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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Not me. Its fucking TERRIBLE. They just threw away the season. Idiotic.
  3. I think Hossa's impending deal is going to cost more.
  4. Whoa, the Richards deal was five players. From Dallas: Jussi Jokinen Jeff Halpern Mike Smith
  5. I probably heard the Richards deal wrong.
  6. Richards is gone to Dallas.
  7. Hahahaha, actually we should make that a real word. Works for me.
  8. Dinghy, you have said alot in Rich Stadium.
  9. Why do you think Bob McKenzies Blackberry keeps buzzing during the live broadcast?
  10. Roy coming back? Sloth, I already paid you that 50$ but you better get your wallet ready baby.
  11. Its too hard to picture what other teams are going to look like in the coming years so why not make it now as best as they can. Anyone can win the East this year and having Ottawa with shit goaltending has to give a team tons of hope. They certainly cant go to the big dance the way things look in net right now. I wasnt sold on Richards earlier but the PEI boys in Ottawa want him so that is good enough for me. If Les Brahs can get him cheap then do it over Hossa because at least they know they would still have him for the next few years.
  12. The way I see it, anyone can come out of the East and having Hossa simply increases MTL's chances. He's of far more value than what they would be giving up. With all their prospects, why not go for it?
  13. They wouldnt get much. At best, a package including Emery would bring in Khabibulin or Roloson but why not just give Gerber the ball and let him run with it? That's where I am lost. Why hasnt that happened? Emery fuckin' suuuuuuuuuuucks.
  14. I'll tell you what I think. Gainey pulls the trigger and we hope Atlanta takes it.
  15. That's exactly what I was trying to figure out. Thanks AD. Someone is going to have to get moved and I think only Vinny is the player without a NTC or maybe they have a deal in place for Richards. How they pull all this off is beyond me.
  16. The Lightning did what???
  17. Prospal to the Flyers for Picard and a 2nd.
  18. Holy crapola! I would have lost alot of money in Vegas.
  19. Now people are questioning his will to win and his competitive spirit? Holy fucking retards Batman!
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