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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Sadly, I am old and jaded and quite convinced what my reaction would have been had I been in attendance: ... but let the record show that I think what they did is pretty dang cool....hahaha, I see what I did there....
  2. You and your perpetual spouting off has jinxed the idea of good fortunes coming to us. Way to ruin it.
  3. And now this in preparation for Movember. FFS's. Low Roller is a jinx. Confirmed.
  4. 105 career games = 4 years, 4.1 cap hit each year. Hope that one pans out better than Desharnais.
  5. I want my 2 minutes and 5 seconds back.
  6. In. I've enjoyed every outfit you have been a part of and I am guessing this one will be no different.
  7. Congrats. Way to knock yer old lady up!
  8. Hopefully there will be a litle more salt in the gravy tonight. Looks like another Squirming Coionll notch on my bedpost after tonight. Kazzaa!
  9. Man, this sports forum is dead. Time to spruce things up. From 2010 One of these players is currently a solid Habs lineup choice and the other isnt even in the NHL.
  10. You are wondering why demand is low considering how strong the summer was but you got rid of tickets. I know why but I would be remiss if I didnt do the following:
  11. Found a video of Barrett playing soccer within my old beta tapes.
  12. WOW! That is uncanny C-Towns. Totally amazing. Shameless indeed. Speaking of:
  13. Yup. Sell those Phish tickets.
  14. Poor Hal. He just wanted to keep his eye on 2nd during the brawl.........
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