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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche

    Playoff pool?

    I'll wait until I see some competition before I decide to join.
  2. The Habs were lucky to get 4 points out of this Western swing.
  3. Complete domination by the Ducks tonight. They looked like they belong in another league.
  4. I usually mock people when they whine about the refs but this is ridiculous so far with the 3rd period still to come. Anyone catch how Kovalev got that unsportsmanlike conduct penalty?
  5. Roller, you can put your Grabs wishes to rest because that little fucker sealed his fate yesterday.
  6. Sorry Low Roller. I just re-read my post and understand where your comment came from. I shouldnt have used the word "now". Now I am the dense one.
  7. Yeah, as much as we wish he got more than a 2nd round pick its now obvious to me that he couldnt. Look no further than Bryzgalov.
  8. What in the fuck does that even mean?
  9. this just in: Hux is a completistiko.
  10. Higgins - Big Tits to the end. Sweet box. I can dig it. This game was all about fighting for the inside paint and the counter attack.
  11. Turtleplek = Plekanec (he who wears a turtleneck) This is one hard-fought game boys. The front of the net has been a disaster all night. 3-2 Habs.
  12. Les Brahs got BITCHSLAPPED in the first 3/4's of the 1st period. There was a section that featured Phoenix in their end for over three minutes (two on the powerplay) but Price stole the show. The last few minutes saw MTL mount a couple of shots so that total wouldnt look so bad but man alive did they ever come out slow. I missed the first six minutes of the 2nd but walked in during Turtleplek's goal. My guess is that the boys feel incredibly fortuanate to be up by one.
  13. Its on at 8 guys. Something happened with the original broadcast.
  14. Well, if you compare Gerber to Emery then "phenomenal" is quite fitting. I think I like that kid.
  15. That's a BIG statement Ollie. You are going to have to give us the gist.
  17. Great. Just what the world needs.
  18. I may have made a poor decision. I just cracked a beer and the game isnt on for 3 and a half hours. Tomorrow is going to be a stinky one.
  19. Sounds like a bunch of fackin' wooks to me.
  20. If it wasnt the nosebleeds, it was him puking canned spaghetti in the change room.
  21. That's because we were only 4 feet tall and your weak defensive skills allowed me to be staring in the top corner of the net from all the pucks I kept firing up there.
  22. I am sooooooooo going to start wearing my old Jofa when I am in the car although if Jaimoe sees me in it he might naturally try and run me into the boards. Boy, did he hate that thing.
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