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Everything posted by Booche

  1. A few reasons but the main ones being forced to watch them every Sunday while growing up in Kingston. They seemingly were always the 1 oclock game (and we would only get one). I just wanted some variety and luckily was already a Raiders fan. Another reason..........Jim Kelly. I hated everything about him stemming from an interview in Sports Illustrated while he was playing in the USFL. He said he would beat Marino's records if he was a QB in the NFL. Ugh. But I have been to a game in Buffalo and had a great time. No denying that.
  2. Your friend sounds like awesomeness. I wouldnt argue against his point. The Lions drove Barry to quit football at the peak of his career! Hell, a part of me still thinks he could come back and be dominate having shaved years of abuse off his body. The Raiders should sign him! Speaking of which, the only thing salvageable with regards to another God-awful year in Raider Nation is JP Another Loss Man and the Bills.
  3. So I guess one needs to win a championship before they can be declared a leader? He captained Sweden as the beat a ton of NHL'ers to win Olympic gold. Before you go on, think about how happy you were when Canada finally won gold. Case closed. Brad, you sound pissy for no reason at all. Let me actually give you one: AND I FUCKING HATE THE LEAFS! FAAAAAAAACK!
  4. The way I understood Sundin is that he did not want to be traded at the trade deadline simply to be a rental player. I also gathered it's because he didnt know if he was going to return to the NHL so he wanted to end his career in Toronto if that were the case. And the way it was all playing out? That's obviously what happened because he left a TON of money on the table. So he decides he wants to come back and the Leafs shut the door on him. Who cares if he is playing again and who he signs with? It's his decision and he is owed that from all the years he played in the league. Deserve'd. Respect should not be lost but I dont expect that from most Leaf fans.
  5. [color:purple]Yeah, he's never won World Championships or a Gold medal while being the captain for Team Sweden. Pffffffffffft. I get a kick out of people saying he aint a leader. Please. Outside of me and Whitey, this thread is full of blabbering idiots.
  6. I swear, if I hear this "rental player" shit one more time from ungrateful Leaf fans........
  7. Freak By Night'd Looking at those broads found the inside of my pants getting sloppy in seconds.
  8. I am not even going to bring up that pathetic powerplay atlhough it's starting to become serious and an issue that will derail the Habs season if it isnt solved. And Roller, dont give me any of that "The league has figured out how to defend Kovalev." bullshit. Who Do the Canadiens Re-sign? Written by Lyle Richardson Sunday, 14 December 2008 10:50 Lost in much of the early season hype regarding the one hundredth anniversary of the Montreal Canadiens has been the status of the team’s free agents at season’s end. TSN’s Gord Miller noted the Canadiens have been building for years toward this 100th anniversary season but wondered if anyone though beyond it regarding those free agents. “Next year, there are storm clouds gathering in Montreal. Ten players on the roster will become unrestricted free agents next summer, including forwards Saku Koivu, Alex Tanguay, Alex Kovalev, Robert Lang and defenceman Mike Komisarek.And that list doesn't include Christopher Higgins, Tomas Plekanec and Guillaume Latendresse, who will become restricted free agents looking for big raises.The Canadiens are already a capped team now, so no matter what happens next summer they're going to have to make some tough decisions. And no matter who they decide to keep, they're going to have to let some important players go.†First of all, I’m pretty sure Canadiens GM Bob Gainey thought beyond this season and is well aware of the status of his impending free agents. Those “tough decisions†he has to make might not be that tough regardless of the outcome of this season. First, Mike Komisarek is the priority. No way Gainey loses one of the NHL’s top defensive blueliners to free agency, especially one just entering his prime as the 26-year-old Komisarek. If it cost as much as the $5.75 million per season to re-sign him, it’ll get done. Some, especially those in the media who should know better, are panicking that Komisarek hasn't been re-signed yet. There's a good reason for that: once the season begins, teams cannot negotiate with their impending UFAs until after January 1st. Folks are also forgetting that two years ago Andrei Markov was an impending UFA and they were twisting themselves into knots over the fact the season ended and (gasp!) Markov still hadn't inked an extension. Then came June and Gainey re-signed him. Really, does anyone honestly believe Gainey wants to see Komisarek in, say, a Boston Bruins uniform haunting the Habs six to eight times per season? Didn’t think so. One word for those of you panicking over Komisarek's status: relax. Tanguay will likely be the next priority unless he suffers a major tail-off in production in the second half of the season. He’s regained his form with the Canadiens and enjoys playing in Montreal. Of course it’ll also depend on his asking price, but if Gainey can convince him to perhaps a two-year deal earning the same salary as he’s currently making (barring an offensive tear in the second half), he may be receptive to such an offer. Koivu is next and despite the calls from some ungrateful Habs fans who continue to belittle his contributions he is one of their most important players. He is the heart and soul of this franchise. Nobody on the Habs works harder and none of his teammates disputes his value. Gainey is