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Posts posted by c-towns

  1. To the guy with the spy-cam pointed at my window,

    I think it's so cute that you have that little webcam peeking through the blinds into my kitchen. You must be one horny guy - it's ok, you can admit it - you're a frantic masturbator. How did I spot you? Come on, it's not that hard to spot a 3com webcam six feet from my window. Did you really think I wash the dishes in the nude just for my benefit? Because it's hot out, right? No sweetie, it's because the thought of you slapping yourself silly behind those blinds turns me on. And as a hardcore, life-long exhibitionist, turning you on is what turns me on. Did you really think my nipples get hard just washing the dishes?

    Anyway, here's my proposition; my boyfriend (and one of my girlfriends) would really like to see the pictures your sneaking, and if truth be told (and we're telling it all here, aren't we?) so would I. If I give you an ftp address, could you send me the pictures? If you're streaming video, even better. I would love to post it on my website (a frantic masturbator like you must have found my website by now!)

    You see, I have lots of great cameras, in fact you would probably bust a nut just to see the set-up I have in my apartment, much less the unbridled perversions that happen here on a nightly (and often daily) basis. But fate has decreed that your window face my kitchen. Still, I try to accomodate. Can you do the same for me? I need a good outside-looking-in shot, and I suspect your view is perfect.

    And while we're on the subject, how about opening your blinds once in a while? I mean it's only neighborly, if you're shining your pole while watching me, to let me get a peek at you sometimes, right? I mean my blinds are drawn and the window is open. It's only fair that I should get to see you stroke that cock in a furious blur. Come on, you blur don't you? You can admit it.

    Cause I would hate to have to do something that would scare you. I mean, you don't want me to come over there do you? Don't think I can't do it. I know where you live. And my other boyfriend's girlfriend is a locksmith (and she owes me big-time) so I could get in. Do you want that? Do you want to be handcuffed? I have handcuffs you know, I stole them from a cop. He tried to handcuff me and I kicked him in the balls and stole his handcuffs and his baton. You like batons? I got a good one. So why dont you open your blinds when you whack off and I won't have to come over there and humiliate you. You don't want to end up on my website do you? What would your mother think?

    I expect your answer within 24 hours.

    I can't believe you just read this. bellyrubs for all.

  2. A good buddy of mine is looking for 2 tickets to see Green Day at the Phoenix in Toronto on the 24th of this month. He says its his girls favourite band, I'm still questioning this. He cant find anything on TicketBastard so i thought I'd give it a whirl on here, maybe someone can steer us in the right direction.

    And I'm sure you're thinking the right direction is to not go.haha.

    Thanks in advance.

    I also came across this in my search, check out December 16th, 2004


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