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Posts posted by Esau.

  1. Just saying it's possible to draw some conclusions about a person based on what they regularly read.

    I never mentioned I thought one would be smarter than the other.

    Not sure I understand your point then. I never disputed that it's possible to form your own opinions. But that's all they are, nothing more. All of my replies, up to and including the one you quoted were in reply to the comments about how reading a certain newspaper shows lack of education or intelligence. Hence, my asking you to tell me who is more educated or intelligent based on their reading material as you presented it. Since that was after all, the point of the post you quoted.

  2. If one person subscribes to High Times, Guitar World, and Mad Magazine while his neighbor subscribes to MacLeans, The Financial Times and Forbes Magazine, it's possible to draw some generalities about their differing tastes, is it not?*

    So if one person comes to work every day with an obviously left-leaning paper and another comes every day with an obviously right-leaning paper, isn't it clear that there is likely some fundamental differences in their views?

    I guess you could draw some "generalities" (personal opinions) of their taste, but not their intelligence. Although, I know of people who get those simply because they joined some mail order sub which included those magazines or they think it looks good on them when people see it on their coffee table. Personally, I've never inquired what the other guys at work subscribe to for home delivery. I have no idea how many bring their paper from home or simply buy one off the coffee wagon, probably since I've never really cared.

    *I know, I know, it's profiling, and I'm wrong to do it. Now let's suppose one of the magazine recipients is a lawyer while the other is a tree-planter. You get one guess which is which and if you're right you get a million bucks. Now, no profiling...which is which?

    Can you tell me which of them is more intelligent or was better educated first? Basing it only on your above criteria of course, so only one assumption guess and no profiling.

    I get your point and all, but when I'm at work it really doesn't matter to me what side of the political spectrum the guy next to me leans toward or what paper he's reading. Politics on the job is like whining about your old lady. No one cares. I only care if the guy I'm working with is in his right mind and isn't going leave me hanging (literally) while I'm climbing a tower/structure/ladder or if he's got my back when I stick my arm in a charged panel. Like I said, I have better things to worry about then judge some one else based on what they read during break time.

  3. For the record, I'm not defending the Sun. I'm arguing the assumption that everyone who reads it is of low intelligence or education. I personally don't buy it or really read it, but I certainly wouldn't judge a person based on what newspaper they bring to work. I have way more important things to worry about, like having a beer or getting laid.

    I'm sure there is people out there who take it as the gospel, but in my work environment for example, there really isn't much time for perusing actual newspapers so bringing a nation post or the globe and mail really is pointless as you don't have any worthwhile time read them. The Sun on the other hand is a tabloid, cheap, quick read, no real articles much more then half page in length, so it allows for some quick reading, passing around the sunshine girl or some fun bullshitting topics when we head back to work more-so then how much education someone has or their IQ.

  4. Sort of need a bit more info here, some or none of these may apply to you but it helps.

    -When your doing this google search are you using the google search in firefox/chrome?(top right of screen)

    -When you installed veetle was there a toolbar also installed? Perhaps one you removed?

    -Did you install vshare?

    -If you installed vshare did you also install a plugin for firefox or chrome?

  5. I really hope Winnipeg gets their team back. My distrust & dislike for Bettman though isn't letting me feel good about it just yet and after reading this article (and watching the video), I'll reserve any cheering until I see it's 100% official.

    CBC Sports contacted sources close to the deal, including a representative of True North, who said the sale isn't final — yet. Tuesday may be a target date if everything comes together, and it could be finalized as early as Friday, but none of that is set in stone and the process could take longer than that.


  6. Someone at work at the same problem not long ago and the solution was......................make sure your date and time are correct. Go to the lower right hand corner of your screen to find it.

    Yep. That is usually the cause. Definitely the first course of action at least.

  7. I'm reading Steven Adler's book and when describing G'N'R's first recorded "live" album - Live ?!*@ Like a Suicide - he claims that he was told that the only thing recorded live on Frampton Comes Alive were the drums.

    I heard the exact same thing about Kiss Alive, that the only live part was the drums and that they added the crowd cheering.

  8. The initial topic didn't make mention of that at all, but I'm not sure that it is inaccurate.

    Kudos and here I thought my "knee-jerk" reaction to reading this thread was hyperbole and better not posted, seems I should have posted it. Either way, I get it, us working class aren't very intelligent. Obviously we look at things in very different ways. Just to clarify though, what standard are we using to gauge this lack of taste and where did you find information that shows lack of education points to reading a specific newspaper? I'm really curious about that. Unless of course it just opinion and with that we'll just move on.

