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Low rain

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Everything posted by Low rain

  1. for a sometimes smoker detox drink and lot's of water worked
  2. Low rain

    Earth Hour

    we also had an acoustic jam- with guitars and candlelight! and friends!!! Perfect evening!
  3. I am happy that it is a nice Saturday with great weather and I am going to see lot's good friends tonight and great music!
  4. that was sooo much fun!! Hey Ken this should happen more often at PJC, say once a month!!!
  5. yep that's me and Sarahbelle sittin' here, drinkin' gettin' ready to............. (drumroll)go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Yaaaa!! I am sitting here with Sarahbelle gettin' ready to enjoy the dream!!
  7. I love seeing these guys play!! I can't wait! Everyone should come out, no one will be disappointed!!
  8. Does anyone here have 2 extras for Darien?
  9. Does anyone have 2 extra Darien tickets I can buy off of them?? Fingers crossed!!
  10. i am looking for 2 tickets for Darien lake, lawn or whatever, any tickets. Can anyone help me out???
  11. Happy Happy Birthday Evans!! Cheers!! Enjoy your day!
  12. Rosita la monstrua de las cuevas is a muppet from Mexico. She teaches spanish and is fun loving! She is the first bilingual muppet on Sesame Street!
  13. which muppet/character would you be???
  14. I don't know Sarahbelle?? - Sesame street???!! maybe!!!
  15. Wow, John, Congratulations, that's awesome! You and Krista will be missed though! Good luck and take care! We will have to have some more good times before you guys leave!
  16. It was a fun night for sure!!! Happy St. Patrick's day everyone!!! Good to see so many happy faces out!!!
  17. Low rain


  18. Happy Friday the 13th everyone!! Does anyone know what is goin on in Port Dover tonight? Any good music?
  19. Happy Happy Birthday Carrie! Enjoy! Cheers!
  20. c-towns!! no free grabass here, but I was happy to hear my request!!
  21. YYYYYAAAAAAAA!!! a few more hours!!
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