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snarfmaster C

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Everything posted by snarfmaster C

  1. thanks folks a slip show on my birthday? i can't complain :cool:
  2. I think the only reason some people still argue climate change (not "global warming" anymore...) is the huge freakin $$$$$$$ put into publicising the opposing argument. We are fucking the environment up faster than most species can adapt to cope. There are all kinds of incomplete arguments, or comparisons that ignore spatial or temporal scales that might convince you otherwise, but dig deep enough and there's no doubt we're fucking shit up.
  3. I was wondering the same thing, Willy... especially considering that I live in Ottawa, consider myself to be a jamband lover (in the loose sense of the term, anyway), and yet I am still unsure as to where I'll be new years eve... all that to say, while it will likely be a most excellent event, it is certainly not the be-all end-all of jamband goodness going on to the point of necessitating "pinned" status. is this being promoted by the moderators? do we have a conflict of interest here? maybe the thread re. " what are you doing nye" should be pinned, and this one can be left to the mercy of the bumpers.
  4. cool! i've got santropol added to my mapquest print-out here looks close to my place too! i guess i'll pass on the curry garden (ya, that is where i went, Blane) looks like there will be plenty of good eats closer by. fêves sucrées i'm getting excited for this trip! ...especially once i've made it through my presentation tomorrow.
  5. cool, thanks for the link anyone remember the slip show in some unmarked upstairs open high-ceilinged smoke-filled room in the spring? am i anywhere near that? i went to a place near there that served wicked good food.
  6. especially looking for restaurant suggestions that will have something vegan, and a coffeeshop nearby that will have soy milk (is this a hard thing to find in montreal?) i will be staying on sherbrooke close to st denis i will possibly be up for some music or culture of some sort on wednesday evening - suggestions? thanks mooser
  7. i could do that - i haven't got mine yet, or bones', yats', or (whatever ian's sanc name)'s yet either. do i get them at the bar? or are they available at other places too... good seein ya this weekend
  8. hey marge, I'm sorry to hear of your loss, and I'm sorry to hear you were thrown into unemployment in a no doubt shocking way. I haven't read all of these posts, but I'm sure you've got the idea that anyone who knows you knows that you are capable of great things, and this seems to be a kick in the pants to throw you into a different situation... hopefully one that will ultimately be even more rewarding. I hope you know that you have all kinds of love and respect coming from me. You are totally welcome to come and chill in capital city for a while and stay in my new digs. or maybe this is a good time to go visit kev out west. wish i could join you... i hope you're feeling positive about your situation, and benefitting from the support of your family and friends to help you through. anyway, i have new contact info, so i guess i'll get on the private topic side of things here. much love to you caroline
  9. woooooooo hooooooooooooo!!!! right on Bob this is most excellent news - i am so very happy for you!!! looking forward to seeing you again and meeting your partner i hope you plan a big ol party here in ontario so all your friends can come out and celebrate with you. congratulations my friend. the news made my day.
  10. waaaaaaa hooooooo happy day lookin forward to partyin with ya though i might be well-advised to rest up for saturday's festivities, i'm throwing caution to the wind and getting the celebration started tonight if you want a birthday beer, you know where i'll be... (word on the street is they now sell beer towers - i'm intrigued. :crazy: ) i'm meeting up with shan and jeff when i get into town - drop a message if you wanna join us
  11. that's it. i'm selling the farm and moving back to peterborough. ottawa is dead to me now. dead. what's next? will he bike paths be converted to motorways? the canal paved over and used for drag races? the experimental farm turned into a high-productivity beef, pork and dairy farm? poooooooo and to make matters worse, i can't even be there this weekend to party with y'all one last time.
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