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Posts posted by Esau.

  1. I have ADHD and I have learned i do better when typing and not writing stuff out Will an iPad be good for that?

    I have ADHD and I have trouble focusing but I do a lot better while typing and I dont wanna carry my laptop around because it is old. I am wondering if i got an iPad and brought it to school and got a case that i can prop it up on at angle to type on. Would that be a good choice as an alternative to writing it out?

    a couple of friends of mine prepared their usual amount of gear in the usual way, both have a large tolerance and take 50mls (250 mgs) of methadone so use .6 or .7 between them, this time the girl got a third of the way down the syringe and felt similar symptoms as when you are about to 'go over'- extreme itching (unbearable) blood rush to the head, funny taste in mouth etc. after a while she had the rest of the hit and this passed off normally. this then happened to the chap same symptoms but with some face swelling. Am i right in thinking this was high levels of codeine causing this?

  2. just saw a press conference. 3 injures - all now released from hospital.

    So it sounds like the reports from the paramedics was incorrect. Good to know.


    One man is in life-threatening condition after a stage collapsed at the Ottawa Bluesfest Sunday night during a severe thunderstorm.

    A 46-year-old man was taken to hospital after a piece of the stage pierced his stomach, according to Ottawa paramedics. The man also had a fractured leg and pelvis.

  3. Sorry I misunderstood I guess. I thought you meant posting them here after they were up on youtube.

    Uploading to youtube requires you have an account (most good hosting sites will). You may also require a gmail account - I use a second gmail account so I don't have my real name from my main email showing up.

    I haven't uploaded to youtube in a few years, but I know the videos must be no longer then 15 mins in length and less then 2gb in size.

    Here's some instructions I found.


    Another option for hosting is vimeo, they seem to be pretty good as well, although I've never used the site to host.


  4. Pretty good season opener.

    Since this could possibly been seen as a spoiler, I figured my comment was best posted like this - no actual details, but just in case.

    my comment

    Gus finally does something worthwhile of his stature on the show besides serving chicken. Have to say I didn't quite expect that happening when it did.

    On an unrelated note, anyone who isn't watching HBO Canada's "The Yard" is totally missing out on one of the greatest comedies I've ever seen. Don't google it, don't research it, just find it and watch it. It's only scheduled to be six episodes long, and episode three just aired the other night.

    I just came across this via On Demand and have to say I was laughing pretty hard. Unfortunately episode one has bad audio issues so I more-less missed the character build up. Episode two worked though and was also quite funny. Looking forward to checking out more.

  5. No need to reduce size. Youtube default size settings are usually not too big.

    There is two ways to post videos from youtube.

    1 - just above the post/reply box you post in is this icon > youtube.png

    Clicking will pop up a box for you post the last bit from a video URL. Highlighted below. But, everything after the "watch?v=" usually works too.

    www youtube.com/watch?v=Q7PdxdXzskU&feature=feedf

    2 - Under the video on youtube you want to share is a "share button" if you click that you'll have the option to a) copy the url B) email a link c) embed the video

    Click the embed button and copy the code, then paste it in the post/reply box here. Then below the reply/post box instead of "use Markup" select "Use HTML" and click post.

    But, if resizing is needed, it's set on youtube via > "share" > "embed video". You see the resize option after that.

    I know option two (copy the embed video code) works with other video hosting sites like vimeo and most other embed-able videos - not sure about option one, I think it's youtube only.

  6. Re: MMJ

    I watched an episode of American Dad last night for some reason (I really never watch the show) and MMJ was in it, the entire show pretty much revolved around them actually - had the band in cartoon form, voice overs etc. Before I crashed out I hit here and FB as usual, and saw the reviews coming in about the MMJ show at bluesfest. Pretty irrelevant to this thread I suppose but kinda made me laugh considering the TV show was more then likely on while the live show was.

  7. The former The Smiths frontman declared war on Morrissey-solo.com after owner David Tseng refused to prevent members from discussing the star's private life or criticizing his career moves.

    The singer stepped up his campaign against the forum last month by taking to the stage during a show in England wearing a T-shirt printed with the words: "F**k Morrissey-solo.com".

