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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Getting on in age? He's 27! Leaf fans are stupid.
  2. I have seen the past. FBN had some blades and then was off to the rink:
  3. Les Brahs had better get some points against this Tampa team tonight. Bring it on!
  4. I am sure we all now know what your room looked like back then.
  5. I was talking to DaveO the other night and he told me a number of players are coming off the books this summer. Bryan Murray will probably keep those three for that reason alone but if one gets traded, my guess is that its Spezza because he should bring a ton back and his no-trade-clause doesnt kick in until this summer. Besides, this team is amongst the lowest scoring teams in the league while defensively they are in and around the top 5. Giving up those three only makes matters worse with their offence. But I cant see it happening unless it's a no-brainer.
  6. I'm so sorry buddy. I still remember when Syd brought him over and he was a lil wee pup.
  7. Its on folks. Gift Tips Whenever you open a non-liquor gift, loudly proclaim, “Oh, great, how the fuck am I supposed to drink this?†They’ll know what to get you next year. This actually works. Try it NewRider. If you’re forced to go to your employee Christmas party, always try to blackout. Because no one wants to spend their Christmas vacation knowing for sure they got fired. If you buy a bottle of liquor as a gift and accidentally drink half of it, just tell the giftee it’s a bottle and a personality test. If he says it’s half full, he’s an optimist. If he says it’s half empty, he’s a dick. If you receive three cocktail shakers every Christmas, you are a drunkard. If you receive ten, get ready for an intervention. Pine needles steeped in a bottle of vodka makes for an excellent gift. Because, trust me, you sure as hell won’t want to drink it. Don’t worry if you hate wrapping presents, because your favorite store provides free gift wrapping. Just give the brown bag a little twist around the neck of the bottle and hey! All done! Ironically enough, if you give your favorite bartender a bartending guide as a present he will not give you a free drink for at least a month. Nor will your significant other appreciate a copy of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Sex.†If money is tight, improvise your gifts. Believe it or not, a note stuffed inside an empty bottle of liquor makes for an excellent present. Because when they smash the bottle so they can read the note and it says, “This is the historic bottle the Rat Pack shared on the eve of their first appearance on stage at The Sands in Las Vegas--I bought in on eBay for $112,000†they’ll get to think, “Wow, for a second there I was pretty rich.†Family Gatherings Don’t freak out if it’s your turn bring the Christmas Turkey to a family gathering. Just make sure you buy the one-liter family-sized bottle so there’s enough to go around. After eight of your “these-are-for-daddies-only†eggnogs, try to refrain from telling your children you are going to shoot Santa off the roof of your house when he lands. While their shrieks of terror may seem funny at the time, it will directly affect the quality of nursing home you will be eventually shipped off to. If your niece or nephew asks why your eggnog smells funny, tell them you added some “special warming juice.†If they ask you if you’re cold, tell them, “No, but I might be while waiting in the bushes for Santa and Rudolph to show up so I can shoot them off the roof.†Your father’s good Scotch is hidden either in the cupboard above the refrigerator or in the hall closet behind the junk box. If he’s really crafty, it’ll be at the bottom of the clothes hamper in the laundry room. If your more religious relatives try to pin you down about your drinking habits at a family gathering, always tell them, “Hope you don’t mind, but I’m gonna keep prayin’ for ya!†For some reason it drives them crazy. Holiday Fun and Games If you and your buddies must drive around winging snowballs at winos, at least pack the snowballs around little airplane bottles of liquor. This way they’ll tell people, “Yeah, Santa exists, but he’s a mean motherfucker.†If you’re drunk enough, heckling Christmas carolers will seem about the coolest thing in the world. Especially if you can get them to cry. The Salvation Army is an anti-alcohol organization, so don’t feel guilty about not giving any money to that goddamn wino jangling a bell at you. Just tell him you play for the other team. If your spouse asks you to make a New Years Resolution to not drink for the rest of the year, promise her you’ll do it. You’ll find it a lot easier to keep if you make the resolution at 11:59pm on New Year’s Eve. Spread the holiday cheer by going to your favorite bar dressed as Santa Claus. Because nobody under-pours Santa. Nobody. Christmas Spirits During the holidays you are allowed to drink all the mint schnapps you want without feeling like a sorority girl. Peach schnapps is still forbidden. If you suspect your loved ones are going to spring a holiday intervention on you, make sure you pre-spike at least two cartons of eggnog. Interventions can be pretty fun if you’re loaded. You can’t get drunk on rum cake. But don’t let that stop you from telling your 13-year-old nephew that it’ll get him “wicked hammered,†so long as he eats the entire cake in fifteen minutes. If you’re going to travel during the holidays, be aware that you can no longer bring alcohol onto the airplane. Unless you hide it in your bloodstream. No matter how stressed you get, always try to be full of Christmas cheer. They sell it down at the liquor store, $14.99 a bottle.
  8. A motion to lobby the federal government to force striking OC Transpo workers back onto their buses was pulled before being debated at city council today. The Sun was told that during a closed-door meeting, councillors received legal advice that they shouldn't move forward with the motion. It had been introduced by Innes Coun. Rainer Bloess. After council received the advice the seconder to the motion pulled their support. A motion requires two councillors for support. Bloess wanted the government to deem OC Transpo an essential service to force striking employees back to work. OC Transpo is subject to federal labour laws because the buses cross the provincial border in to Gatineau. Bay Coun. Alex Cullen said even if introduced the motion didn't have enough support around council. "It's not an essential service," he said. "It has to be deemed an immediate danger to the public."
  9. Duuuuuuuude: "Hours of work and shifts will vary"
  10. Not as surprised as you are going to be when 'he' gets drafted into the WNBA.
  11. By "speech in highschool" he means "drunk at a party"
  12. Wont someone think about poor Lebron James? That is a disgusting amount of money.
  13. That would be awesome. You should try and come up for January 17th (Saturday night) when the Habs play the Sens. We can get all those idiots over as well and have an NHL 09 tourney when the game isnt on. Those PEI boys would surely drop by as well and I am willing to bet DaveyBoy would do everything in his power to make an appearance.
  14. Schwa has it so good I am going to become him.
  15. Yeah, that was fun as usual Badams. Remember when I forced us to end our call because Calgary scored as we were talking and I was worried we might jinx them? I'm an idiot.
  16. Yes, I get that. I think we all do. I should have reworded my question. I am wondering how much of your increases are actually tied to property taxes and how its affected by the concept of rent control. Basically, is the renter going to incure the total cost of said property tax increase? Who's buying the first round of caesars this morning?
  17. In this case, someone is going to have to explain to me the concept of rent control.
  18. I cant believe I can be so enraged this morning even though Les Brahs won last night. I had to help push two cars off my street at 7am and almost had to push mine.
  19. I should have called in "fuckoff". I am assuming if he wants his strike pay, which will be a very small cheque, he will have to.
  20. Holyfuck am I ever pissed off this morning.
  21. I love that. I really do. Please keep in mind that I am going to absord these additional costs because I want my city to be different than others but it's fucking tough. I cant even imagine what my neighbourhood thinks right now. They have to be infuriated.
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