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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. Dang, she's in Toronto tonight. I wanna go!
  2. Has anyone heard this whole album yet? I read a review that said this is the first Willie album you can tell his voice is going and Ryan Adams is a shitty producer. The tiny little bit I've heard is okay, nothing spectacular. I love Willie and Ryan so I'll probably end up grabbing it, just wondering if there's any opinions out there on this record.
  3. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH......... ME WANT!!! I recently lost half of TVZ I own and I've never been in such dire need of his music in my life!
  4. Thanks SOOOO... much for posting that! Fuckin' hilarious!
  5. I saw the Warehouse show a couple years ago as well. I enjoyed it for a while and then the gags got so old I just left. I think I remember it being a sausage factory too. I thought they were funny and they're a lot facking better then Jared Leto's band. I've never been to Ricoh, hope the sound is good.
  6. wow, Alabama Man! He's quick, he's tough, he's active! I thought this WAS the Slip message board.
  7. I don't think there is Mule Ticketing for the T.O. show. I'm also not exactly sure if that would be cheaper or not.
  8. Tina Yothers Tina Weymouth
  9. I don't think I've ever been to a Gov't Mule show in Toronto that didn't allow taping. I'm sure you'll be fine.
  10. The Mule are great but this is MY opinion of the finest modern representation of Southern Rock! That's how I roll!
  11. Worst Styx cover band I've ever seen!
  12. The most beautiful substance known to man... Pabst Blue Ribbon AKA Guelph Tap Water AKA NewRider's spit.
  13. What's wrong with The Alexandra Hotel? That's where we put artists that came to play The Comfort Zone. It's not the nicest room I've stayed in but I don't ever see much point in throwing down an extra $300 for a room that has plants and nicer paint.
  14. OH MY GOD I FORGOT TIMMYB!!! I wouldn't want to piss that guy off!
  15. oh wow, a your mama joke! Suddenly I feel like finding you at your locker and telling you it's ON after 4th period. I take craps that are more revered and respected then you. Now I'm on the last can of beer here so I can't argue with you all night like we usually do. Can we call this one a tie after your response and then continue when the beer store re-opens?
  16. you have to actually BECOME a man before your eligible for that one kiddo. Grow facial hair and maybe you can sneak in. Dildo.
  17. shit! sorry RayRay, who were you there again? daaaaaaa.......
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