fully aware of his importance to the franchise but also acknowledges age is slowly catching up to Koivu. He wants to stay in Montreal and if a short-term offer that isn’t insulting is made (something up to his current $4.75 million) he could accept it. Energy forwards like Steve Begin and Tom Kostopoulos won’t be expensive to re-sign, but if it comes down to a cash crunch or promotion of a young player one of those two could be cut loose. Bouillon is another who could be affordably retained but of course it’ll depend on the future plans for the younger d-men or if Gainey opts to look to the UFA market for experienced depth. Regarding the restricted free agents, Tomas Plekanec is a keeper although the price tag for him could be double his current $1.6 million per season. If however his offensive numbers are down this season compared to last Plekanec may have to accept between $2-$2.5 million per on a two-three year deal. Chris Higgins was once considered an indispensible part of the Canadiens future but injuries and inconsistency have dogged him. I think Gainey will re-sign him but the offer could be around $2 million per season on a one or two year deal. If someone comes calling with an offer sheet worth over $3 million per I think Gainey lets him go. Matt D’Agonstini has done well thus far in his current call-up with the Habs but even if he earns himself a full-time roster spot he won’t get anything above $1 million unless he turns into the second coming of Guy Lafleur. That takes care of those who I believe Gainey will re-sign, but what about the rest? So far this season Alex Kovalev’s play has made the case against re-signing him. Yes, he’s an incredible talent and had a great performance last season, but he hasn’t been giving them the same performance this season on a consistent basis. If the Canadiens are to be serious Cup contenders this season they need him firing on all cylinders offensively, and that ain’t happenin’ so far. Losing him after this season can’t hurt them any more than his performance this season. Robert Lang won’t be back unless he’s willing to accept a considerable pay cut from the $4 million he’s currently earning and even that might not be enough. Mathieu Dandenault and Patrice Brisebois won’t be back next season. Restricted free agents Guillaume Latendresse and Kyle Chipchura might not even be in the organization by the trade deadline, and if they are re-signed it won’t be for much over their current salaries. One factor working in Gainey’s favor is he has just over $21 million for next season committed to nine players. Another is the salary cap for next season isn’t expected to decline by much from the current $56.7 million, if at all. Should the cap for 2010-11 drop to around $50 million as some suggest that still gives Gainey plenty of space long term to retain his better free agents if he does it right and avoids overspending on his best free agents or those available next summer in the UFA market. By the summer of 2010 Cary Price and Jaroslav Halak will be the big names to be re-signed, followed by Sergei Kostitsyn and Maxim Lapierre.Price and Lapierre thus far are definite keepers and the former won’t be cheap to re-sign, which will take a huge bite out of the cap space. Halak could be shopped for the right price, and the jury’s still out on the younger Kostitsyn. Of course we don’t know which UFA players Gainey could add to his roster next summer or which current young Habs could make dramatic improvement that would warrant significant raises, which could be difficult to pay if the cap space is eaten up next summer by big salaries. And yes, I know agents will try to get the best deal possible for their players. Gainey however has shown that he knows how to sign the right players to fair contracts. Unquestionably the makeup of the Canadiens roster could have a different look next season, but it probably won’t be the type of major shakeup that could worsen their performances. It’s quite possible that it actually could make them better. One thing is clear: the situation isn’t as dire as some are making it out to be.
  9. Are you kidding BradM? I can barely handle myself at Christmas dinner.
  10. Andrew, my point is simple. Whothefuck gets the flu for 2 weeks aside from grandparents?
  11. 2 weeks with the flu? Pardon? Fack that. He caught something at Wanda's.
  12. Even if that is true its not as if he will be worth whatever it goes down to because it wont be too deep a cut.
  13. .....hence the thread my friend.................. Hence the thread.
  14. The sunflower sketch was totally wicked, totally. The bit involving "Luke, I am your father." blew my fuckingsocks off. I was pounding the floor of my room like a jock chimp trying to impress a lady chimp. Drug addict = confirmed.
  15. Holyfuck, I cant wait. Precious is going to be going strong before it. You're the man Godfrey!
  16. That littlefucker is going to die a horrible death at my hands. JesusChrist Dolly Parton has some big ass titties.
  17. Drug addicts in this thread? I think not. All I see are nerds.
  18. Hal, I truly do think you and I are made for one another.
  19. So? It's not like they were Bisco.
  20. You cant say that because you dont know for sure and you are pissed because he might not sign with Les Brahs (as am I but I aint gonna judge, he put his time and love into this game). There are alot of positives signing in Vancouver. If I am Sundin and I am looking at MTL and the Rangers, I dont see the best goalie in the game. I do in Vancouver. Their record speaks for itself and they are playing in a much different conference. By "different" I mean "better". Cup considerations yo. Fact.
  21. Please stay alive. I love the Dead. Dont forget about the spring of 1990!
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