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Posts posted by c-towns

  1. Thats fuckin gold.

    I love this part;

    "What's with Sally today?" asked Brian Bovey, a child with whom Erhardt played before she reached maturity, as recently as yesterday. "All of a sudden, she's not talking to anyone. Is she mad about something?"

    "Yeah, Sally sure is being quiet," said Tiffany Nielsen, a girlhood acquaintance of Erhardt's. "I hope she isn't going to get all stuck up now that—oh, never mind. You wouldn't understand. It's a woman thing."

  2. My buddy asked me to post this so I will, keep your laughter to a minimum please.

    Buddies Buddy is flying from Bangkok to NY on Friday, renting a car, driving to Coventry and has no ticket because the guy on ebay never sent the tickets. His friends (my roomate) can get the ticket for him in Montreal or in the lineup on Friday and/or leave it at Will Call.

    :: ::

  3. If you listen closely you can hear me causing sh!t during both shows, keep and ear out for a smash and the sound of a large merch guy attempting to swallow me whole....

    great recording though, big thanks to the band, The Ho, the sound guy and old man taper hans.

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