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Everything posted by Booche

  1. In this case, I strongly agree. In fact they are going to overtake Toronto pretty soon if this kinda shit keeps up.
  2. In other news, Brian Burke is no longer expected to end up in Toronto.
  3. Is Don on the Zima tonight or what??
  4. BOOOOOOOOOOO! THAT'S TERRIBLE! Not too mention, buddy is cutting out. Embarrassing. The media department took the crowd out of the game before the Pens could.
  5. Nor should they be relying on the 4th line to get them goals.
  6. Thomas looked like he wasnt going to let anything in and MTL's powerplay is killing them right now.
  7. Speaking of being a dirty little fucker, you can still get lower bowl tickets for tomorrows game. Section 112. Spezza might be out for the game. That would help the Sens right now.
  8. That was a great gig last night. Thanks so much for coming to Ottawa.
  9. Do you know why that happened? I figure it was this. Kovy got PISSED that he missed that toe-backhanded breakaway. It finalized with him getting a slashing penalty against Bruin-dude after Bruin-dude rubbed his face in the ice. Yikes. The Bruins scored on the ensuing powerplay to tie the game. Yikes. Kovy knew he had to make amends, especially after Thomas robbed his ass while he was in his perfect one-timed *spot* to score on the powerplay during overtime. What was it? 2 minutes later? BLAMMO! Short-side high and the only spot he could hit to score. Outstanding. 14 for 25. Go Les Brah Go. Buy My Dvd 27
  10. I'll be the first one to admit that I am a dirty little fucker and deserve the delivered lumps that come along with my personality.
  11. Ready to rock boys. We have a few people over for dinner but havent eaten so I decided to bring the dining room table downstairs. I got me a very understanding wife.
  12. Whoa. Sorry boys. That was an entertaining third which deserved over-time.
  13. It's quite fitting that Cody Bass scored the goal to tie the game. Great game thus far and great storylines if you are an Ottawa reporter.
  14. That whole bit ending with Mezzaros catching Malkin on the break-away was killer. This third period has taken things up a notch.
  15. HUGE miss by Hossa. Almost as big as Kovalev's last night.
  16. Artie is totally an ogre. Awesome.
  17. This season. [color:purple]It's soooooooooooo hard surfing the net and watching games when a computer and a television are in the same room.
  18. Aweome King We got a MTL's! This tour is going to be killer. I loooooooove the new songs.
  19. Get him drunk, feed him a quarter of fungus, offer him enough cash and I might bet on that!
  20. Outstanding Tetes A Claques This is basically what Frenchie-French is saying in French. With thanks to Norberry Pat for the translation. I'll be cool and I will try and talk in English to you.......I'll take you to the strippers but you can buy the beer......Are you craZy? There's still three minutes to play but the whooping is not done yet.........There's 30 thousand that gives a shit.....Even the strippers are watching the game.......They're on fire! I smell the cup!..... Ah come on, stay. I will buy you a poster of Kovalev. Go Habs Go!
  21. Did Kanada Kev hack into SmoothShredder's account at some point?
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