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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Fuckyou,youfuckingLeafanmotherfuckers. I love how last year ya'll laughed at Komi getting voted to the all-star game via the MTL fans and this year all your media mules are referring to him as "All-Star Mike Komisarek". You stupid cunts. Lap it up! A known fact, Leaf fans have the lowest IQ of all hockey fans. In.The.World.
  2. Hey Hal, is the Injury Reserve turned on? I'm having difficulties over here.......I gotta place Patrick Elias (get used to it Booche) on IR. Forget it, I figure it out.
  3. Haha. I saw that earlier. I have to send the Chive a shot of MattyC and I wearing our TITS jerseys.
  4. It was quickly mentioned in the Go Bulldogs Go thread. The guy doesnt have his head on straight and its a damn shame because he is full of talent. None the less, his worth is less than it should be. I hope Gainey lets him rot rather than accept a 5th round choice.
  5. C-Towns, you should have Dinghy explain it to you. He is a master of the waiver wire.
  6. Happy yesterbday but reality hits home today once the Leafs get crushed on their own ice tonight.
  7. I need a new jersey because I cant wear KOVALEV (obvious reasons) in here, nor BIGTITS (obviously) nor my NASLUND one because it has a coffee stain on it from when I was more of an idiot than I am now. Beers are chillin' and I have the day off tomorrow. Bigtime'd.
  8. Markov, Gill and Gionta to wear Habs A
  9. Congrads kids. I cant believe you made this move while expecting! Well done.
  10. You mean this isnt Heather's? I voted for the wrong one! Sorry cuz.
  11. I'm starting to believe you Ollie, I'm starting to believe.........
  12. Who the fuck is 'we'? Do you and Basher play on the same team now?
  13. Liltits has asked to be traded.
  14. Getting back to the stain, I was just given incredible advice via an email that I have to share with other office drones.
  15. And to top it off? I just spilled a glob of ketchup on my shirt this morning via my breakfast sandwich. That's right Punk. Fried egg and ketchup. I now have to figure out how to hide from people the rest of the day.
  16. None the less, great pick Whitey.
  17. It's because I wasnt sitting by the computer! Sorry folks. I sucked. That's because I am an idiot and hit the DRAFT button when I had Mike Green highlighted. I meant to take Bobby Lou!!!! Ifuckedupsoooooooooobad. Good thing this isnt for money.
  18. I had my worst draft since 1989 and the worst I have seen anyone pick since the Yannick Perreault fiasco of 1995.
  19. Sour? I aint...........oh wait. I forgot.
  20. Badams with the first pick overall.
  21. I am in as well. Drunkenlystoned taboot! Hmm. On second thought, maybe I should just go with the Yahoo auto-draft.
  22. By the way, I meant to say this earlier. Way to go Punk. Great three weeks so far. ::applauds::
  23. You didnt even try, unlike this guy. Look at him..........look who he is standing beside, look at his eye......and look at what they are doing because of what they have just done. This is hockey my friend.
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