    I don't get musicians like this, if you don't want people to talk about you, be interested in you or your career perhaps it's time to retire.

    "buy my music, and concert tickets, but just don't talk about me or I'll get mad"

  8. Well hopefully some of that twenty million will be folks I know. bouche is the only person on my page, and ya'll here are the only people I know who are using it or even heard of it. I sent out some invites yesterday only to have to an email sent back asking me to explain what it was for, then just got the "I'm on FB but thanks" reply or that they don't trust google.

    Hopefully it gets beefed up a bit, seems like it's got potential but a lot of people really are sketched out by google in terms of security and privacy it seems, which is funny considering some of them still use IE. loljb.gif

  9. Sorry man, as mentioned I don't know who took them. Admittedly, I misread your post when I posted them and then realized what you were actually looking for. I edited the post and added the links where I found them, but I didn't see any credit given to the photographer. Figured they may at least help in case you don't find the credit for the one your looking to use although they may be of no better help.

    Sorry about that.

  10. nah - regardless if it comes across as a douchey diva thing to do I wouldn't want to see people throw stuff at the guy. I mean, if you don't like his music, why go and if you do enjoy his music you wouldn't think of throwing anything, let alone meat. I just thought it funny picturing being searched for meat products - When was the last time you brought a steak dinner to a show. lol

    Apparently though he has in the past had sausages thrown at him, which to me is a real bullshit thing to do, so perhaps he's justified. Although banning all meat products at a festival for the day your playing is right up there with Prince threatening to sue a fan for painting a picture of him, or getting a tattoo of his "likeness".

  11. loljb.gif


    Security guards at Middlesbrough show were told to frisk punters for meat

    Ticket-holders who were entering Morrissey's gig at Middlesbrough Town Hall last Friday (July 8) were searched in case they were carrying any meat products, according to reports.

    The former Smiths man is an extremely strict vegetarian and is known to demand that venues he perform in have no meat on the premises, but this is the first time he has insisted that gig-goers be searched for meat.

    According to the Daily Mirror, when fans entered the venue they were directed toward security who searched their bags for any meat products.

    One concert-goer, Mel Stokes told the Mirror: "As you went into the venue you were funnelled through to the top of some steps where they were carrying out searches."

    "A member of the security staff then went through my bag and told me that they were checking to make sure that I was not carrying any meat products inside."

    Earlier this year, Morrissey had insisted that Belgian music festival Lokerse Feesten, ban all meat from the site on the day he is due to perform.

    He headlines two gigs in London next month.

  12. I'm getting it on tap from a bar called Beer Brothers here in Regina. Beer Brothers has an insanely awesome selection of craft brews the likes of which I have never seen in Ottawa. The selection is phenomenal. The food is great as well. Staff are friendly and highly knowledgeable in beer lore.

    I stumbled upon them my first night in town and will keep going back until I leave for Winnipeg. A real beer lover's oasis on the Prairie.


    The actual tap menu is about five times as big as the online representation, and the bottled selection is enormous. I think it was destiny that brought me there.

    Awesome. Thanks for the heads up. If all works as planned for my westward trip, I guess I'll be staying an extra night in Regina come sept.

  13. Awesome!

    If your into Sagan (he was a poet after-all, on top of being a genius) you'll want to check out this. I follow this guy (melodysheep) on youtube, very creative stuff. He's made autotuning an art.

    This where I got me signature actually. I love this.


    Here's a link to his website. He's made auto tuning an educational art (in my opinion) he made (and continues to make) these cool videos. He composes, plays and creates this stuff.


    This is really cool actually. Maybe in a nerdy way, but awesome regardless.

  14. Check out the entire Le Reservoir performance in that case. It's all acoustic goodness. Readily available on YouTube.

    Will do. Not a band I usually listen to, but over the years, hanging around here I've grown to appreciate a lot of their music.

    Not from that shopw your refering to, but a favourite of mine..acoustic or electric.



    [color:red][edit to add]

    I think this is the first RH video I've posted here...you got me off track LR. Good job.


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