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Pablo Sanchez

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Posts posted by Pablo Sanchez

  1. Y'know Pablo, we both found out about this at the same time, and we've both been talkig about this for years, and we both have been waiting for him to die so we can both say "fu©k, why didn't we go!!"

    So I say we do it. After I get back from vacation, in February, you and I will hop in my car on a Monday morning, drive down, see the show and drive back in a manic mission. You can bring a store guitar to get signed and we'll have done it.

    How's Feb. 7?

    Let's do it!

  2. Brad, that is either the worst idea I have ever read, or the best. Actually, it is not the best. Hux would tear Pablo to shreds unless Mr Sanchez brought his emergency acceleration compensator pedal.

    ok, booche you're right I can't play guitar. had you fooled for a while though. thanks for your money.

  3. So, I've been threatning for a while to go to New York city on a Monday night and see Les Paul perform at the Iridium club. I just realized that this guy turned 89 last summer. 89 years old and still doing a weekly gig is unbelievable.

    Les Paul is a living legend. He invented the solid body electric guitar, tape delay, and multi track recording. Each one of these inventions had a tremendous impact on modern music. Its hard to imagine where we would be without him.

    He's also a hell of a guitar player.

    So I've decided that it is of the utmost importance that I see this man before he leaves us.

    If anyone is heading to NYC for a monday night, let me know :)


  4. You know how to play acoustic?

    Do you have it hooked up to your transmorgifier pedal?


    I haven't played my electric stuff other than at nero shows for a long time. I don''t exactly have a place to do that sort of thing anymore so I'm all about my acoustic guitar. It does have a pickup and I did try it once. My biggest music goal for 2005 is to play at least one solo show. So you can hear me play acoustic then... prick! :)

  5. beats - if your guitar is made of plywood you don't have to worry so much about a humidifier. I guess it would be good to prevent the neck from shrinking and to prevent the frets from sticking out.

    I've been playing a Norman for the last 10 years and really they are great guitars for the price.

    However, there comes a time in everyone's life when it becomes absolutely imperative to go get yourself a high end acoustic guitar. :)

    I just picked up a Taylor 814CE L7. I absolutely love it. As far as a Martin Vs. Taylor debate, I spend my days between 25 Martin's and 45 Taylor's and I think that they are such different guitars that you can't compare them. Its funny because the things people like about one are the same things other people hate about them.

  6. We left Burlington a little late yesterday afternoon. Did a little shopping and hit the road at about 5. We got home a 1am. Awful drive. One of those drives where you sweat off three pounds stressing the entire time.

    I almost forgot about the weekend. :)

    Such good times. It was so great to see everyone. Definitely a very special weekend for me. Thanks!!

  7. I got this from another board. What a tragedy...


    I didn't go to the concert. Ministry was in town so I went to that show instead. I found out about what happened when I got a call from a publicist in Los Angeles asking me if I was okay.

    I went out to Alrosa Villa. Spoke to a few witnesses. One who works for the club and did lights this evening, one fan who was right at the front of the stage when it happened and his wife, who was on the Patio where the guy crashed the fence. before he made his way onto the stage.

    From what everyone has said, this was essentially an assassination. Yes, others were killed, but the guy made a bee-line right for Dimebag, held the gun right to his head and squeezed off three rounds. The witnesses I spoke to said that nothing was said, that the time between him getting onstage and pulling the trigger was too short, or that the music was so loud you couldn't hear anything anyway.

    The assassin had one thing in mind. Nobody knows for what reasons as of yet, and maybe we will never know. (This won't stop suspicious minds from speculating, naturally.)

    The police spokesperson said that an officer happened to be right around the club so he got to the club only about two minutes after the shooting started. From what I heard, the guy had emptied one clip, had loaded another and just started to shoot into the crowd. He also supposedly took a male hostage. The standoff didn't last long: The cop took out the suspect with a shotgun blast to the head.

    Dimebag is dead and probably never knew what hit him. I don't know what other member is dead but rumor had it it was the bassist. Vinnie Paul is alive and shaken.

    Among the rest of the dead are a club employee named Aaron, supposedly, a local loader. And the shooter.

    I spoke to the owner of the club. He was incredibly shaken and didn't know what was going to happen. I felt really bad - I wanted to get a quote for the story I have to write but Rick is a good guy and a friend and I didn't want to ambush him mere hours after this tragedy. I hope I can speak with him on the record this afternoon.

    I will repeat that he said that the actions taken by his bouncers was heroic and saved lives. Given how many shots this guy took (no less than 15 according to one person I spoke with) and how many people were within spitting distance of him (the venue was not sold out but was filled nicely - probably 500 or so people according to estimates I heard) this one could have easily been a lot worse.

    I also made some calls to Phil Anselmo's people to get a reaction. Thus far, no official release, but a spokesperson said he was "devastated."

    For the record (for those who don't know about Columbus) Alrosa has been here for a few decades. It still has the feel of the old New Jersey metal emporiums - and it booked a lot of the bands, then and now. However, bands such as Guided By Voices have graced the stage there. Shows in limbo include Satyricon and Hatebreed.

    The owner Rick "The Rock And Roll Reverend" Cautella is an character. He always did his own commercials on the local radio station complete with loud sound effects. He seemed to enjoy the attention that came from this. He always made sure I got into the room and when I previewed a show for him, he's sport me a beer or two.

    I'm rambling a bit with this stream-of-consciousness. All I know is that had I had an assignment to review this show - or even if Ministry wasn't in town this evening - I would have been at that show. It's hard to separate me as a writer trying to get as much information as possible for my story (stories, actually, since another of my outlets will probably ask me to supply something) and me as the guy who went to that place fairly often and knew a lot of the people there.

    I don't know what will happen. I kind of feel like those folks in Rhode Island felt except even though so many more people died there, that was an accident caused by unfortunate negligence. This was completely intentional, an assassination as sure as I'm typing this, and that's just surreal to contemplate.

  8. hey,

    We're spending Friday (weather permitting) putting up a horse shelter at our farm in Carp. Its one that you have to put together so we're not really building anything, just putting it together. We could use any help from able bodied folks with time to spare Friday during the day. If the weather doesn't work out, we'll do it on Saturday. If anyone's interested please post here, call us at 839-5762 or email davelauz@hotmail.com


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