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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. How undercover can you be in a hummer?
  2. http://lifehacker.com/5429789/twitter-gets-hijacked-and-nows-a-good-time-to-change-your-passwords http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/12/18/anatomy-twitter-attack-2-dns-iran/ Cyber-War?
  3. Uh Oh... that doesn't look good!
  4. I think I got all I needed with the trailer...
  5. Hey Yours Truly... come to toronto and let me pick your brain please! Beers and such on me!
  6. I kinda know how to read those schematics... and was recently thinking about redoing all the electronics on my epiphone les paul... be very interesting to see what comes out of this!
  7. Already have my tickets and super excited!!!
  8. Strange... just hating on vitamins? An old man once told me that he was a pharmacist for 50 years... and that he never once saw a vitamin in a pharmacy until they stopped carrying cigarettes... true story
  9. http://canadacomputers.com/index.php?do=ShowProdList&cmd=pl&id=NTW.541
  10. Only only caught the beginning of the threads this morning... and now they are gone! What happened?
  11. If you go through the options on the computer they actually have video examples of all the multi touch stuff you can do
  12. Best suggestion for getting use to the mac is to just use it... if you find yourself stuck with anything just post on here on on one of the apple forums or google it and you should find an answer pretty quickly You could use utorrent... but I highly suggest using Vuze. It will automatically detect what ISP you are on and change its settings accordingly (such as to avoid the traffic shaping of rogers) and even has a built in media server to streat over your network to itunes / ps3's etc... With the upgrading the ram... it is way expensive but the apple stuff is DDR 3... and you will hve to upgrade with only DDR 3... which is expensive wherever you get it... Make sure your system has at least 4 gigs coming out of apple and you are good to go. With the hard drive get the bigger size but make sure it is also 7200 rpm!
  13. Step 1: Unplug all wires Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit! But seriously if your laptop does not have a wireless card built in you only option is an external one. They make both pcmci ones and usb ones. No real permanent solution
  14. The Twelves remix of take on me! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz2sUVr9cvk
  15. Was just pointed in the direction of this free online text that covers a bunch of similar topics http://www.maths.abdn.ac.uk/~bensondj/html/maths-music.html
  16. Started reading this book recently... discusses the mathematical foundations of music... absolutely mind blowing. I suggest checking it out http://www.musimathics.com/ Got both vlumes off amazon for 80 bucks Canadian, and it showed up two days later.
  17. The Hold Steady Drive By Truckers The New Deal Shout out out out out (x2) Phish (Hampton Baby!) Moe. Umphrey's (x2) Cut Copy Envelope 3 Diesel Dog Mike Gordon Band The Dead Railroad Earth Telefon Telaviv The Killers (Worst Show of the Year Award!) Thievery Corporation State of Mind Bad Nut Beats (I think it was called) The Show The Real Cops There are definitely more... but people just came over and I need to get off the computer... will update
  18. @TheGoodRev I was strongly considering it... or taking out a small ad in the Metro. What an amazing human being
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