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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche


    20091031 Loving Cup from patrick nelson on Vimeo.
  2. You made a 4 million dollar cap savings sound bigger than what it actually is, which is nothing in the end. These plugs are as cheap as they come because they are bottom dwellers and its safe to say any fan would take Markov back in an instant. This is nothing in the end from my point of view, it happens all the time in these cases and it should but it's a 'fake' savings. Dont forget that. Every GM leaves space for the trade deadline. Please dont try and paint this as something it's not but remember something. Gainey signed Bergeron. That's going to cut into his 'wiggle' room provided that fucking pylon is still with the big club when Markov gets back. I need a beer. Woof. Question. You are a Radiohead fan so I have to wonder. When Radiohead puts out their next release are you going to post "We just put out a new album." ?
  3. Then why even post that the Habs are gaining 4 million in cap space? What was the point of that? Come on! And who the fuck is "us" ????
  4. Oh fuck. Not this stupid shit again. I swear, I'm going to strangle someone. From last year's teachings: What happens when Markov comes back Roller?
  5. Three Little Birds - Bob Marley
  6. It was more like he invited the puck into his glove.
  7. Well I was wrong there. Good thing. Hope this is the first of many to get Price back to an acceptable level. He sure looked much better with his angles last night. Then again, let's be serious for a moment. What kind of first line was that for Boston last night? They wont be going anywhere fast until they get some forwards back. What a dull game.
  8. Dude, those werent ice cubes and it wasnt no chick but we were trying to revive you. Again.
  9. To be fair, a 50-50 music/dialogue thing wouldnt have got me excited but this is apparently a 70-30 music/dialogue thingie so I saw it more concert oriented and that's why I was hoping to be there.
  10. I didnt know where else to post this golden goodness. More hahaha PEI news: The City of Charlottetown demonstrated its latest weapon Thursday morning for keeping crows out of the Brighton neighbourhood. The Phoenix Wailer is a $4,000 machine that plays sounds of predators and gunshots to disperse crows to another location. The city has purchased two of the machines. The crows gather by the thousands in the neighbourhood, and are both loud and messy. "I've had people approach me continually since I've been elected to council about this whole issue of the crows. It was an issue before I was elected as well," said Coun. Rob Lantz. "This is just a pilot project to see if there's anything that can be done." The Wailers are just part of an arsenal of tools residents are able to borrow and take home for up to a month. Other crow-chasing devices include strobe lights and owl whistles. Residents are being asked to record crow activity around their home for a week before they take home one of the machines, and report what effect they had afterward. The city will evaluate the program in January.
  11. To be honest, I searched for Saturday tickets out of curiosity more than anything........but we'll see about the Krugers that night. We'll see. Dont get me wrong, I loved the show we did catch but our schedule is tight during the late afternoon/early evening. It will be a game time decision at best.
  12. Why? Its on the 4th stage, which is a fairly small room if I remember correctly.
  13. Booooooooo. I just tried to buy 2 tickets for either night and there were none available.
  14. That reminds me. My roomate and I were unemployed one summer around the age of 22 and we dosed a couple of times a week during work days because no one would bother us. One Friday afternoon, while peaking, we could hear someone calling my name from below. I look out my window and sure enough its another buddy. "Dude, get down here. We have a (lob ball) game tonight." "What?" "Yeah man. We have a tournament in Napanee this weekend, first game is tonight at 7:00" "FACK!" I scramble to get all my shit together and only think to bring my glove and cleats. Wore a tyedye instead of the jersey I believe. I got downstairs and buddy couldnt figure out why it took me so long especially since I didnt really bring anything with me. Normally I am a chatty fella but during this drive I was drifting in and out of my whereabouts while listening to tunes on the 45 minute drive. At one point buddy even commented that something was amiss with my behaviour. Sure enough, that got me thinking about it too much so I probably was even more strange to him. During the drive one thing kept popping into my head. "How thefuck am I going to play with all this shit moving about and all these colors exploding?" Well lemme tell ya. Even though I felt incredibly nervous the first inning and a half, that was my best game that season. I was in centerfield and I dont ever remember seeing a ball come off the bat the way it did that game. I got Devon White jumps on every ball. One sure double was hit (probably a triple in other states of mind) but somehow I got to it and gunned the mother fucker out at second, only idiot secondbaseman missed the tag. Whatever. Hit my only opposite field homerun of the season that game but I will never forget the ball coming off the bat while I was in center that night. Perfection.
  15. Quite sure I will be at the Friday night showing so I'll let ya'll know if I think it is worth checking out.
  16. Watched it last night. I'm with the Punk.
  17. The future of journalism:
  18. That's it! I know exactly where you got your idea:
  19. I really really really hope you are being sarcastic.
  20. I never said it wasnt the D's fault but I certainly dont expect much out of a rag-tag group of guys missing 3 of their top 6 who were forced to sign a player who was sitting around sucking his thumb as the NHL started. A goalie is going to have to pull saves out of his ass in that scenario. But this is about winning. Halak has been making the timely saves and giving them wins. Price has not and it's really that simple but I wouldnt expect a goalie to understand. They've got all they can work with amongst their group of defencemen right now. Did you see that glove hand goal last night? That was probably the worst goal he has given up in his career. Price's confidence is shot. Zero, zilch, none. He looks like the same goaltender from February on last season. Can you honestly say Price is the number one goalie on this team? Because if you can, you are full of shit. A goalie has to make saves and give his team a chance to win. I dont see that with Carey Price right now. He had a chance to showcase himself last night......oh well, might as well go back with Jaro.
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