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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. So this evening on my way home from a 14 hour day at school, the last day of the semester, I got a little absent minded... I left my bag on the subway train. In the bag were a number of priceless and expensive items including 16 pages of negatives and prints from the last 4 month's, as well as my mac book pro with the last 6 month's worth of work, audio production, video production, downloaded tv shows, etc... I didn't notice until I almost left the station at Eglinton... and almost completely lost my shit. I ended up taking the subway all the way to finch having no idea what the fate of my belongings were, and almost cried... I admit it! When I get to finch I found out that my bag had been brought to the Supervisors office at Eglinton station and was safely awaiting my arrival to take it home. I have no idea whom the stranger is who rescued my bag, other than she was a mother with 2 young children. Well to that mother of two young children.... THANK YOU... THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH. Just thought I'd take a moment to share the little miracle I had today...
  2. Is rescue me that good? What do I ahve to look forward to?
  3. Been visiting boards2go rob?
  4. I found this recently on what... so I decided to share! Enjoy the holiday season all! (And I may just have another rare bootleg for all ya'l a little later in the month) Download Link
  5. Been playing with 7up 2.0 a bit.. it is a very powerful set of tools... but I find its layout a bit limiting... would rather have individual instances in each column. Now what stretta has coming out soon for max4Live is going to be where it is at.
  6. Well in theory you could. If you connected an IR receiver to an arduino (or other Micro Controller) and some basic code for the arduino based on what you want to be controlling... the monome could send serial communication to the arduino and sequence specific functions such as change channel, volume, power, etc...
  7. Soooo I don't know if any of you have had a chance to be introduced to the monome... but it is possibly one of the coolest devices in the world. The project is all open source, so you can build it yourself (either by sourcing the parts or buying a kit), and there is an amazing community building open source applications to use with it. Check here for more information I finally finished mine last week (although it still has no case). Since last weekend I have been playing around with all the different things I can do with it... today I was playing with a beat slicing application called MlrV and made this video... hope you enjoy!
  8. If you are looking for mega uploads check this link http://www.boards2go.com/boards/board.cgi?&user=soundboards Albany 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FLCJDGTR Cincy 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=94NQ3NYR
  9. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S9WI1OSV
  10. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FLCJDGTR
  11. Such an amazing show... Can't wait for season 3...
  12. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WPMMR8LF
  13. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DW5KIH88
  14. some suggstions Cully = Scanky AfroPoppa = ScankyPoppa
  15. And on the 7th day the nerd became a Scank
  16. I hate those bathroom guys... stop holding our soap and paper towel hostage!
  17. TheAlphaNerd


    Unfortunately I do not... BUT you can most likely get an invite if you go onto their IRC channel and ask nicely.
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