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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Good lord dude. I spilled some water on my floor. Can you come here and lap it up for me? Thanks.
  2. I dont think anyone expected that for the first half.
  3. Happy bday Laurie! Thank you for being so kind as to answer the phone when I drunk-dial.
  4. Let the record show that DaveO likes shootouts to determine playoff positioning.
  5. Good fucking luck Alaska boy!
  6. First off I hope I can be in a room with Dinghy if Ottawa were to take the Cup this year. Seeing his reaction would make it for me. That fucker would LOSE it. Then we could go looting the store-front shops and turn over some cars while lighting fires! I am gonna go with what would have won my hockey pool last season. Buffalo - San Jose final
  7. This was a hard season on my heart. They started off incredibly hot then became wrought with a terrible tragedy and a flu-bug that may or may not have carried on far too long (depending on who you believe but Pat Hickey has never failed me) followed by more inconsistency and a lack of 5 on 5 scoring. Special teams really did make this team. Souray's contributions cannot be denied and seeing him leave the last game for much of the third took its toll. The final game against the Leafs was a great microscopic look how the year went for them. The team also looked very tired to me during the final push and was indicative of how their first round matchup against a healthy Buffalo team would have gone. Still, anything can happen in the playoffs but I was ready for the worst. I made a pact with a good friend of mine, who is a Buffalo fan living out of Ottawa, that we would go see a game in Montreal provided we got tickets. In a way I feel that it was best the Habs didnt land a playoff spot. As DaveO has said and as many of us fellow Hab fans know, this was a team that looked like world-beaters during some periods but could lose to the Kingston Voyageurs during most of the other ones. Thanks for the good times boys. It was a fun ride for the most part but one hopes we Hab fans never see another complete collapse like this year showed us. I still believe the future looks very bright and I fault no one because I am not close enough to the action to really know. It will be interesting to see what they do with Kovalev because we all know some players have certainly played their last game in a CH jersey.
  8. I dont know what to say but I wanted to enjoy it far more than I did. Did they lose the original premise? It just doesnt feel like the mockumentary it once did. Adding to Howlers point, it may simply have been the movie that has really turned me off. Recycled schlop.
  9. Losers Even After Forty Seasons
  10. SWEET LORD!!!!!!!! PRAISE THE HEAVENS!!!!!!!! Fuck you Leafs.
  11. Make no mistake Can-OPhish, those previous posts were from me and not Bouche. That sissy hates sports. Speaking of sissys, when is Kev going to tell us he is an Islanders fan?
  12. I wish Hal's dad punched him. That would have been cool.
  13. [whisper]"Sex, Steve Martin, Teri Hatcher."[/whisper]
  14. Ironically enough, I believe the instability drove him away.
  15. Booche

    Unstable Person

    I stole it for the most part but the meaning remains.
  16. Booche

    Unstable Person

    Willy, also known as the Tyrannical Tea-Bagger, likes to drink ass-milk through a straw.
  17. That was a fantastic episode.
  18. They would die in no time.
  19. Fuck you Bob. Fuck you and all your Leaf loving cousins.
  20. Cafe Supreme on Albert but they dont serve it every day.
  21. Booche

    Unstable Person

  22. I am fucking losing it.
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