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Posts posted by c-towns

  1. I disagree.

    Phish is in many ways a collector culture, they took the obsessiveness of nerds, gamers and collectible hunters and translated that into a commercial music movement.

    They've been playing for so long and have such a vast repitoire of songs, I'm sure there is a sh!t load of songs they don't remember or just plain hate playing. Also, I'm pretty sure they stopped reading press releases about themselves, and I'm sure they don't peruze the internet listening to the jackassery spread by ungrateful fans bitching about why they didn't play kung, and why character zero was played in a b minor instead of an e sharp.


  2. Thats kinda crazy.

    I saw the Festival Express last night and what can I say other than awesome.

    Great footage of the trek. My lady had the greatest statement after the show, "Wow, Jerry was a real teddy bear of a man"

    The Danko/Janis/Jerry/Bob scene was pure gold.

    One question I was wondering is why no one from The Band had anything to say in interviews about the adventure.

  3. Its about freeken time, finish that disc already its been far to long brah.

    So you need to play Calgary on a weekend day so we can get you a decent crowd and I'll definatly be out at the HO.

    As always, I've got your heady crash space and free stuff to loot when you finally get this band you keep talking about rollin.

  4. What a weekend for Calgary's music scene, who ever did the scheduling musta been on glue.

    My choices were the Blues and Roots fest, The Reggae fest and Afrikadey.

    Ended up seeing Cake, David Byrne, Antibalas and some various other african influenced music (crazy drumming of all sorts, not to shabby for Calgary, its just to bad they decided to do it all on the same weekend.

  5. i refuse to sit at my computer and listen to this concert, its too nice outside....did I mention Antibalas is playing on an island in Calgary today for some fest called afikadeys, I think I'm gonna dance.

  6. One evening a man was at home watching TV and eating peanuts. He'd toss

    them in the air, then catch them in his mouth. In the middle of catching one,

    his wife asked a question, and as he turned to answer her, a peanut fell in his


    He tried and tried to dig it out but succeeded in only pushing it in deeper. He

    called his wife for assistance, and after hours of trying they became worried

    and decided to go to hospital.

    As they were ready to go out the door, their daughter came home with her date.

    After being informed of the problem, their daughter's date said he could get the

    peanut out.

    The young man told the father to sit down, then shoved two fingers up the


    nose and told him to blow hard. When the father blew, the peanut flew out. The

    mother and daughter jumped and yelled for joy. The young man insisted that it

    was nothing and the daughter brought the young man out to the kitchen for

    something to eat.

    Once he was gone the mother turned to the father. The mother said, "That's

    wonderful. Isn't he smart? What do you think he's going to be when he grows


    The father replies "From the smell of his fingers, our son-in-law!"


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