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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Im half thinking maybe just take the lat bus wednsday night and staying the night over maybe
  2. Yea I checked out Grey hound and thats a possiblity you know any other shuttle ideas C towns? And Naw I dont have a fight but its just a matter of figuring out how to get down then I just chick purchase on what ever flight fits
  3. Hopefullly something comes up soon cause things are getting close! haha if not I got a ticket to get rid of, darn not having a car haha
  4. Bump! Anyone Driving down to Buffalo got a extra seat I pack super light ( From Toronto),
  5. I know when I was working on the brick work up top on the gables, on the back side there were names Craved in the masonry Window jambs, Rottin kids It was acctually pretty neat
  6. HAHAHA It been a long time since Ive seen that one, Thanks for the laugh!
  7. That is a pretty cool contest, I think 10KLF is doing something simular
  8. The Royal Conservitory of Music is a Wonderful Hertiage building (right next to the Rom) I worked on it for a month or so last year
  9. I heard the hype on the Q all day while I was re-pointing Casa Loma, but didnt catch the acctual show hah
  10. I remember whenI used to Watch the Show popular Mechanics for Kids with host Jay (cant remeber his last name) and another girl who I dont knwo her name and I see them every now and then on Showcase movies
  11. Yea, I agree with yea maxwebster, Metalica is a bit of a left feild selection but I guess there is alot of people who enjoy a lot of differnt mucis and Music fesitvals are about bring people together to Enjoy, Un fortuniatally I dont think I will be at Bonaroo this year Metalica was kinda the last decision for me, Just my opion but I dont seem to Jive to Metalica not for me atleast but some people they float there boat and have fun all who go!!
  12. I just re read what I typed and it does sound funy but in the end I think I just like calling people douches That word just seems to flow freely for me
  13. What a douche!, I mean if your producing something like music ir entertainment, im sure you would know what your repersenting or who is getting you repersented from read what I did I thing Kid Sun there is a Douche and Jay Keep Rock cause you keep the Jams flowing steady in the heady TO Brother!
  14. Ima Run Naked any day !! of Year tell me when!!
  15. Hey guys Ive been planning on starting up a Gardin in my back yard this year, A vegitable garden is what im shooting for and I was wondering What are some do's/ Dont's and what is good and not too goo to grow. Any info would be much appreciated Want to get all set up and ready for the Spring acoming!!
  16. Ol'Hickster


    Im a Huge Meat eater( Working as a Butchers assitance for several years during high school) But Im really coming along to having a vegitarian meal plain to 2 days a week sounds awesome keep me informed and posted recipies I woudl love to try!
  17. MY fingers become less nimble the more beers I have, seems to be a problem these days
  18. Dam I cant type as im talking !! that sounded horriable
  19. I would strongly not recomend any sealers pr paint because Masonrys worst enemy is water, and mosonry is designed to allow water to pass threw and such But when you seal brick with piant or sealer you then are not letting the water to naturally come out of the masonry so the freeze and thaw and re freeze happenes all that is within the masonry and this will cause joints to erodes faster, Bricks to spald, crack and break, Im usually not good at explainging by typing but the basic moral is Let water enter and be released insted of let water be entered and not be repeased
  20. Ewww painted brick! Totally gross, but on a other note if you guys need help with pointing a masonary work ill always lend a hand
  21. If its been listed as a heritage location then I belive it would be provincal cost wouldnt it, im not too sure how the heritage act works in ontario,
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