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Posts posted by gentlemonkey

  1. Hey everybody-

    Thanks a lot for such an incredible tour sendoff last night. and to all who contributed to the "reminder- dentist tuesday" card- Thanks.. brought a tear to our collective eye.

    thanks to brad for all his hard postering/flyering, and to everyone who helped spread the word of the show so well.

    We kind of dropped the ball on the draw, and for that i apologize- i was blinded by the light- of rock!

    420!!! grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

  2. H,

    I think the tags are on our bus, I'm not sure- and i can't check because it's at home, and I'm at work-same with pablo. But i know there was a mystery bag with nametags and the clock for the newyears countdown, and when i was trying to sleep in there last weekend the ticking of the clock was driving me mad. So I'm guessing the name tags are still there too.

    hope that helps somehow.

  3. They played spine of a dog?!?! shit!! i knew the first set seemed short.. aaaah.. oh well. we got there mid captain america and assumed it was the start.

    you say potato and i say 3.

    Iiiiiiiii am a pinball machine.

    Iiiiiiiii can't tell the difference be-tween.

    Myyyyyyyy belly button or naval

    ping pong pool cue or a fooz ball table...

    that means jaybone got his 2 picks. smile.gif" border="0

  4. Chameleon is right. what a fuckin show. First show of tour and they played like they just came off a month of intensive practice. Bring it back home in the first set was sweet, but the MEAT! later that set was too much, that room was literally bouncing. I got drunk on Blue and dancing like an ape on horse tranquilizers.

    Timmy Tucker kicked ass too. It also says a lot about a band when they come out with a big encore like "godzilla" and you are wishing it was another moe. tune. looking forward to more in the future.

    Crew was the shit too.

    smile.gif" border="0

  5. hahaha.. sorry hood. i am just really excited about moe. tonight.. and i like making up random lies when the opportunity presents itself, as i decided it did earlier in this thread. I love ya buddy, (i am kind of testing the waters..*dips toe, mmmm nice and warm) confused.gif" border="0

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