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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. BAM http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GKSIY2PL
  2. Short version is that this guy sent me a script starring himself, where he is the smartest most successful person in the world with tons of women throwing themselves at him. Made me laugh when reading it...
  3. Nice!!! Thank you phunkyb and all others involved in taping!
  4. So I do a bit of film work here and there including script development... So a friend of mine who is a struggling musician sends me his idea... This is what I got. BTW, this whole script was written with my buddy as the main character, playing himself... name has been changed to protect his identity
  5. A time machine trip back to ancient Greece? I did a google image search for "Best Toy Ever" and the first result was this In all seriousness though get them a cool big lego thing, or maybe a puzz 3D, I always loved those!
  6. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/253492/
  7. Had an amazing time!!! Thank you to all the friendly faces!
  8. That dangerdoom album was AMAZING! There was a great track is Talib Kwali... another great artist who has yet to be mentioned yet.
  9. Check this out for some sick flowing rhymes
  10. A little further for downtown toronto than I was looking for... ah well
  11. Schwa you will be missed! I like them because Cully told me to personally.
  12. Phish: Red Rocks setlist - 7/30/09 Set One * Some bullshit song * Ocelotta Crap * More bullshit * They let the bass player sing? * Mommy dance? What the fuck? * Sounds like it was written in 7th grade * A horrible-shitfest-of-a-jam song * Trey mumbling > * Listening to Page cry * Awesome song about a dead possum Set Two * They let the bass player sing twice? > * More bullshit > * Trey wanking * Trey wanking * Trey aimlessly wanking * I have no idea * Oh my god, they have slow songs too. * Page wanking * Another horrible-shitfest-of-a-jam song E: Molesting a Rolling Stone's song Nice job for all you fucking morons who payed money to see this, I hope the next three days are a potpourri of dirt, body hair, wandering idiots and sexually transmitted diseases.
  13. bouche... I was of the same mindset for quite some time... but you have to recognize the difference between hip-hop and crunk listen to some Tribe called quest, and just attempt to not enjoy the music, and the lyrics! Very jazz influenced... very awesome! I hope to see you edit that post and purpalize that text!
  14. Courtesy of PT http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3UEPMPFZ
  15. #1 hIdea Midget Village Buy a forest. Adopt 8 midget babies every year (mixed race). Be the only non-midget around and raise them to think you're their god.
  16. I highly suggest some Daniel Dumile (MF DOOM) Specifically Monsta Island Czars (album and artist name) and his Victor Vaughn albums As well try and find Wu-Tang meets the indie culture... one of my favorite hip-hop albums ever
  17. Any idea when tickets go on sale... and if there will be a fan pre-sale?
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