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Posts posted by c-towns

  1. seen people from any genre suck, and from any genre absolutely amaze me... technically amazing can also be amazingly boring... I like bands from any genre who you can tell feel the music every time

    totally, lets keep it away from comparing apples to oranges.

  2. Broken Social Scene is a phenominon on its own I think, you could construct the ultimate jamband with a similar outcome though.

    If you were to look at the average bands in both scenes I'd have to go with the jam scene for pure talent, but I guess that just me.

  3. Do you honestly think the Indie Scene has more talented musicians?

    Personally, I find that hard to believe, you say these indie musicians could play jam, I think it would be a much easier transition for a jam musician to move into the indie scene.

  4. I'm not sure how popular this topic is in your area of Canada, but here in Calgary it seems to be the basis of many a heated discussion in our "scene" (or lack there of, as kung can somehow attest to?).

    The majority of our bars here in Calgary that aren't based around Country, Dance, Top 40 or Hip Hop seem to be over-run by the black rimmed glasses, chuck taylor wearing, indie hipstar, not that there's anything wrong with that.

    I guess my question is, where does the jam fit in? It is nearly impossible to get into a decent venue when multiple local indie bands infiltrate as many locations as possible. Its virtually impossible to get any publicity in the local rags because they seem to be run by hipsters who only talk about the new spur of the moment indie band, and you can almost forget postering here because the poster war is almost violent (not really) but posters get ripped down and covered by multiple posters of the same show (usually indie).

    Radio is obviously a small marketing tool, but the one station at the university of Calgary is also over-run by that crowd during all the peak listening hours of the day, its almost become commercial. You'll here multiple dj's playing The Shins or The Dudes or The Trews or one of the other "The" bands in the same day, why not play some Jam, there is tonnes of college radio friendly jam out there.

    I've spoken to many Indie folks and asked them if they've ever heard of any (insert jamband here) and they've for the most part said no. Then they ask what kind of music it is and I tell them. The majority of the time their response is "I hate jambands". For people who claim to be so musically in tune, that makes a guy frustrated to hear that, knowing full well that the scenesters aren't even familiar with 1/4 of the Jam availible out there, I personally think most of them would like the music if they gave it a chance.

    The basic reason behind this rant is to get input on how to ride this wave and try and infiltrate a stronger jam scene here in Calgary. There are quite a few heady folk in the area and getting at least one night at one venue for the jam to grow is all that this city needs. Touring canadian bands are almost fearing the Calgary show. If things don't change soon Calgary is going to become the gas and a restroom stop after the long prairie ride. This city has about a million people, tell me thats not a gold mine waiting to be tapped.

    Thanks for listening,

    Any recommendations, critisisms or general comments are exactly what I'm looking for here people.

    *This post was not meant to offend any fans of the indie scenesters.

  5. mobias project

    Mobias Project grew out of a band called Mobia's Trip. Three of the members have collaborated with some fresh local talent to form what it is today. The Mobias Project has embraced what grew out of Mobia's trip in the later years which was alot of improvisational jamming. Currently we have no written material and plan on keeping it that way. The magic of this band is the improvisation and the expression of feeling that is evident each and every time we come together

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