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Pablo Sanchez

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Posts posted by Pablo Sanchez

  1. Track 6 -Fly->

    Track 7 -Dark Side of The Spoon->

    Track 8 -Dark Side of The Spoon cont->Revivication

    Oops; my bad. I was hoping to have those three songs split as separate tracks' date=' but had to guess as to where the transitions were. (For reference, Pablo, could you tell me the point [in minutes:seconds into it'] at which "DSotS" ends and "Revivication" starts? It'd help me track upcoming sets.)



    Brad: Revivication begins at about 2:24 in track 8.

    I'm suprised you tracked it as well as you did.

    Thanks again for a great recording of this show.

  2. The crowd went crazy for sure. It was like the game was at Heinz field. It was unreal how many Steeler fans were there. I'm not sure if it came through on TV, but when they introduced Tom Brady to flip the coin he was greeted by deafening booing from the crowd. Same thing for Ray Lewis during the mvp thing.

  3. True that Ben had a lousy game, but he came through with some big plays when he needed to. Its hard to complain about Ben when they won the game and he played superbly in their dismantling of cinci, indy and denver. He's only 23! I think his chances are good of getting a chance to have a mvp performance in the big game.

  4. So I'm back in town after my super bowl 40 weekend. For such a big crazy and over hyped event I kind of expected to be let down, and although the Steelers probably played their worst game of the playoffs they still won and it was very very very exciting.

    My Step Dad Mark is the Quarterback coach for the Steelers so I got a great ticket to the game, behind the steelers bench at about the 35 yard line 20 rows up. We got to go on the field after the game for the trophy presentation. It was pretty surreal to be there.

    I was satying at the Steelers hotel which was all the players, coaches and their families. There was a MASSIVE party after the game with tons of food and an open bar. They had the Commodores play (no Lionel Ritchie unfortunately)and they were a great party band. They played Brick House Twice!!

    Sorry Booche, no "How about that Phil Lesh" from the bus. The players were all there, but they had been through so much BS with fans all week that I didn't want to disturb the festive mood.

    Anyways... here are some pics:


    In the hotel at the party. Carved out of ice.


    On the field after the game.


    The cue to flash the little flashlights they gave you.


    Going up the tunnel out of the stadium


    going out of the tunnel. The signs that these people had were both kind of strange. One says "I missed chemotherapy for the superbowl" the other says "Forget college, we bought tickets"


    the whole Marriot was taken over by the Steelers organization.


    The food and drink scene was over the top


    Ben and Randel El, Ben was wearing his bathrobe and the post party.


    Its getting late... Kid Rock, Ben, and Casey Hampton


    This was the last picture I took at around 5am. why? I'm not sure :) Closed the party with a few Canadians.... too funny.

  5. still no tracklist?

    Here it is:

    Track 1 -introduction

    Track 2 -Autograph

    Track 3 -Betty's Funeral

    Track 4 -Aslan's song

    Track 5 -in between song blabbering

    Track 6 -Fly->

    Track 7 -Dark Side of The Spoon->

    Track 8 -Dark Side of The Spoon cont->Revivication

    Track 9 -between song blabbering

    Track 10 -Otherworld

    Track 11 -between song blabbering

    Track 12 -With or Without You (U2 cover)

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