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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. I talk so much shit about moe, but have never heard them live... feel obliged to catch the show so I can continue talking smack... educated smack!
  2. Have you tried rubbing your hands together super fast until the friction makes them all hot like and then placing said hot hands on the feet? I saw Mr Miagi do it once and it worked wonders!
  3. Opera house will be a killer venue to catch me at
  4. So apparently we didn't have it that bad...
  5. Whether fake or not... it entertained me during a super dry lecture! I can't help it that I am internet gullible.. I gotta run now some Ethiopian is about to give me the mad cash to do some basic money transfer for her... what a sucker!
  6. Unfortunately I do not have the budget for hardware. I am going to 100% be charging for authoring time... problem is we have over 1200 different clips from 15 days.. over 300 gigs of footage. All of which would need to be re-encoded, then authored, then burned. Looking like it could be a solid week of work at least, to get all that done. If it were going to take that long I doubt they would want to pay for the service (would be over 1000 bucks). Oh well... I think I may have talked them into just doing interviews on disc, which cuts the workload into about 70 clips rather than 1200... much much simpler. We'll see!
  7. Wilco Bump... Just so no one forgets about pre-sale
  8. So I have about 20 hours of footage. All anally organized by shoot day and location. Client wants me to make authored dvd's of all of the footage. This is proving difficult due to the number of clips involved. Is there any way to automate the process that anyone knows of?
  9. 1. The Rye 2. The Bubble Boy 3. Crazy Joe Devola 4. Frogger 5. Goldfish (lost in the parking garage) 6. The puffy shirt 7. The doll that looks like George's Mom 8. You got a question, you ask the 8-Ball! 9. Nobody beats me, because I'm The Wiz! 10. Oranges for Japanese TV executives 11. Indian Giver 12. Pee Stain on the couch
  10. 1. The Rye 2. The Bubble Boy 3. Crazy Joe Devola 4. Frogger 5. Goldfish (lost in the parking garage) 6.The Puffy Shirt 7. The doll that looks like George's Mom
  11. 1. The Rye 2. The Bubble Boy 3. Crazy Joe Devola 4. Frogger
  12. We have to sleep with the windows closed, have no a.c. Will someone think of TheAlphaNerd's
  13. So I live around Yonge and Eglinton... and they turned the tennis courts in the park near my apartment into a temporary garbage dump during the strike. It is GROSSS! Well was gross. Today they started taking the garbage out. NOW my whole block smells like dog poo... it sucks. Dear Toronto, STOP SMELLING LIKE POO! Sincerely, TheAlphaNerd
  14. I would love to learn the context and history of this video
  15. Boyfriends Thread Includes some amazing responses such as deemster approaching the boyfriend on the subject... and the girlfriend hacking the boyfriends account. MUST READ
  16. Thread got out of hand and ended a PT relationship in most hilarious manner FROM LAST NIGHT deemsterfunk Posted: 07/30/09 5:22PM ET me: hey girl when you guna let me tap that? girl: um... me: that's not an answer girl's BF: knock off the sexual advances bro girl to me: well, uh, what are you doing later? me to girl: gettin busy witchu me to BF: stop cock-blocking BF to me: obviously kidding man. girl: i think you have me confused with the chick in that picture on [bF's] phone me: susan boyle? girl: now i'm confused. me: the lady from that talent show. girl: seriously tho mofo, do you have plans for tonight? i'm sposed to meet [friend] & [other friend] at the cellar at 7:30, you should come FROM THIS MORNING dconti77 Posted: 07/31/09 9:58AM ET so yesterday i am working, and my girl G-chats with me ... tells me her friend that is about to move away sends her a text saying something to the tune of "hey girl when you gonna let me tap that" ... I sent him one back telling him to back off and she assured me she told him to go screw, but seriously, i know this kid pretty good. now I know before we started dating dude would occassionally give her the drunken "wanna make out" line ... and so forth, but is thi scalled for, out of line, WTF what should I do PT ... I am thinking I might need to start something before he moves
  17. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KF2UI5E7
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