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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    If the teams are kept secret once everyone has submitted their squads then count me out. That's just fucking stupid. How are we supposed to know which players to cheer for and who to jeer against? This is a HUGE reason we get entertainment out of the pool!!!! Fucking 'never-played-a-sport-in-your-life-newbies'. The lot of ya. TissueMan is the only smart one in here.
  2. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    Get off the drugs Hal.
  3. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    Oh oh, I see someone in need of these:
  4. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    So says the guy who must only take part in office pools filled with newbish bandwagon jumping Sens fans who only pick from their hometown team.
  5. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    It wont be done in one night. It would take place over a few days.
  6. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    This year is wide open in the East. Your idea applies when there is only 1 elite team that people will draw from.
  7. How many pints have you had tonight? I am willing to bet none. Pussy.
  8. Less than what it cost for the Pay-Per-View tonight.
  9. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    You know the 5 teams that are going to make it? Clue me the fuck in motherfucker.
  10. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    I think what he is suggesting is that we cant pick more than 2 or 3 players from each team. I am out if that is the case. I've hated that fucking shit more than anything. Worst. Rule. Ever. In. Fantasy. Hockey. It takes away the gambling aspect.
  11. Keep in mind that there is a REALLY annoying 'crackle' sound during half of California Stars. Its almost like some putz was 'drumming' near a mic thinking he is a percussionist.
  12. Outta Print Outta Site This came into my hands as a Tweedy Alternate Takes download. Grab it if you want. Its making me miss your sweet touch baby.
  13. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    Plan for the draft and set a date/time for all the picks to be in. If that doesnt happen by your set schedule, have everyone that is interested submit 15 players to you (9 forwards, 4 D, 2 goalies....just an example) by a particular date/time. This means people will definitely have the same players on each team but I highly doubt you will see 2 teams with the exact same players because things are so diverse this season. This should guaranteee a playoff pool whether it is a 'draft' or a 'pick-em'
  14. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    The only way to combat a no-show is to have each team pick so many players. Something like 15 or so. 9 forwards, 4 defencemen and 2 goalies. Host the draft and if it looks like it wont be completed you could have anyone that is interested PM you their team by a certain date/time.
  15. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    Actually, you could just host the draft in here (or start another thread). 1 - Dinghy 2 - Hal 3 - Low Roller When its your turn, you pick. Respond to the thread and write in the player you want beside your name. Nice and simple.
  16. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    ZERO maintenance. You pick him, he's yours and that is that.
  17. This just in from Booche: I am buying beer on the way home.
  18. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    No. A draft. If it doesnt get done it doesnt get done. Commit only if you are in. Roller can pick names out of a hat for the draft order. I totally trust him. And make it a snake draft.
  19. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    PM's would be alot easier. Besides, do you really want Hal having your email addy?
  20. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    DaveO, you got that straight provided we make a side-bet. What's say the dude lower in the standings has to mail something to the dude who is higher?
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