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Pablo Sanchez

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Posts posted by Pablo Sanchez

  1. KitKat perhaps you should accidently have young pablo or pabletta in the states thus granting the wee one a third passport... ;):)

    Sounds like a phine night in Vermont. Have a great time all who make it :)

    Unfortunately it seems impossible to get medical insurance for someone who is more than 7 months pregnant. I guess they don't like their chances of paying out. We had to say no to a Superbowl invite as well.

    This time I'm missing Kimmock for a really really really big show. :)

  2. I find it interesting that a lot of bands don't bother to do the proper paper work to cross the border. Are they expecting the border to be a cottage with one French Canadian mountie and a rotary telephone? These are international borders and if you want to go work in another country you may need to get a work permit. It amazes me that so many American bands have this problem getting into the country.

  3. That's it I'm going to brown mod my whole rig.

    I thought you gave up the electric guitar? (By the way, PLEASE don't ever give up the electric guitar...).

    I definitely never gave up the electric guitar. I just won't be playing one with nero in the immediate future. I will however be rocking an electric guitar somewhere sometime soon.

  4. Just got an email about this..


    The Effector Truly Beautiful Disaster

    The TBD consists of two effects in one pedal. First, there is the feed back loop (with photo-sensitive eye), which enhances effects placed in the SEND and RETURN loop of the TBD, turning them into crazy noise machines.

    Second, there is the oscillating fuzz, which adds an amazing amount of texture (and if needed, chaos) to the effect in the feedback loop. The feed back loop runs _before_ the oscillating fuzz, and they are both seperate, which means you can have one on at a time, or both.

    True Bypass

    Powered by 9 volt battery or DC jack

    Switchcraft jacks

    Small Hammond Enclosure

    Hand made in the USA

    "Maniacs come in all shapes and sizes, and their behaviors are as varied as their backgrounds. Some exhibit deep madness by dismembering cheerleaders and stuffing their body parts into the trunk of a Chevy Impala. Others climb to the top of a bell tower with a sniper rifle and pick off Domino's Pizza deliverymen. Then there are those like Effector 13's Tim Shortnacy, who responds to the voices in his head by doing something less violent, but perhaps equally disturbing : building little devices that warp and mangles the sound produced by electric guitars."

    Guitar World

  5. I use a Fulltone Fulldrive 2


    Great pedal. Really natural and dynamic.

    These little guys seem to be all the rage these days with the "obsessive guitar freaks"

    77289327.jpg they're called TIM boost/overdrive. everybody seems to be raving about them but there isn't that much info on them.

    I'm loving the Zvex Fuzz Factory. more of a fuzz than a distortion but its just completely wacked and very cool


    I also really like the Fulltone Distortion Pro. Tried it with a PRS Hollowbody II and a 6L6 based amp... sounded incredible. dp1_lg.jpg

    A lot of people really like this one. I was talking to Chuck the other day and he was saying that he'd pretty much got rid of most of his pedals except a couple of key items. One being this. centaur1.jpg

    Eric Johnson's secret weapon. umm err maybe not so secret. I think his secret is keeping his fuzzface in the freezer before going on stage... umm anyways.. Chandler Tube Driver


    There is so much out there.

    This one is for Booche, but its a compressor not a distortion


  6. wow! Thank you all so much. I'm gearing up for an incredible year. The pitfalls I used to associate with being 27 such as choking on my own vomit don't seem all that likely afterall this year. Cheers to that!

    Edit to add:

    In all seriousness, thank you all very much. I should know by now that vomit isn't a good way to thank people. :)

    I've met so many amazing folks through music and this board. You've brought so much to my life, I don't know where to begin to thank you.

    This year is going to be one of the most exciting years ever for me. I'm going to be a Dad in two months! So exciting. I look forward to sharing many more years with all of the great people in this community.



  7. Yipes. I find that disturbing as well. I guess if you've already hit bottom, turning your band into american idol doesn't seem so bad.

    The last time I saw them was 1989 or 1990 at the civic centre in Ottawa. This was just after KICK and their downward spiral had probably begun but I thought they were great.

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