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Everything posted by Booche

  1. After hungoverly looking at this set numerous times I just realized something. Shine to open up the second set? Glad I wasnt there! (I think I am at the 'bargaining' stage in coming to terms with all of this)
  2. Pride Of Cucamonga, Unbroken Chain and Box Of Rain in the SAME FUCKING SHOW????? Let alone all that other Viola Lee-Dark Star nonsense. Yeah, I am with Big Wooly Mammoth on this one. If I had tickets to any other show on this tour I would probably sell them.
  3. That's enough for me. Well deserved while I drop my Leaf bias which Cole has had in spades. You know me Jaimoe. For years we didnt listen to the broadcast (which is why you hated coming over to visit), and barely could see games if you recall the 90 Curtis Cr feed. Nowadays I love Jim Hughson's commentary. He's so strong on the play that I think he could provide a running opinion on Pigpen/Dead shows provided the werent so passed by. He's about the only one that I would believe. I also like that Dean Brown dude alot. He makes it easy to watch the Sens.
  4. I hope you are there Asparagus. Looks like I screwed us real good by talking a game I shouldnt have spoke of. Pride of Cucamonga? Fuuuuuuuuuck. That stings but I am sure happy in a miserable way.
  5. Is this the hit from Volchenkov (I think?) on ? and he went head first into the boards? And before I begin, keep in mind I need to see it again because we only saw it once during a flip in play from the MTL game. I didnt even think there was a penalty. Buddy seemed to turn as the hit was coming and I would expect ANY defenceman to be laying down that check.
  6. We are listening to the first track and while its really well performed, its making all of us wish Shannon Hoon was singing. I would be far more inclined to give more attention if the band had gone with less of an imitator. ::gives away the cds of this show:: I would consider drunkenly seeing them at Barrymores but that is about it.
  7. One thing we can all agree with. The Sens on CBC is worlds better than the Laughs.
  8. If I understand correctly, you think Bob got the Martin Scorsese version of the Oscar?
  9. At least John Paddock agrees with me...sounds like Emery may get the start tonight vs. Florida. I am all kinds of awesome. Blow hard on that.
  10. It was a valiant effort William but your psychanalysis is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off and I will prove it based on one comment you made: Are you kidding? This IS how I have fun! There is nothing strained with my relationship with Les Habs.
  11. Let me take off my Rich Stadium bully costume for a tiny moment and allow me to say this to you William. I can accept my fate when its deserved. I'll dial it back a bit since its obvious some of you are still smarting from having been picked last on the playground all those years. I never meant to offend anyone and if I did I apologize profusely but let the record show that I speak with Roller and Dinghy outside of this forum and they know I am mucking about. For the most part anyways. As for Ollie, he's still a dumbass. So go finish your cry and we can further discuss opinions regarding Gerbers performance, which I do not believe was anything close to "solid". I thought he looked shakey last night and his positioning was not as good as I had seen it thus far in the season. Is it possible I got caught up in the fuss about Emerys return and was I looking for signs from Gerber that I normally might not see? Probably, but MTL had as good a chance as to score as you are going to get from an Ottawa netminder but they didnt deliver. It wasnt even close to what I would hope to see against the Sens. As for a team playing desperate? I am assuming you meant the Habs and I dont agree with that either. I felt that only 2 (perhaps 3) players brought it last night, they being Kovalev and Koivu. There was the odd good shift from a few other players but for the most part I dont believe they came close to performing at the level needed in order to beat the Sens. None the less, kudos and high-fivers William. You pwned me real good and called me on my delivery of bullshit. Is it going to stop? Pfft. I am a loud and abrasive asshole, especially when I am drinking or hungover.
  12. Its what the majority of Rich Stadium sees on the ice that concerns me. Actually, its more of what you dont see.
  13. I refuse to talk hockey with blind fans.
  14. That's an embarrassing thought MOBE.
  15. You obviously didnt watch the same game I did. Sens fans are dumber than Low Roller!
  16. The Habs lost, I am down 5 bucks, I have a killer hangover and am dealing with idiots. In some manner I totally deserve this.
  17. You make me so hot Dima. I feel like I can find anything.
  18. I hate dreaming because when you wanna sleep, you wanna sleep. Dreaming is work, y'know, like there I am laying on my comfortable bed in my hotel room. It's beautiful... next thing you know, I have to build a go-cart with my ex-landlord. I wanna dream of me watching myself sleep.
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