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Posts posted by Esau.

  1. I've got to get up around 6:30 and operate a table saw, so I gotta finish this beer since I don't want to be drinking while using dangerous machinery.

    Btw - that was a really cool Radiohead vid. Thanks, acoustic takes are always my favourites.

  2. Agreed. But, I'd still like to see full out decriminalization first, before legalization. Small steps ya know? Then start with educating doctors, police, government & the citizens of Canada on the topic etc. More research that is public knowledge, none of this behind closed doors shit that allows opposition to have a stronger voice. Once that is somewhat established, then I feel our country could move forward towards legalization and creating revenue from such. I just think a hard switch from illegal to legal would create way too much confusion, especially around election time which could cost that movement a hell of a step backwards if a majority of voters just weren't "in the know" making things even harder to move forward.

    On a related note, in mid august I'll get my medicinal permit. Only took 14 years.

  3. Only saw them once... opening for Neil Young, maybe 1994? at the CNE, along with Blues Traveler and Pearl Jam. My hazy recollection is that Soundgarden blew Pearl Jam off the stage.

    Aug. 18 93 actually.

    I was also at that show. Not sure I would say Soundgarden blew PJ off the stage (matter of opinion though, I suppose), but they definitely kicked serious ass. Actually every band did that day. I don't have the BT recording, but have the others. The only one unfortunately worth listening to (due to recording quality) is Neil. I spent a lot of time listening to Soundgarden back in the early 90s - mostly while I was sitting in the tattoo chair. Great music for that though. Great band to listen to with a handful of mushrooms as well.

  4. Here is all the current links on bt.etree for those of you like me, who enjoy lossless recordings.

    A couple different sources from the same guy to choose from. I haven't downloaded any of them so I can't offer any insight to quality.

    Click here for entire list of Phish shows in case any others pop up >> http://bt.etree.org/index.php?cat=5




    Watkins Glen International

    Watkins Glen, NY

    Source:Schoeps MK41(din) > Kcy > Sonosax SX-M2/LS2 >R44(OCM)24/96

    Location:FOB/DFC 6' stand

    Transfer:SDHC>Audacity 16/44 >Amadeus Pro>xACT

    Taped By: Chris King




    Watkins Glen International

    Watkins Glen, NY

    Source:Schoeps CCM4(ortf) Schoeps/VMS5u>R44(ocm) 24/96

    Location:FOB/DFC 6' stand

    Transfer:SDHC>Audacity 16/44 >Amadeus Pro>xACT

    Taped By: Chris King




    Watkins Glen International

    Watkins Glen, NY

    Source:Schoeps MK41(din) > Kcy > Sonosax SX-M2/LS2 >R44(OCM)24/96

    Location:FOB/DFC 6' stand

    Transfer:SDHC>Audacity 16/44 >Amadeus Pro>xACT

    Taped By: Chris King




    Watkins Glen International

    Watkins Glen, NY

    Source:Schoeps CCM4(ortf) Schoeps/VMS5u>R44(ocm) 24/96

    Location:FOB/DFC 6' stand

    Transfer:SDHC>Audacity 16/44 >Amadeus Pro>xACT

    Taped By: Chris King



    Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

    Super Ball 9

    Watkins Glen, NY

    Source: MBHO KA500HN[NOS/FOB/DFC] >>> Hi Ho Silver Actives >>> MBHO MBP 603A >>> Darktrain Silver Interconnects >>>

    Naiant LittleBox[Output Transformers] >>> Darktrain Silver Interconnects >>> Sony PCM-M10[24-Bit/96kHz]

    Lineage: Sony PCM-M10 > WaveLab 6[Normalize/Crystal Resampler/UV22HR Dither] > CD Wave 1.98 > CKRename >

    Traders Little Helper v2.6.0[Encode To FLAC/Level 8/Align On Sector Boundaries]

    Taped/Transferred/Uploaded by Bean


  5. Eddie Vedder

    Royce Hall UCLA

    Los Angeles CA


    "All Tomorrow's Parties"

    01. Soon Forget

    02. Happy Birthday

    03. Can't Keep

    04. ??

    05. Broken Hearted

    06. Satellite

    07. Thumbing My Way

    08. I Am Mine

    09. You're True

    10. Longing To Belong

    11. Parting Ways

    Eddie Vedder - Ukulele / Elec. Guitar/ Vocals

    James ?? - Violin

  6. Have you tried Smash Bomb Atomic IPA? The Only on the Danforth has it on tap. It's fucking good: 7.2% of hoppy goodness. Curmudgeon IPA is great!

