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Posts posted by Esau.

  1. Is it just me or did the price of whiskey just go up in the lcbo by almost $2/btl?



    Probably increased. Perhaps due to season, or maybe a new brand, or new owners of an existing one have been redrawing deals. Considering the Auditor General's 2011 annual report which included a section about the price fixing going on between the LCBO and the suppliers via "needs letters" I'm no longer surprised when I see prices change suddenly, and at times dramatically. Pissed off and suspicious, but no longer surprised.

  2. tumblr_liuf36gxdf1qc2vw9o1_500.jpg


    You know what really grinds my gears? The lot of you entitled cunts getting all persnickety about a free album by one of the greatest bands history has ever known. Don’t like it? Delete it and in Steve Kimock’s famous words “Shuuuuuuuuut the fuuuuuuuuuuck uuuuuuuuup”. But are you doing that? Nooooooooo. You are getting on your high horse because you now have a new soap box to say you don’t like or hate U2. Bitching about one of rock's greatest philanthropists? I bet those less fortunate around the world aren't and have said "yes" when offered assistance that came from Bono. People still have opinions in this world? Good for you pion. Oh but you say that’s not what you are complaining about? What you are really complaining about is Apple force feeding you an album on your device? Well, I got a couple of things to say about that. First of all, most things on those fuÇking closed devices are force fed down your too-stupid-to-realize-you-are-a-sheep’s throat. Secondly that’s not really your device. Sure, you paid the same price as you would have to get a used car to buy it but guess what. Apple owns your fuÇking ass. Do you really think by now they don’t know your habits? I am willing to bet they completely knew what backlash was to come but they wanted some free press in the form of 100 million dollars. No one is watching tv. No one is listening to the radio. People don’t have time for advertising but guess which bitch got got again at the perfume counter? Have fun standing in line to buy that non-revolutionary iPhone6 you stupid fuÇking cows. “Caaaaaa-stanza”. Moo motherfuckers. And that’s what really grinds my gears.


    Now download this and go fuÇk yourselves in the mind and maybe, just maybe, you will be able to see for the first time in your lives http://dropcanvas.com/39tae/1      


    Stop drinking the kool-aid man. The whole "it's not really your device" is simply corporate propaganda bullshit. You own the device, not the service it connects to. Don't like the service? Don't use it. Product doesn't work without the service? Use a different product. Simple.


    "its a free album, delete it if you don't like it" - While that may seem like an innocent and simple enough thing, it obviously wasn't. If it had been I believe the outcry would've been considerably less, not too mention Apple wouldn't have had to release a removal tool specifically for that album. Seems there is less whining about it now that the album can be removed. Conciendence?


    Strange how ipod users can delete any other album they please, but that one required a removal tool. Questionable practice in my opinion.

  3. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/09/12/pay-for-cbc-crtc_n_5812780.html



    GATINEAU, Que. - The heads of CBC/Radio-Canada have told the country's broadcast regulator that Canadians are ready to pay to get the broadcaster's content even if many consider it an acquired right.

    They told hearings of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission today they are in favour of revamping the business model of traditional television.

    They say the current system has become less profitable because of the multiplication of platforms and new players in the market.

    However, the CBC/Radio-Canada executives would not say how much consumers would have to pay for the service despite questions from journalists and CRTC commissioners.

    Hubert Lacroix, president of the Crown-owned broadcaster, says new sources of funding are vital for it to ensure its survival or else the quality of its programming will decline.

    Jean-Pierre Blais, chairman of the CRTC, suggested that the broadcaster's funding is possibly a greater challenge than any regulations it may face.

    CBC/Radio-Canada has already undertaken deep cuts to its workforce to balance its books.

    The CRTC hearings will continue until Sept. 19.


  4. Did Zuckerberg buy them or something? (rhetorical) Seems they have the same attitude towards their users and product quality control.



