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Posts posted by c-towns

  1. yes I'm coming for sure, flights are booked and if you could grab the lady and I a ticket each that would kick ace.

    pm me your number so we can hook up before hand, and if you got any crash space for after the show that would great, and hopefully a lead to an after party (hint hint)

    You guys got a gig that weekend or what?



  2. indeed. I'm on 13th ave and 9th street SW, which is about a 2 minute walk to all the action on 17th, you shoulda called last night, we ended up getting pretty stinky on my front porch for the greatest reason of all, none. I'm sure we'll be doing the same thing tonight as well, except with reason, its Friday. Give me a call for sure, not to sure about the crack alley but we'll see, maybe we'll giver before hand. A shwack load of us are going curling Saturday early night if you're interested, its loads of fun, we usually almost get kicked out everytime we go due to shananigans but again we'll see and again give me a ring this evening and we'll sort things out.

    cheers and Happy birthday.


  3. I believe the wealthy folk of american collages, or as we call them in Canada "frat boys" call that sport "bayroot" (sp)

    fun game none the less, if you require canadian rules let me know, because that sport has been mastered here in much to do calgary...

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