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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I may not be a WSP fan but apparently you missed the part where John Fogerty is joining them to perform CCR tunes. That's fucking cool in my books.
  2. ....and I like my DaveyBoy slurred........
  3. I'm just going to develop a healthy oxy addiction instead.
  4. In honour of last night: That Would Be Something (DP17, 09/25/91 Boston, MA)
  5. Oooooooooooooh, I dont agree with you there FBN/TSN/CBC. Collapses like that wear on your psyche. A collapse like that does not help going forward. coughWashingtonCapitalscough
  6. His recent Emmy for "best reporter" suggests you were in fact not only exaggerating but you and others in this thread are also wrong.
  7. Thanks for posting that quote Ollie. Its nice seeing some truth up in this joint.
  8. Dirty shit follows the Sens around. Its a fact.
  9. You know what really grinds my gears? The lack of class employed by the Ottawa Senators, their media coverage and the fans. It’s a fucking embarrassment. They say everything starts at the top and I agree. The full blame goes to Eugene Melnyk and his attack on Matt Cooke. The local media jumped all over it, you embarrassed yourself and the fanbase Don Brennan, and then the fans decided this was the truth. How stupid can people be? Apparently pretty fucking stupid. Paulrus decided during the playoffs he was going to act like that asshole manager everyone had who disrespected people by referring to them as Mr ‘insert first name here’. Well done you fat fuck. And Gryba? Yeeeeeeeah, blood in the water this buddy. Well guess what? You guys have used whatever good karma you had because you are also full of cheaters. Uncle Eugene backed up his own Brinks mobile at the headquarters for NHL referring division and Karlsson has clearly taken PEDS. Its not even a question. In a few short years we are going to find out he is hockey's version of Lance Armstrong and his one Norris trophy will be stripped from the record. Shea Weber deserved it more anyways. So congratulations for all of that. And that’s what really grinds my gears.
  10. Julia Ormond was hotasfuck back in the day.
  11. It was a helluva lot closer than the scores and the quick end suggests. MTL absolutely dominated many long stretches. Goes without saying but Craig Anderson was absolutely incredible in that series. As hard as it was on my heart it was also amazing to watch. I love it when a goalie takes over, although not for the past week I suppose. Best of luck the rest of the way. Go fuck yourselves Paulrus and Eugene. That's for you Sloth.
  12. Definitely peaked too early but Bergevin seems to have righted the ship and brought in some strong leadership which had been lacking the last few seasons. These things take time but I have confidence as long as he is given a nice leash and doesnt buckle to the public pressure in trying to do too much too fast. The only misstep I have seen thus far is Desharnais but I dont expect a GM to not make mistakes. Work is to be done. Bigger - not check Stronger - not check Faster - check Buh-bye Kaberle, I knew you Ryder. Gonna be interesting to see what Bergevin does outside of that. Great turnaround year and some awesome youth coming up the pipe. All you non-PK fans are fuckingracist. I'm looking at you CBC.
  13. I loved Every Which Way But Loose.
  14. Both goals actually. Even Gary 'sens homer' Galley couldnt believe those icing calls.
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