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Low rain

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Everything posted by Low rain

  1. Low rain


    haha! MarcO! What a great night!! It was so good to see everyone and the music was fantabulous!! I wasn't ready for it to end yet. Next Saturday United Steel Workers of Montreal, hope to see everyone at Pepperjacks!
  2. Happy Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy! Cheers!
  3. Thanks for all the good vibes! I am in healing mode now. When you see me out I will have way too big for me black glasses on; and being very careful when hugging people as to avoid my eyes. Thanks again!
  4. I can see clearly now the rain has gone, I can see obstacles in my way, Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind, It's gonna be a bright, bright SUNSHINY DAY!! I am sooooo happy! It went perfect, my vision is 20/20. It fluctuates at first for a while, but my vision is good, they said my eyes are doing very well. I am healthy and life is good! It's beautifully amazing!!
  5. Happy Birthday Marge!! Enjoy your day! Cheer
  6. Good positive healing vibes to you!! ~~~~~ (HUG)
  7. So tomorrow(Thursday)I am having my laser eye surgery at 12:30- 2:30!! So think of me and send some healthy perfect vision vibes!! Thanks!! I am excited!!
  8. I haven't gotten my presale tickets, but I got my second philadelphia day tickets in the mail earlier this week!!! YA!! I ordered those online the day of the official on sale day.
  9. Have a great birthday! Cheers!
  10. the sound did suck, but I loved the show. It went by waaaay to quick! Schwa, how did you like your beer, and double rye and ginger?
  11. Looking forward to the Steam Whistle show on Friday! Does anyone know the order of the bands on Friday? I am hoping USWM are headlining!
  12. Wow!! Sara two topics on your birthday! Good for you! Happy Birthday again! I hope to see you soon to celebrate! Cheers!
  13. The Grateful Dead make me feel happy!!! Seeing the Grateful Dead live is one of my most favourite things to do in the world!
  14. Happy Birthday! I hope you are having a wonderful day! Take care!
  15. Wisers, Forty Creek, Crown Royal, Canadian Club-- all good!!
  16. There is a bar downtown Hamilton called "Absinthe" on King St. They sell absinthe drinks at the bar. There are usually bands playing there too!
  17. I love this band! Soo looking forward to these local shows!!
  18. Sarah, I am going to go just to party with you!! Well, I guess to see JSB too!
  19. Buffalo and two Philadelphia shows in a row!!! WooHoo!
  20. Wow, I had no clue that those things happened. What happened to the couch? I had so much fun seeing everyone and enjoying the music. It felt great to have a late night at pepperjacks! Sorry that stuff happened to the bar Kenny.
  21. Do you know what time the presale starts on line? Is it through dead.net or a different site? So there is not a mail order on tuesday, but just online creditcard sale on tuesday?
  22. snail mail? so do you send a money order or how do you do it exactly?
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