    Apple's Map Of Canada Is Hilariously Wrong

    The new iPhone 6 is available for pre-order on the Apple.ca site. But click on the link titled "More details about iPhone delivery dates," and you will get a map of Canada riddled with errors. Ottawa is where Toronto is. Toronto seems to be somewhere near Cornwall, Ont. Edmonton is northwest of Calgary, instead of northeast. And Vancouver Island appears to be a peninsula attached to the mainland.






    The comments section made me laugh, especially the first comment.


  5. Bergevin is apparently kicking the tires on Martin Brodeur.



    Just read about that this morning, and I was wondering the same thing to be honest. Admittedly, I haven't been keeping up with much about the topic so maybe I'm missing some facts here, but from the articles I've read that quote Brodeur, he kind of makes it sound like this will be his last season. I get the "he'll bring great leadership and morale to the team" angle, and that Montreal is his hometown. I imagine it's a great feeling to finish such a successful career like his at home and can totally see why he would be up for it. But is having a veteran in his pay grade, possibly only as a back-up, really worth it opposed to investing in players who'll be around for a while instead? 

  6. I'm happy the shows are at the Sony Centre and not the ACC.



    Toronto is the only Canadian shows scheduled so far. Tickets on sale Sept 6. 







    Oct 17, 2014 Seattle, WA Paramount Theatre
    Oct 18, 2014 Seattle, WA Paramount Theatre
    Oct 19, 2014 Seattle, WA Paramount Theatre
    Oct 21, 2014 Portland, OR Keller Auditorium
    Oct 24, 2014 Los Angeles, CA Dolby Theatre
    Oct 25, 2014 Los Angeles, CA Dolby Theatre
    Oct 26, 2014 Los Angeles, CA Dolby Theatre
    Oct 28, 2014 Oakland, CA Paramount Theatre
    Oct 29, 2014 Oakland, CA Paramount Theatre
    Oct 30, 2014 Oakland, CA Paramount Theatre
    Nov 01, 2014 Denver, CO Bellco Theatre
    Nov 04, 2014 Minneapolis, MN Orpheum Theater
    Nov 05, 2014 Minneapolis, MN Orpheum Theater
    Nov 06, 2014 Minneapolis, MN Orpheum Theater
    Nov 08, 2014 Chicago, IL Cadillac Palace Theatre
    Nov 09, 2014 Chicago, IL Cadillac Palace Theatre
    Nov 10, 2014 Chicago, IL Cadillac Palace Theatre
    Nov 12, 2014 Cleveland, OH State Theatre
    Nov 14, 2014 Boston, MA Orpheum Theatre
    Nov 15, 2014 Providence, RI Providence Performing Arts Center
    Nov 17, 2014 Toronto, ON Sony Center
    Nov 18, 2014 Toronto, ON Sony Center
    Nov 21, 2014 Philadelphia, PA Academy of Music
    Nov 22, 2014 Philadelphia, PA Academy of Music
    Nov 23, 2014 Philadelphia, PA Academy of Music
    Nov 25, 2014 Washington, DC DAR Constitution Hall
    Nov 26, 2014 ark, NJ  Jersey Performing Arts Center
    Nov 28, 2014  York, NY The Beacon Theatre
    Nov 29, 2014  York, NY The Beacon Theatre
    Dec 01, 2014  York, NY The Beacon Theatre
    Dec 02, 2014  York, NY The Beacon Theatre

    Bob Dylan's The Basement Tapes Complete: The Bootleg Series Vol. 11 to be released November 4

    Compiled from meticulously restored original tapes many found only recently this historic six-disc set is the definitive chronicle of the artist's legendary 1967 recording sessions with members of his touring ensemble who would later achieve their own fame as The Band. The Basement Tapes Complete brings together, for the first time ever, every salvageable recording from the tapes including recently discovered early gems recorded in the "Red Room" of Dylan's home in upstate New York.


