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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche


    Not to go full-on attack but I seem to recall that we couldnt get into Irene's one night, Labour day weekend perhaps, and ended up at a pub on the same side of the street about 1 or 2 blocks north and ended up amazed by the beers on tap AND the availability of scotch rarely found at a standard pub. I'm talking much better than Irene's. That was one of the kickers once we got in there. We were rather surprised. Correct? Maybe it was the availability of a half decent scotch poured by a bartender who knew what he was doing but the beers on tap were really good too. Like, really good. I kinda remember him giving me shots of beers just to try them because I had never heard of them. Rubberdinghy was with us while you and I just took a walk in the woods, which may explain how wrong I probably am.
  2. Hhahaha, fuck. Who am I kidding? I am totally going because of one song alone that I need to see Thom do live:
  3. I totally understand Marcust99's perspective. I am struggling with the idea of seeing them at the Bell Center, a place I have been a bunch of times and is a city I would recommend any Radiohead fan see them. Those Quebecer's go apeshit for that shit. Baaaaaaaah. If I get decent seats I am totally going even though I dont give too much of a fuck about their newest album. Its a Friday night in MTL with Radiohead. Count me in, probably even if I am in the 300's. It's Radiohead. The moral of the story is simple. They obviously peaked long ago but how many more chances am I going to get to see one of my favorite bands perform live? I should consider myself lucky if I ever see them again. Brought to you by the Low Roller Fan Club
  4. That's an excellent point. I have never thought of it in those terms. Personally, I have rarely watched Coaches Corner since the late 90's. I tend to catch it about 3 times a year and that's because I am watching with friends who still religiously watch DonRon or its a Saturday night TOR-MTL game and I know he is going to go off about something (case in point this past weekend). There's a reason I rarely watch it. The game has changed. Its not 1990 and I am no longer 22.
  5. I thought the icing on the cake was later during the broadcast when they were showing highlights of the Tampa game and MacLean mentioned Stamkos scored his 47th goal. In the background Cherry pipes up with "An Ontario boy........"
  6. Booche

    NFL 2011

    The next bump I want to see this thread make is when the Skins give up the moon for RGIII
  7. I fucking hate it because it seems to be always a distraction from the real problems, which is why I am impressed Burke held onto Ron Wilson as long as he did. The Jacques Martin firing was one of the stupidest coach firings I have ever seen any of my favorite teams do but lets be serious for a moment. TONS of folks who know absolutely nothing about what is going on love to say "So and so lost the room" just because said team isnt winning. Its always about whether or not your players are performing. That is way more important than "systems" and "control" and whatever other bullshit you want to throw down.
  8. There you go boys. Wiiiiiiiilson. Gotta admit, I have a ton of respect for Burke holding onto his head coach as long as he did with all that public pressure. Sure wish Pierre Gauthier had the fuckingballs to offer even a quarter of that patience towards Jacques Martin.
  9. FUUUUUUUUCK! I thought I was witnessing the most glorious comeback of the season. Shitty end with regards to points but funny none the less especially with that shootout attempt to finalize the game.
  10. Did I hear someone say "consult the bones" ??
  11. Good thing you dropped the Raptors and the NBA.
  12. Boring game from my perspective but it had some moments of blinding brilliance.
  13. Whats that line? "The game shouldnt be called Hockey. It should be called Goalie." I'm all for that name change.
  14. That is totally awesome.
  15. FBN has it down. If I were doing any of this, Atlantic City would be right in the center of my rifle's scope.
  16. Sorry about that Bob. I didnt realize how badly I have been dropping the ball lately. The only thing salvageable about this Hab season is the hilarity in Leaf land.
  17. Booche

    Go NHL Go 11/12

    There should be no suspension on the Letang hit. C-Towns will agree. He reached for the puck and put himself in that position. Chris Campoli'd
  18. Feels all Peaches And Herb up in here.
  19. Look, you can argue this fact all you want, but a fact it remains: Taco Bell's soon selling tacos made out of giant Doritos, and you're going to eat one. No, shh—it's true. Millions of orange shells await. The Doritos Locos Tacos, already available at a few experimental Taco Bell locations—the Los Alamos of shockingly cheap Mexican food—will roll out worldwide. And then, it'll be too late to resist, you stupid gourmand. You think you're too good for Taco Bell, maybe? Hah, no, friend. That's not how it works... But if you're going to be difficult about it and turn up your nose, try this on for size (like an enormous taco): the company has already mass produced 85 million Doritos taco shells ready. That's enough for every single person in Germany to receive one. And then another four million left over. So shut up and eat your tacos, which are so Locos that they require a specially-designed holster to prevent Doritos dust from getting on your skin and overwhelming your entire central nervous system.
  20. Low Roller, these are the only numbers that matter. Jesusfuck I would have lost a ton of money and/or embarrassment this year had I placed a bet before the season began.
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