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Everything posted by Booche

  1. [color:purple]Yeah, they didnt have any good chances. WTF were you watching?
  2. I was sure they were going to at least tie that game thanks to the pressure and possession until Guadaloupe started flopping around like a hotdog on a MOBE grill. They right-well knew it so they decided to do something to ensure their points. That was the embarrassment. It was fucking awful!
  3. Did you watch that fucking fiasco? Holy christ Mobe. My blood is boiling again recalling it. I need a stiff drink.
  4. I am really glad that some of you people could see this band and I only wish I could have joined you.
  5. Your NHL would last all of 3 seasons before folding.
  6. They are coming boys. We can no longer hide from it.
  7. De Guzman article I cant wait for tonights game having been forced to miss the last one.
  8. Nick Drake and The Stooges? That's all kinds of wicked as is this: Thanks for the read buddy. It's killing me that I am not in Toronto for these shows.
  9. More importantly, why would he ball?
  10. Some please tell me about last night. I still cant believe they played the Silver Dollar.
  11. Booche


    YOUASSHOLE! I love Akron Family with all the blessings of my soul. Glad you had a good time Blaner.
  12. 35 bucks and you buy my beer for the night.
  13. Andrew, you putz. The Sens threw back at him last year. Obviously my point was completely missed. [color:purple]Good job.
  14. Make that character Tim Roth or Christopher Walken and you can count me in.
  15. At least a handful of people should head over to that if they know what is good for them. This is pretty simple math folks.
  16. Well, it's been 11 hrs. Bring it on already.
  17. Dear Lindsay and Britney, Once upon a time, you were both cute and adorable. Then, although this seems a little difficult to believe now, you were both smokin’ hot. (Which, by the way, ruled.) But lately, it’s become hard to believe that you’re the same people. Drugs, partying, shaved heads, beer guts, wigs, multiple hair colors, the list goes on. Heck, you’ve both even had your junk photographed in public. Is it really that hard to keep your kibbles and bits covered up? I’ve had my picture taken in public thousands of times in my 38 years, and in not one single photo was my Good Charlotte hanging out. And I’m kind of a careless slob. But whatever. I’m not here to focus on that. Now, I’m sure you’ve had no shortage of people giving you advice in recent months, and you certainly don’t need any additional advice from some anonymous Midwestern blowhard-nerd. But after having watched one public humiliation after another, I can hold my tongue no longer. Please. I’m begging you. Please, please, please, for the love of God, whatever you do, don’t ever stop. Because, I have to admit, this whole thing you guys have going on is completely wicked and awesome. I loved the part where you freaked out and did that thing I mean, seriously, you simply can’t make this stuff up. If I wrote a movie script in which the superstar singer shows up at a hair salon in the middle of the night and shaves her own head, I’d never be able to sell it. Britney, if that were the only bizarre thing you ever did, it would still be enough to entertain me for years. But, oh no, just like you once strung together hit after hit on the music charts, these days you’re stringing together strange acts like you’re auditioning to be Marilyn Manson’s next girlfriend. My personal favorite of late is your habit of lip-synching your way through 15-minute mini-performances. I’m guessing the months of drinking and partying have left you sounding like a weakened Abe Vigoda when you sing, so it’s understandable. The lip-synching itself isn’t the best part, though. The best part is the way the audio track began skipping in the middle of your most recent performance. You’re Britney Freakin Spears! Nobody in your camp has heard of digital music? I’m fairly sure my iPod has skipped exactly zero times in the four years I’ve had it. Does nobody in the music industry remember Milli Vanilli? How hard is it to figure this out? If it will help, I’m happy to bring my iPod to your next performance. Sorry, we might have to unplug your record player in order to use it. I also saw on your most recent web posting that you said you “hit rock bottom†when you went to “a very humbling place called rehab.†Well, first of all, I’m pretty sure you haven’t hit rock bottom yet. You’re too much of a player to have already hit rock bottom. Sure, what you’ve done so far would have killed most mere mortals and probably several species of elephant, but you, you’re special. You’re capable of going so much deeper. Don’t give up, Brit. Don’t ever give up. It’s not a competition, ladies…but it should be Actually, if you need a source of inspiration, all you have to do is grab a copy of this week’s People Magazine and take a look at that cover shot of your celebrity soul mate, Lindsay. In case you haven’t seen it, it features the now-infamous photo of “Linds†passed out in the front seat of a friend’s car beneath the headline “What Happened To Lindsay Lohan?†You see, Lindsay, she’s pulling out all the stops and taking it to the next level. In the span of just a few days, she crashed her car, got arrested for DUI, was videotaped fleeing the scene of an accident, partied her brains out to the point where she “posed†for that shot on the cover of People, then finally checked herself into rehab (again), thusly almost losing her latest movie role in the process. For most people, that’s enough personal disaster to fill a lifetime. For Lindsay, that’s just one single week. Now Britney, I think you came close to that level of mayhem during the head-shaving week, but I don’t know, I think Lindsay might have one-upped you. So come on, Britney, I know you have it in you to really make us all really sit up, take notice, and marvel at your train wreck of a personal life. And please, whatever you do, stay the hell away from rehab. That goes for you, too, Lindsay. If you two straightened out your lives, what would there be for us to read about in People or watch on E? We’d be stuck with a bunch of lame Mischa Barton and Nicole Richie stories. I guess they’re OK and all, but let’s face it, Mischa and Nicole are a poor substitute. All they are is kinda skinny and gross. Big whoop. In the interest of full disclosure, Britney and Lindsay, I suppose I should also admit that I have an admittedly selfish reason for wanting you two to keep it up. As much as I love the entertainment value of your crash-and-burn personalities, I also love the fact that you’re making excellent role models for the three little girls growing up in my house these days. You see, once my girls are old enough to see the carnage of your lives without having nightmares afterward, I’ll be able to point to the pictures of the head-shavings or the accident-fleeings or the drug-snortings and say, “You see? If you get mixed up in drugs and hard partying, this is going to be you.†If that doesn’t scare them straight, nothing will. So please, whatever you do, Lindsay and Britney, don’t stop being you. Love, Bob Bob Rybarczyk (brybarczyk@sbcglobal.net) writes stuff. He is too fond of cheese sauce for his own good.
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