format.


    But Steve Jones, vice-president of programming, says the station went back to its original format Tuesday.


    "It was greeted with a lot of curiosity and it was also greeted with numerous legal threats from a variety of different directions," Jones said from Halifax. "As we evaluated it, we made the decision that this week we would just go back to the old strategy because to do this successfully would involve far too many lawyers getting far too rich."


    Jones wouldn't identify which artists had raised the spectre of legal action except to say they were mostly Canadian. "Nothing was ever launched, but there was sort of swashbuckling and discussions about that from various artists and other industry stakeholders," he said.


    "It just came to a point where we said it isn't worth risking the relationships with all of our content providers, the various artists that we play, at our radio station." Calgary singer Jann Arden vented on Twitter after the new format was introduced that the station was basically messing with art and, amid expletives, she called the people running it "morons.''


    "Can anyone recommend half a good book I should read?'' she wrote.


    "The NHL is only having one period this season. Makes sense. Those games are just too long.''


    Arden got word of the switch back to the old format earlier in the day and was looking for confirmation on Twitter.


    "Is it true? Amp radio full songs?" she asked.


    Jones said shorter songs were a good fit for the 18- to 34-year-old demographic the station was going after.


    He doesn't think the concept is entirely off the table.


    "Our plan is to go back to the drawing board, maybe work a bit closer with some of the various stakeholders in the industry and try and bring this back at a later date."

  6. I've only drank Great Lakes Brewery (Toronto) beers. (eg: Crazy Canuck, some winter seasonal etc). The Canuck I enjoyed, but the winter seasonal (forget name) was too over the top for my taste. I haven't see cans of boneshaker here in quite awhile, I'll have to ask my LCBO about it. When I need cans that's when I usually grab Dead Elephant or Hops & Robbers when getting an alternative to my Toms.


    I'll have to mention the U.S brew to my brother-in-law as he and my sister visit the U.S on occasion and will do a beer order now & then for me. Personally, I'm not going to the U.S.A anytime soon given the current political atmosphere & attitude of their law enforcement - but I'll save that for an anti-gov't, anti-police state thread rant.

  7. How about Hops & Robbers?


    I don't mind H&R at all, good beer at good price. I get it as a back-up once in awhile instead of my usual Tankhouse or Dead Elephant back-ups.


    Currently though, Mad Toms are all I'm drinking. Pumpernickel bread, and Mad Tom IPAs are a great afternoon combo.

  8.  On the grill now (about 1hr):


    Coffee brined (12hrs) pork side ribs (plus bonus meat attached to them) with a honey & pumpkin based rub. Low & slow (@ 200 F) for first hour while getting initial hickory smoke. Now up to 225 for next 2 hours, then I decide whether to foil em for an hour or leave em be for 2 more hours.


    I don't usually pre cut my ribs but this rack came with some bonus meat not completely trimmed from the rack (long cut in front and on far right). So I decided to experiment.


    Seconds before hitting the grill:



  9. Did some pulled pork this weekend. I didn't take many pics, but here's a couple from about 3 or 4 hours in. That's a 9.13lb pork butt and a small rack of ribs to snack on while we cooked. Started a bit late in the morning (about 10:30am), ran weber at 210-230°F grill/kettle temp and we pulled it when it reached 190°F internal temp - about 9:30-10pm.  Beech & oak wood chunks used for smoke, if I recall correctly. Basted with apple juice-apple cider vinegar and water mix each time we added more lump or wood. (approx. every 75-90 mins)


    Sorry about the size of the pics.







  10. I like the Cream Ale, but I barrel through it way too fast, much the same as I do any less hoppy beer. I bought a 12 of 50 a few weeks back and it was like drinking water (sad to say). Still enjoyed it, but wished I had bought Toms. I'm on the fence with Headstock, I've bought it on occasion, but usually when I visit my friend Jon and we'll buy 6-8 random beers each and taste test, so it's usually been consumed after I've already had a half dozen other strong brews. Great label though. 

  11. I've tried Red Racer a few times. Thought it was pretty tasty (tough to beat that price), unfortunately the LCBO near my place is always out of stock. I seem to see it on the shelves early in the month only, not sure if that's due to popularity or lack thereof in this area.


    Picked up a couple cans of Dinner Jacket O'Red IPA from Arch Brewing Company not too long ago, a bit too sweet for my taste, but a good Ontario brew over-all I guess. I've been kinda lazy in my experimenting lately though, and been happily settled in my standards - Mad Tom, Boneshaker and Tank House (fall back brew when no Toms or Shakers are available).

  12. Well, with some further digging I found that the .com .ph and .me are all legit demonoid addresses. Apparently the original crew that ran it had all three of those registered. So, it would appear it is back up and not a fake. I happily eat my words, but my suspicions about security and account stability remain. So, I'll be sticking to the small private trackers I frequent now-a-days.



    When this was announced a little while ago, I looked into it and it appeared like this was legit.  Their leech/seeder counters don't seem to be working at all so it seemed like there wasn't any activity, but after trying a couple of torrents, there was definitely activity.   


    Funny thing is, the L/S counter and user ratios never did seem to work correctly, even back in the day. My ratio never was accurate. I remember that the site was registering my d/l and u/l even though I wasn't logged in to my account. Seems it was basing things on IP over account.

  13. Can someone please tell me how Steamwhistle is a craft brewery?



    It's not, in my opinion anyway. But I've often wondered the same thing. The same goes for Sleemans be advertised as craft beer, I've never got that. My favourite beer currently is Mad Tom IPA (and Double Mad Tom FWIW) and I wouldn't call Muskoka brewery "craft", but fu.ck, they brew tasty solid ales.


    To be honest, I think of the 'craft' label simply as a marketing scheme now, or some sort of hipster thick framed glasses with no lens type sh!t. In other words, to be ignored, or at best taken with a grain of organic kosher pink sea salt.

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