    Out of curiosity what constitutes lack of education here? No HS diploma, no grad school, no college degree, no university etc? Helps in understanding the viewpoints here.

    [color:red][edit to add]

    (And before anybody shits on me for being an arugala-eating elistist, please be sure that you have actually read the thing. Those in SoOn have regular access to it, but I don't believe that those of us in Ottawa do. It really is as bad as I have characterized it.)

    You do have access to it, it's called the Ottawa Sun - same paper, localized to Ottawa. Just like a few other cities across Canada

  9. So basically this whole topic boils down to the working class/low income are people who aren't intelligent enough to vote "properly"? I guess I'm one of those folks.

    I work in construction. More specifically, I'm a union electrician who primarily works in industrial settings. eg; steel mills, nuclear plants, hydro plants etc, and because I may read some meaningless rag like the Hamilton Spectator, Globe And Mail or Toronto Sun during one or both of my 15 minute breaks this deems a lack of education?

    That article reeks of "looking down the nose" at the working class/low income folks and/or pointing the finger at for Harper being re-elected. By the way, could someone explain what makes The Star a more valid upstanding rag over any of the other one-sided newspaper out there? What is it, bigger words?

    For what it's worth, I didn't vote conservative.

  10. Considering I've never heard of it until today, nor ever used it, I really can't answer your questions. Like I said, the website is useless for explaining how or what it really does.

    Hence, my question.

    [color:red][edit to add]

    Got my answer. No installation, just some web-based garbage I can't homepage.

    I guess I just have to wait for the script authors to update the sidebar scripts for chrome and firefox.

  11. I'm getting sick of google forcing the useless igoogle sidetab down my throat and constantly altering it just enough to botch the firefox & chrome scripts created to hide it.

    I've read a bunch of comments stating netvibes was a good alternative but I'm skeptical whether or not it's worth installing. I checked out netvibes wesbite but it didn't help much, their example video is nothing more the speedy flash with shitty music - not a bit of helpful information, or even a single example of it in action.

    So I figured I'd ask here and see if anyone uses it or tried it, and if it was any good.

  12. 2nd on Avira

    If your bothered by Avira free pop-up asking you to buy the full version, you can turn it off (so to speak) easily by denying the "Read and Execute" option of the "avnotify.exe" file in the program folder.

    Instructions how to do this can be found here. (No Mac instructions though)


    Heads up: For Windows 7 Home/Premium (32/64 bit), or Vista Home/Premium users, make sure you read the Windows 7 Home/Premium or Vista Home/Premium instructions (they are labeled as such). Windows 7/Vista Home version don't have a group policy option like the Business/Ultimate versions have.

  13. this comes in very handy...


    Agreed. I had a 2 year license but have since let it run out, the free version is still solid though.

    I also use Glary Utilities (free) and have found that it finds some stuff malwarebytes missed, but also misses some stuff malwarebytes picked up. So I run both ever couple days. Glary also has a ton of other utilities for cleaning up your system, although some you need to be careful with if your not really experienced with your system files. You could delete something your cpu/OS needs.

    Also, I notice Adaware (free) has beefed up it's free version now-a-days. I stopped using it when I hopped on the malwarebytes bandwagon, but recently read some good reviews (although it was always a good utility) about the new free features and I've been using that for my weekly deep/full scans and have been really impressed by it.

    I'm also running a 30 day trial of Emsisoft's anti-malware program and I'm pretty impressed with it's real-time blocking of tracking cookies, harmful scripts etc. Not sure I'll buy it though, but it seems like a good app so far. Very low system resource footprint as well.

    Not really what Todd was asking about, but in case anyone was interested.

  14. www.relix.com/news/2011/05/03/bob-weir-solo-acoustic-tour

    Bob Weir Confirms First Solo Acoustic Tour in 46 Year Career

    Earlier this year Bob Weir performed a solo acoustic performance at the Sundance Film Festival in conjunction with the release of the film The Music Never Stopped. On Saturday May 28 he will follow this up with an appearance at the Throckmorton Theatre in Mill Valley, CA as part of a Benefit for Ring Mountain Day School. Then, in August, he will embark on his first ever solo acoustic tour. Five dates have been announced (although the details of one remain TBA), with the first gig on August 2 at the Bijou Theatre in Knoxville, TN. This will be Weir’s first such series of shows over the span of his 46 years as a touring musician.


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