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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. Sigh... why oh why was I in class tonight?
  2. Wow... where's the brown coat though?
  3. I just want my news of bats in houses, and jay cleary concerts seperated from the constant bombarment of set lists, and media fire begging ... fine wahtever
  4. Surprised he didn't ask for only japanese men in suits
  5. Not that I really care this way or that...
  6. OHHH this is what you want I have not checked the link btw... so probably best to scan it prior to listening.
  7. Just to clarify this is a project that would involve soldering and lots of nerdy electronics work. This would potentially be my first project too...
  8. dromama from Altitude Sickness on Vimeo. edison.... new set up....! from edison on Vimeo.
  9. I have my hands on the parts lists and a source to buy the pcbs... never done a project like this but seems like tons o fun. Videos after the break
  10. AHAHAAHHAHAH... you didn't sound bitter enough though Where did all this hype come from?
  11. Happy birthday Blueboy... We gotta jam some time when you are in T.O.
  12. DUDE... just go to the passport office and pay the fee to get super fast passport service... you can get it done in 24 hours... might miss darien, but you can make the other 2! You just need a hand written letter stating you are driving over the boarder and what the plans are! DONT GIVE UP!
  13. Nice Grab! Need someone to go with?
  14. Well I was more referring to the acts upon acts coming in october Wilco + Moe + Kid Koala + Mike Gordon = Pasta month!
  15. Unfortunately not able to make it to darien... but I checked out your website and have to say I am really really impressed with the acts you are bringing to town Nosaj Thing The Twelves Pendulum Tiesto (I guess...) Moe Modeselektor Bassnectre I may not be able to street team for you on this one but I go to OCAD and would be more than happy to flyer some shows for you in return for tickets to the above shows... BEFORE YOU TAKE ALL MY MONEY!
  16. I'm not going, got a camp site I won't be using. Be more than happy to transfer it for a skank in need. Didn't cost me too much, so I won't be asking for too much. All I would like in exchange would be a really groovy lot shirt from the show... large. PM me if interested
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