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Everything posted by Booche

  1. So not only are you a mind reader for how the other participants in this league would react to said trade (in which you were obviously wrong) you also know how these players are going to continue for the next 70ish games? [color:purple]Yeeeeeeeeeah, Craig Anderson is definitely going to keep that pace. Please, tell me who to place my Pro-Line bets on this weekend and also tell me who is going to win the Stanley Cup. Thanks in advance.
  2. Until a trade you worked on for a week gets vetoed.
  3. I was just coming in to find out why that trade got vetoed. Hal, it's kinda suspect how you get the only veto rights and you are also near the top of the standings. Without a committee in place I see nofuckingway how you get the final say in ANY trade. That is fucking way more bullshit then the trade that was in place. Anyone not named Hal can have any of my players. I am dumping for nothing.
  4. The only good thing about watching that game on the tele from a Habs fan perspective were the guns sitting behind Jacques Martin.
  5. Wow, Gionta has had a bad game. Is he the one with the flu?
  6. End of the second, Pitt 4-0. Men amongst boys. They are so much stronger on the puck. I was saying to DaveyBoy earlier that if Crosby played the Habs his entire career and had things go his way like they have tonight, he would shatter all of Wayne's records. Tonight, Bergeron was a worse skater than I am. One knee and all but Gionta opened the floodgates with that boorific turnover at the blue line in the first period. Oh well. Gotta win the third period (or come back to tie!) and move onto the next game. This team is looking off tonight.
  7. Fair enough, but make a note to change that for next season. 1 player for IR is not nearly enough.
  8. Wow. impressive stuff! We probably saw some gigs together between Mars Hotel and Hurricane Bob. I was addicted to his playing. Hell, we probably gave one another Hep C.....fackin' dirty hippies.....
  9. Hal, are we really only allowed one IR spot in our lineup? That seems awfully low. Either add a few more (I would say up to three) or take a vote and see what others think but once someone notices their team has a few injured players, they aint gonna be too pleased.
  10. Holy shit. If this is the Kingston band from the late 1980's, or parts, then lookthefuckout. They had a couple of serious players. They were my first obsessive bar band! Matt Something Or Other was an insanely good guitar player. I dont think I ever registered his last name in my brain but he had so many fucking killer leads in seemingly every song, at every moment.
  11. Way.To.Go. Hat's off to all you Syracuse-going mutherfuggers, honestly. I dig you all for doing it. This is an EXTREMELY small show for that area of the Phish market stew, let alone on a Saturday night. The energy from the crowd should be, in a word, epic. I hope you get the music to match 'cause that will make it deeper and higher at the same time.
  12. Have you ever experienced their chocolate? Or beer? Those fuckers dont fuck around.
  13. Are you kidding me? I just finished watching this game. Things were looking bleak after that terrible first period but Les Brahs bore down. Awe-fucking-some. Why wasnt this last Saturday????? I love how this is building and I will say it again. Having a 'real' coach does wonders.
  14. Dinghy in MTL, celebrating a 2 goal lead. God bless him. The accompanying Youtube suggestions say it all.
  15. Spent the first set behind the stage at the 2003 Albany show, fantastic sound and a unique perspective but we went down to rage on the floor for the second set. I think we had a fair bit of room as well. All in all I definitely enjoyed it.
  16. Ok, first ticket Minny by 4 SD by 8 Hou by 4 Dal by 4 Chi-Cin tie 4 dollars pays 230 Second ticket: All ties Hou-SF Min-Pitt Atl-Dal Chi-Cin 2 bucks pays 161 Didnt realize I picked so many similar games until just now. Won 60 bucks a couple of weeks ago so I am up a solid 40 on the year but I predict I'll be in the minus at the end of the season.
  17. Jaro is getting his third start in a row.
  18. I'm going with Health Canada's recommendation rather than some crackpot nurse. If I end up complicated, oh well. It was my choice to roll the dice. I havent got the flu since I started getting the shot each year about 5 years ago. Coincedence? Perhaps. But to answer Ollie's original question....no. Just because I am getting a flu shot doesnt mean I wont get the flu.
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