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Posts posted by c-towns

  1. I'm leaning towards Raq bigtime, how far is abbotsford from Van, just looking into flights, and it seems to be a bit cheaper at times.

    Oh and where abouts is the raq show and how close is it to your pad, or someones pad that we would hopefully be hosting the post party.

  2. Phish is in many ways a collector culture

    Sorry, I cut and pasted to much, you are correct here.

    they took the obsessiveness of nerds, gamers and collectible hunters and translated that into a commercial music movement.

    I really don't think they "took" obsessiveness from anyone, I find it funny that rarely anyone thinks they're in it for the music and that its all about the money. The shows I've been to and the shows I've listened to, the band always seems so grateful by the feats their fans endure, yet there is always a bunch of a-holes not happy with something. This band doesn't owe anyone anything, they are there purely for your entertainment.I didn't realize I called you ungrateful, maybe you mis-read something there.

    Anyways why not try and actually construct an ARGUMENT. I swear to god cowtowner you are one of the most low brow dumb as fu©king sh!t frequenters of this board and the only reason you vociferously speak up against me is because I have offended you in the past- that is painfully transparent.

    I really expected something a little more intelectual from you. Calling me a "low brow dumb as fu©king sh!t frequenter of the board" seems a little "low brow" if you ask me, maybe I'd be better off hanging out on the ween forum ay?

    I've never been offended by anything you've said, I just tend to not agree with the points you try and spoon feed the board population and I speak out against it, anything wrong with that?

    So why don't you take off your fu©king crown o'king of the internet message board, and find yourself something to get those panties out of your ass you whiney bitch.

    Sorry for the vulgarity everyone, but I guess I am pretty low brow.

    (wheres the eye rolling smile when you need it)

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