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Everything posted by Cully

  1. I am so glad they managed to get the win. Ryan looked terrible on the mound. He always makes me so nervous, as he seems to fight just to get a strike. I almost had a heart attack when he loaded the bases with two outs, bullshit! Hopefully after yesterdays performance, someone else will get the call. Go Jays Go. Get your brooms out my friends...
  2. Lind is tearing it up this year. Cito has taken him under his wing and is teaching him patience at the plate, and how to pick his pitch -he is seeing the ball so well! Lets hope they can continue the winning streak today with Doc on the mound.
  3. Cully


    The Code Talkers show with Jimmy Herring, was one of the best nights of my life! Thanks again for everything.
  4. Happy Birthday! Have a great day...
  5. Wow, what amazing seats, and the team didn't dissapoint (even if it did take them a while to get it going) Romero pitched a great game, showed amazing patience and got himself out of a couple of jams. It was also fun to see the team hit three out of the park. The core of the lineup didn't do well today...Wells looked like he was high, not focused at all in the box and let a fly ball drop that he would usually be all over. Rios went 0-4, although he did have an amazing relay to Hill who threw a runner out at home - highlight real material for sure! I am getting a little sick of going to games and sitting by people who have NO interest in being at the games, just getting wasted. It was a little surprising that a bunch of these idiots were sitting in the second row behind the dugout...every second word was FUCK, and there were so many kids around. I almost said something, but decided to avoid the confrontation (as I can't be a social worker all the time!!)
  6. I meant Ryan... I am not a fan of JP, but Cito is the man!
  7. He looks like a different pitcher post-surgery.
  8. I am not so sure about B.J. Ryan this year. He has lost a lot on his fastball, and blew the save last night. It was nice to see the offense deliver once again and get the win (great to see Roland and Hill get HRs!!) Can't wait to sit right behind the dugout tommorow! Go Topes...
  9. Cully


    Sad news indeed! I have had countless good times at PJ, and want to thank Ken and the staff for all the memories.
  10. What a great game to be at! Amazing energy, Snider and Lind tore it up. So happy that the boys are back in town...
  11. Yes I am. Got tickets last min...we are sitting in row 532 (they sold 46,000 tickets for the game!!) You going my friend?
  12. I am so excited for the season opener tonight. I think that if everyone stays healthy, the Jays might be a competitive club this year. Baseball season is back!
  13. Cully


    I can't believe that ANYONE likes Scrubs... what a terrible show!
  14. I have to work on Wed, but I am going to try and get my shift changed. Could I get a ride with you?
  15. FUCK!! I totally forgot about this show... boo urns.
  16. I would love a single to Darien and Deer Creek... see you on tour!!!
  17. Looking for 1 Darien lake. Cheers.
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