    No, I haven't tried it. The few Flying Monkey flavours I've tried were alright though for American style crafts. I did see it on tap at a bar in Burlington awhile back though, but it was a work deal so drinking wasn't an option. I'm pretty sure it's on tap at one or two bars here in Hamilton as well (Winking Judge comes to mind). It's too bad the LCBO can't/won't sell it right now. Apparently it has something to do with the packaging and/or name if I remember correctly, I think read it on the LCBO's website awhile back.

  7. Muskoka brewery makes some great beers, especially their seasonals. I've been enjoying the Summer Weiss, nice brew when out in the sun on a warm/humid day. Although, the candy banana scent took some getting used to.

    I haven't sampled the Mad Tom's yet, although they are on my radar. We're heading to Bracebridge to visit some friends this summer and they have a friend or cousin that works at Muskoka brewery so we're pressuring for a tour of that place as well. I'm getting addicted to brewery tours!

  8. Picked some of these up at the brewery yesterday, it was their 4th anniversary gala. Meads and fruit beers were the spotlight, I tried a few samples but I haven't developed a taste for them just yet. They are actually starting to know who we are when we show up now as my friend John and I have made it a every second weekend deal.

    Haven't crack one of these yet, but will after dinner as recommended by my friend John who loves this one.

    The Russian Gun Imperial Stout pours deep brown – nearly black – with a lasting tan head. Notes of chocolate, caramel and coffee mingle nicely with the 9% abv but without an overpowering alcohol flavour. An extremely well-balanced beer.



    GRB also took home a handful of awards at the 2011 Ontario brewing awards event in may.

    Two of their British India Pale Ales were among the people's choice winners - Curmudgeon IPA & Plowman’s Ale.

    Russian Gun Imperial Stout also won a peoples choice for stout.

    I'm really starting to enjoy these British style IPAs a lot more then the summery light style of the American IPAs.

  9. Here you can get the artwork for this collection. >> http://bigozine2.com/roio/?p=544

    For the completists out there. This source is a new and improved transfer/source as of winter 2010 - one caveat is that it's missing the first song of the sound-check (D1-t01) - 'The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down'. Also missing is Garth's solo because the tapers had to cover-up the gear due to rain. Not a big deal or game breaker by any means, but for those (like me) who enjoy having or knowing about the entire circulating recording, just a heads up.

    If anyone comes across the 6 CD collection please let me know, I can piece it all together with different boots/recordings, but my collectionist ADD is eating at me and my sources vary in quality (studio/FM/AUD etc). I'd like the entire circulating AUDs.

    [color:red][edit to add]

    I was able to find the text file that came with this when I d/l it. It explains why some songs are missing and/or cut for any interested in a bit of the tapers experience getting this, here ya go..


    I had not been to the Woodstock festival, so Watkins Glen was my chance to go to Woodstock in style: A tent, cooler, ice, food, beer, and a Chrysler Newport, and my friend Arti.

    We had 2 brand new Sony ECM-22P electret condenser microphones and the trusty Hitachi 222TRQ stereo cassette recorder.

    The concert was scheduled for Saturday, we arrived Tuesday afternoon, set up camp a ways from the concert field. Friday morning there was a rumor that the sound check was going to happen later that afternoon, and that ticket holders would be allowed in. Friday, just around noon the gates were opened. We headed for the front, our goal 40 feet out dead center from the stage. Unfortunately there were people already there, the only prime real estate in that vicinity was covered by about 2 inches of water, as it had been raining off & on all week. The promoters were thoughtful enough to supply bottled water, pallets of it, to the ticket holders. Seizing the opportunity we gathered 4 wooden pallets and walked them all the way up to the prime but flooded area. We placed the pallets over the water and squared them, put coverage on top and presto, we were dry and soon would be high. We were about 40 feet, dead center from stage,or about halfway between the soundboard & the stage.

    We had brought 4, 4 ft long 1 inch wide metal conduit, with couplers, to hoist the microphones. Everything was set as THE BAND took the stage. We had our mikes up, way up, and with the surprise of the Friday event, the crowd was not so dense, making us quite visible from the stage.

