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Posts posted by c-towns

  1. No kidding, I got the 2 hour difference, so I always feel so alone, but thats when i get the good posting done, hehe.

    Not for long though, I believe Friday is my last day of surfing for pay, time to get down to some gooder paying worky work, Next week the boy becomes a man.

  2. All this being said, any idea as to how we could go about trying to infiltrate the two (now established) different genras within the same "scene". Like it or not the similarities in the 2 scenes are very very similar. I think some form of bond between the two could do both scenes wonders, I'm really thinking about canadian touring bands here. I guess I'm thinking about tours west of Toronto (and western bands doing eastern swings), cause you guys seem to be doing mighty well for yourselves, I'd just like to make the western tours more inviting and profitable for the bands I love to see.

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