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Posts posted by c-towns

  1. DOWNTOWN CANADA -- Larry McItrick, 20, claims to have "never spilled a beer, ever."

    Larry, who loves drinking the Molson nectar, states that he has drank at least 75 cases of beer since he (*wink*) became of legal age, and during that run, has not once spilled a single ounce of beer.

    Larry's friends believe him. They say that they have seen him pass out at parties while still clutching half-full bottles of Labatt's Blue, they've seen him tumble and somersault over coffee tables while holding on to mugs of Sleeman's Cream Ale, and they once saw him do a face plant into a rock garden while drinking a tall-boy of Molson Canadian. And not once did Larry lose control of his alcohol.

    "Hell, I rolled my brother's snowmobile once while I was chugging back a can of Lucky lager," bragged Larry, who has come to be known as lucky himself.

    "To prove how f*cking great a beer drinker I am, I'll do three backflips on a trampoline just to prove it. Hell, I don't have a drinking problem, I have a drinking gift!"

  2. Which one would ma'lady prefer, she has a sore back.

    Hot Stone Therapy

    Warm smooth lava stones are massaged gently into your body. Feel yourself sink into mother earth. Close your eyes, breathe deep and relax as this experience melts your stress away.


    Raindrop Therapy

    Like drops of rain, nine essential oils are applied along the spine. Each oil is layered one upon the other. Your back massage is completed with a hot compress treatment. Your legs are treated to essential oils and massage as well. Toxins are released and the immune system is boosted.


    any other suggestions?

  3. So, I finally saw this movie for the first time last night and I must say I was not impressed. I heard a lot of people say how they thought it was one of the greatest movies they've seen this/last year. For all those that thought that, I would like to know what they liked so much about it. The one thing I did like is the fact that it was all shot in Japan which added a very realistic feel to the movie.

    For some reason, I get the feeling that most people gave this movie such praise because it was an independant film and its cool to like independant films, no?


  4. this is not my story, I pasted it from this site;


    One night I consumed a lot of Irish mist. When I get drunk I become violent, so I decided to take my anger out on a dog bin (sh!t bin). I angered myself up that much my foot went through it, and I lost my shoe in the bin. To get my shoe back, I had to open it and put my hand in a pile of sh!t. I had sh!t on my hand and thought it was the BBQ sauce I had for dinner earlier that night, and licked it off.

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