    There were flyers circulated by the promoters which threatened that there was to be no recording of the concert cords would be cut the flyer stated. THE BAND went through there sound check, we went through ours, the sound was a little strong, especially with our mikes so high and close, we were thrilled.

    I do not remember if there was a complete BAND song as the first soundcheck tune. If it was, we either had the pause button on or were not ready. I do not remember either way.

    The levels attenuated properly towards the end of the set, and then the Allmans came on. We decided not to record the brothers. Next the DEAD came on, as they began to play Phil Lesh looked out and asked are you all ready out there? We thought he was talking to us, but weren't sure.

    Everything was going fine, the first set was drawing to a close. It was during BIRD SONG that we were accosted suddenly by a big red headed and bearded goon, who waded through the crowd and demanded that we cease taping immediately and wanted our tapes and our blanks. I was standing, Arti crouched down and began fiddling, I kept yelling at the goon to waste time and keep the jackass busy so as not to actually be able to see or get his paws on our stuff. He was also distracted looking behind us to locate his next victim, anyone who was taping the show. Arti came up, handed him a cassette tape and 1 box of TDK SD90 tapes, it was half of our supply. The goon grabbed our stuff and took off behind us. Arti had given him a blank, good thing because the tape we were using for the DEAD was also the one we had used for THE BAND's sound check.

    We stopped taping, our tape ends in the middle of BIRD SONG.

    The set ended and during the break it got dark. We hand held the mikes and taped the spectacular 2nd set with that awesome jam, we were shaken, paranoid, but determined to pull this off.

    Saturday, we decided to lower the mikes, using one four foot section hand held just about head level. This is why you can hear lots of audience during the Saturday show.

    Also, with the crowd gathering and the inevitable crush of the latecomers to the front, this caused jostling even up on our pallets. Arti & I kept watch over the deck and recording levels. There were 2 other "friends, mitchell +1" who held the poles with the mikes. The instructions were to keep the mikes down at head level. This is why there are multiple dropouts of the high frequencies, mainly on the left side. The mikes were separated, held by 2 people who at times could not see each other. There are periods when the stereo image is better than others. The idea was that any recording would be better than no recording.

    Also, it rained throughout the day, mainly during the BAND's set. At a couple of points it rained so hard we stopped recording and covered everything, even the wires. That is why there is no Garth solo during the rain.


    The DEAD played first, we were paranoid and did not take our eyes off the goon squad on stage. We operated in stealth mode for THE BAND, who played next.

    The ALLMAN BROTHERS played in the dark, we were not so paranoid by them, we had also peaked during THE BAND, so we were a little more composed. This was my first association with Genesee cream ale, which we had an ample of supply in the cooler. I have not traded this show ever, the only people who had copies were 3 of us and a small circle of trusted friends.

    It would be nice to get a sound board of THE BAND'S SET, One exists, for the bogus live from Watkins Glen official lp contains a few soundboard tunes, as does The Bands "TO KINGDOM COME", An entire Sound Board of this show would be great. Ever wonder why the dead shows were all taped but the supporting bands were not????

  10. Good morning! I swear I had a better thread title planned, but wake & bake & forget. loljb.gif

    Japan scientist synthesizes meat from human feces


    Somehow this feels like a Vonnegut plotline: population boom equals food shortage. Solution? Synthesize food from human waste matter. Absurd yes, but Japanese scientists have actually discovered a way to create edible steaks from human feces.

    Mitsuyuki Ikeda, a researcher from the Okayama Laboratory, has developed steaks based on proteins from human excrement. Tokyo Sewage approached the scientist because of an overabundance of sewage mud. They asked him to explore the possible uses of the sewage and Ikeda found that the mud contained a great deal of protein because of all the bacteria.

    The researchers then extracted those proteins, combined them with a reaction enhancer and put it in an exploder which created the artificial steak. The “meat†is 63% proteins, 25% carbohydrates, 3% lipids and 9% minerals. The researchers color the poop meat red with food coloring and enhance the flavor with soy protein. Initial tests have people saying it even tastes like beef.

    Inhabitat notes that “the meatpacking industry causes 18 percent of our greenhouse gas emissions, mostly due to the release of methane from animals.†Livestock also consume huge amounts of resources and space in efforts to feed ourselves as well as the controversy over cruelty to animals. Ikeda’s recycled poop burger would reduce waste and emissions, not to mention obliterating Dante’s circle for gluttons.

