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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Way to knock one out of the park!
  2. You should apply some lipbalm before things get worse.
  3. Elmer Fudd was getting lippy after the third week, so its great seeing him knocked from his perch. He doesnt deserve our respect so as long as he doesnt win I am all good.
  4. Aaaaaaah, that makes sense. I was hoping for a more entertaining explanation but that works.
  5. So I go and check out NW's team last night to see if he and I can find a suitable trade and notice the strangest shit. He has almost every skater on the bench, which begs the questions: Am I hallucinating here? Just what in the hell do you think you're doing? What are you people? On dope?
  6. God bless the Leafs for buying him out. ::points and laughs:: I dont even need to bring up how much Komisarek sucks this morning!
  7. MattyC told me 6 people in his Suicide Pool got knocked out this weekend because they took the Raiders. WTF???? Were people that caught up in the Eli-mystery? Putzes. Everywhere I turn. Putzes.
  8. As a Leaf fan, I would expect you to WANT those kids to remain in the minors so they can actually learn the proper way. Then again, maybe I have forgotten who truly has the stupidest fans in the league. Better than being the Raiders of the NHL.
  9. haha, did YOU just call me a tool? You're the guy who started out by saying you would trade one of your shitty second line players for a number one goalie!
  10. Well, CBS West left the Raiders game during the third quarter to show the PIT-DET one instead.
  11. I went in on 14 tickets for 80 bucks with the PEI boys. All ties in hockey + 4 NFL games PITT win INDY win PHILLY win MINNY win I wish I could explain this better but from what I gather, if we get all the football games right + one tie in hockey we win back our money. For every other tie its 80 bucks. I think there were 3 ties at least last night so we need the football games to come through and then we each win 60 bucks.
  12. Boomer talking about the Raiders jst now: Watching all these other games, they look like they are the worst team in football right now.
  13. Fuck ya man. Seeing a coach actually coach like a coach? Are you kidding me? This is fucking great.
  14. I logged in late last night to make my picks. Did I end up making them? Nope. Here we go: BUFF PITT DALLAS MINN GIANTS EAGLES CAROLINA BALTIMORE 49'ERS JACK ARIZONA NEW ENGLAND INDY NYJ 43
  15. Hey kids, this is a great weekend to make the best of friends and family.......do it. Had my first of two turkey dinners tonight. Well, more like 10 hours ago but I digress. His name was Dave and he was pure succulence. Apparently he had a bit of a fiesty side and started some chicken-brawls so my brother-in-law had to put him down before he got to the size he wanted him to get to.
  16. Fantastic Roller. I will have to email you for some of that translation but it's certainly easy enough to get. Haha. You got money for next weekend? There is still a ticket available........ Anyways, lot of work has been done avec Les Brahs but there is a ton more to do. There were definitely some healthy positives to take away from tonight's game but I certainly didnt care for the first goal by Comrie. That's a save an NHL goalie has to make, especially with their glove hand. "That's you're bread and butter asshole!" There was nothing Carey could do on the tip goal and I thought he could have played/positioned better on the O'Sullivan marker but I will have to see that one again to be sure. All that being said, Price has his head in the game which is such a great sign and is covering the net well and also playing the puck decently. The team also rebounded nicely after being down 3-nothing. I liked seeing that. Moral victories abound. Bigtits rode the fucking pine after his BRUTAL cross-ice pass in his own end. Either he was hurt or Jacques didnt play him in the third because of that dumbstupid gaff. I am betting he isnt hurt. I love when a coach holds a player accountable. Jacques is growing on me. Big time. Can he coach the Raiders too and help smarten JaM up? It's wild to see a coach who knows how to coach. I am not used to that with this team.
  17. As long as you can get him to sing in key before the 'strange' takes a hold, it's awesome. He's one of my favorites before we get crunked.
  18. Jaimoe. You are definitely thinking of a different band. Downtime had Punk and 'ersh (for a bit) and a fantastic guitar player plus a solid drummer. Days Of You were thefuckingbomb in the mid-late 90's, espeically when they had the lawyer-in-training on keys and the Leaf fan (only one I ever met who I liked) on drums. That band was so good they could turn goat's piss into gasoline.
  19. The promise is certainly there but I found what I listened to in the car very inconsistent. The stuff I loved, I fucking loved but there were definitely moments when I was bored....which is certainly understandable. Drummer/percussion shit is awesomeawesome at many moments. I'ld notice my car would be creeping to 150km/hr and would have kept rising if I didnt snap out of it. Dont tell Douglas.
  20. Fuck.......just phone me if you have to.
  21. But they didnt..................
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