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Posts posted by gentlemonkey

  1. Decuf said that Colepaugh is playing tonight with nice Rack opening- thats the band the waitress plays in- short blondie.

    I'd hit decuf, colepaugh is apparently a real treat, and i dont think he's played much in Ottawa. Club Saw is a pretty rough venue. and i dont think estradsphere got across. babylon has the gascd tour with Chris (?) and Kate Fenner and someone.. but its 15.00

  2. i guess that did come off as sappy.. wasn't supposed ta. Hey Reba!! Thats my pillow that was left at your place.. if you could hang on to it, I'd appreciate it. dont think we'll have time to swing by this weekend- but we're in K-town in late June, i could just reclaim it then whilst i sleep on your floor. wink.gif" border="0 thanks!

  3. strange, wonderful and scary all at the same time! mostly wonderful..

    I think my co-workers are planning some kind of party for me, i saw the guy next to me looking up the number for 'carlos pizza'- my fave.

    on yellowpages.ca

    Which also means my last day posting incessantly on this board. Thanks to everyone for all the entertainment over the last year or so.. I'm going to miss it. i'll definitley checkin whenever i can. smile.gif" border="0

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