    The scientists hope to price it the same as actual meat, but at the moment the excrement steaks are ten to twenty times the price they should be thanks to the cost of research. Professor Ikeda understands the psychological barriers that need to be surmounted knowing that your food is made from human feces. They hope that once the research is complete, people will be able to overlook that ugly detail in favor of perks like environmental responsibility, cost and the fact that the meat will have fewer calories.

    Waste not; want not.

  11. Man, what a show. As always, DBT delivered the goods, full force. DBT claimed it was their favourite show of the Ontario run and I think the five encores say it all. Thanks DBT for melting my face once again. Overall a ton of fun, great venue, great sound, awesome beer prices ($4 a can), chill/friendly staff. I forgot just how awesome the Starlight really is & for a small venue they sure did it right. I can't beleive I've seen the Truckers now in two venues that small. I think word of the London shit made it around as the guys from the opening band - The Beauties - made a comment about a guy coming from London and he got boo'd... loljb.gif

    When DBT was coming on I went to the truck and grabbed my Boston jersey, when coming back into the bar I was told to not start any fights. loljb.gif No fights, or risk of, but I did get a fair number of boos, but all in good fun. I did however get me a few free beers from one bartender as she was also a B's fan and we we're high fivin' through-out the evening.

    Thanks to elemno for putting me up for the night and gettin my ass back to steeltown today. Couldn't ask for a better night. It's been a couple awesome days around here.

  12. I think The Decemberists is the only band that didn't give the ok to be streamed (unconfirmed), so you may or may not get their set.

    Click the link below and then click this icon button_play_now.png


    Thursday, June 16, 2011

    10:00am — Gates Open

    11:00 - noon — Tim O'Brien & Kevin Burke

    12:15 - 1:30pm — The Head and The Heart

    2:00 - 3:15pm — Cornmeal

    3:30 - 4:45pm — Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper

    5:15 - 6:30pm — Steve Earle & the Dukes (& Duchesses) featuring Allison Moorer

    7:00 - 8:30pm — Sarah McLachlan

    9:00 - 11:00pm — Telluride House Band featuring Sam, Béla, Jerry, Edgar, Bryan & Stuart

    Friday, June 17, 2011

    9:00am — Gates Open

    10:00 - 11:00am — Joe Pug

    11:15 - 12:30pm — Chris Thile & Michael Daves

    1:00 - 2:15pm — The Infamous Stringdusters

    2:45 - 4:00pm — Jerry Douglas featuring Omar Hakim & Viktor Krauss

    4:30 - 5:45pm — Trampled by Turtles

    6:15 - 7:30pm — Emmylou Harris

    8:00 - 10:00pm — Béla Fleck & the Flecktones (The Original Line-Up)

    10:30 - Midnight — Railroad Earth

    Saturday, June 18, 2011

    9:00am — Gates Open

    10:00 - 11:00am — Band Contest Finals

    11:15 - 12:15pm — Nora Jane Struthers & the Bootleggers

    12:30 - 1:45pm — Emmitt-Nershi Band

    2:15 - 3:30pm — Tim O'Brien Band

    4:00 - 5:30pm — Yonder Mountain String Band

    5:45 - 6:00pm — Telluride Troubadour

    6:15 - 7:30pm — The Decemberists

    8:00 - 10:00pm — Sam Bush Band

    10:30 - Midnight — Old Crow Medicine Show

    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    10:00am — Gates Open

    11:00 - noon — Darrell Scott & Friends' Father's Day Gospel Hour

    12:30 - 1:30pm — Edgar Meyer

    2:00 - 3:15pm — Abigail Washburn & the Village

    3:45 - 5:00pm — Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band

    5:30 - 6:45pm — Punch Brothers

    7:15 - 8:30pm — Mumford & Sons

    9:00 - 10:30pm — Robert Plant & Band of Joy

  13. I didn't go, but read about the same shit over at three dimes down forum.

    I am still shaking my head over the events of last night. Assholery was out in full force... about 6 or so pathetic dumbass drunken amateur's who, when there weren't suckin' and spitting their disgusting tobacco, were prancing, jumping and slamming about ( yes, prancing is the word that describes it best ), touching themselves, grinding into this beyond loaded other man in front of them, decided to start heckling Patterson and, even after P-Hood said FUCK YOU, proceeded to toss something up on stage. All this in the first 30mins ~ yay


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