    Garth Hudson worked closely with Canadian music archivist and producer Jan Haust to restore the deteriorating tapes to pristine sound, with much of this music preserved digitally for the first time. The decision was made to present The Basement Tapes Complete as intact as possible. Also, unlike the official 1975 release, these performances are presented as close as possible to the way they were originally recorded and sounded back in the summer of 1967.


    Learn more about The Basement Tapes Complete and pre-order the album at www.BobDylan.com

  8. Awesome Chris. Looks tasty. I still haven't tried mesquite yet. I'll have to give it a go sometime.


    If you're finding 1 tbsp of sea salt is making your brine, rub (or meat) too salty, you can use less of course, but can also just shorten the brine time (or use more water), not use salt in your rub (if you used it in brine for example) or switch the type of salt you use. From what I've learned and from my own experience I've found kosher salt (the flake kind) seems to give me the best results. I had a couple over salty cooks myself and it sucks.


    Rinsing the meat under cool water after brining is a good practice too, then pat dry with paper towels. Rising helps remove any excess salt.


    This site has a great write up on the difference in the amounts of salt vs type of salt. (eg: ionized vs kosher vs sea). It covers just about everything to do with BBQ (smoking or grilling) so don't let the name fool you.


    Amazingribs.com - The zen of salt


    Here's a snip from the link above:


    You must be aware of which salt you are using when you follow a recipe that measures by volume because the grain size can make huge difference on the amount of sodium, i.e. saltiness. For example, one teaspoon of table salt, which is a small cubic shaped grain, contains less air than one teaspoon kosher salt, which is a larger flake and has more air between the grains. So if the recipe calls for a teaspoon of Morton's kosher salt and you use a teaspoon of table salt, the results will be saltier.


    They typically refer to Morton's Kosher since it seems to be the most popular, but I've only used no name bulk barn kosher and have nothing bad to say about it. 


    I've found my best results with brines are when I boil only one or two cups of water then add salt, sugar & spices then stir until completely dissolved. Then turn off burner and let mixture cool completely and add the remainder of required water for the brine (eg: 6 cup water brine, I only boil one cup). If you're pressed for time, you can accelerate the cooling process by adding cold water & sticking in the fridge/freezer, or add some ice cubes and let melt to cool. Just make sure the water is at least room temp (cooler the better though) before putting the meat in it to avoid starting a cooking process.



    Also, I typically only brine pork or poultry. For red meat I'll use a marinade or paste or use what is often referred to as a "dry brine" (contradiction I know) which involves only salting (mildly) one side of the meat and letting it rest until the salt draws the moisture out to the surface of the meat and dissolves the salt then reabsorbs the remaining moisture again. There is some controversy over this but I've found it works well when I've used just the right amount of salt.


    Amazingribs.com - Dry brining



  9.  It does, and did. Just wish he'd left the bottle.


    Downed half of the fatty anyway, will reheat the other half over the weekend. Turned out damn tasty.


    It may look burnt, but it's not, that's the 'bark' created from the rub. I forgot to get a pick on grill, so with all my might I took it back outside for this shot.





    My phone sucks for indoor pics, but here's the first slices. I'm amazed I was able to hold off long enough to take these last two..lol





    Now to find that neighbour of mine and get back into his whiskey. Cheers.

  10. Yep, at the underground. I was patched into that source, but unfortunately I forgot my headphones and wasn't able to check the input levels on my video camera so the taper & I just guessed what was a good input level. It turned out too loud, blow out in spots and is pretty much unlistenable. I have an untracked copy of the show though, for easier syncing with the video. I just need to get around to transferring the video to my computer. I'll have to hit my brother-in-law up when he's not busy, he has that equipment.

  11. FM radio is still a thing?



    Ha. I haven't actively ( or intentionally) listened to mainstream radio in a few years, and yesterday I was reminded of one of many reasons why. While in a taxi heading home from getting groceries whatever station the driver had on, the DJ made this assertion: "Next up, an artist as integral to the Canadian identity as Stompin' Tom Connors, singer-songwriter, Carly Rae Jepsen".



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