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Pablo Sanchez

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Posts posted by Pablo Sanchez

  1. I thought that it was hilarious in a real bad way. They tried to play it like

    "you thought you were healthy and enviromentally friendly but you're actually destroying the rainforest hahahaha" when the greenpeace dude went on to say that 80% of the soy was going to cattle feed!!

    story angle ruined. once again eating beef is destroying the rainforest.

  2. Anyone catch Stronach being raked over the coals on the CBC this morning?

    Can't remember which announcer it was at 8:45 (CBC says Anna Maria Tremonte but it was a guy)... He got Stronach on the phone to talk about her walk across the floor. Then he plays a speech that she gave at the liberal convention where she said "If I ran my corporation the way Paul Martin ran the finances of this country, there would be shareholder revolt" blah blah blah "Paul Martin is not fit to run this country".

    So, he asks her how she is coming to terms with her move in light of this point of view. She waffled on about national unity - he says, "You're not answering the question."

    I love it when politicians have their feet held to the fire that they've stoked :-)

    All in all a beautiful interview.

    I heard this interview this morning and I thought it was very poorly conducted. He was trying to be a hardass but eneded up sounding like some jerkstore from some tv tabloid.

    Then when he had the two newfoundland mps on he didn't ride them at all. One of them said "I'm old fashioned and you should never switch parties unless you disagree with something as a matter of principal." and he just let that slide.

    Then they said they were never teaming up with the bloc and he just let that go. I'm sorry but there is no question they are teaming with the bloc to topple the government.

    All in all, I thought that interviewer sucked balls.

    Anna Maria has a way of asking tough questions without sounding like a jerkstore and I've always found her relatively unbiased. I guess when someone is filling in they try extra hard to look extra good and often look extra bad.

  3. ok Its me writing now. :)

    All I can say is that this has been the most wonderful,amazing experience so far. I can't remember ever feeling as absolutely in love with life.

    I think he's got long fingers for a newborn..... guitar lessons start soon :)

  4. Thank you! We adore him :)

    Its Lara writing, Dave is marching up and down with babe in arms dictating :)

    He was born on a full moon in our cabin. It was a magical experience.

    (ps - not practising his beer drinking technique, the little very innocent one had just had a bath!)

  5. the youngest member of the sanctuary!


    Aslan David Lauzon

    Born February 24th, 2005

    Tomorrow is his one month birthday so in honour, his first public appearance :) purple feet and all...

    Isn't he wonderful?

  6. maybe put a little earlier end to the abuse from the local Antigonish house DJ at 7am. The torture of 4000 people for the benefit of 3 zombies dancing at this time makes no sense to me. You could probably just walk those guys over to the power generator and they'd just keep dancing anyway.

  7. As far as pedal compressors go, I've never used one in my setup but I've been threatning to buy a BicompROSSer or a Keeley. The bicomp has the ross side of course, but the other side is a clone of an orange squeezer which is apparently great. I was very close to getting one and then I just bailed on it. The keeley does the ross thing really well. They're both true bypass as well.

    as for pickups, I've got a set of rio grande big bottom in a strat and I think they sound really great. Totally a vintage vibe, wound on a sewing machine by tobacco chewing rednecks in texas. Other than that all I have is heresay. Apparently Kinman pickups from Australia are fantastic as well as Tom Anderson pickups, and Barden pickups which have two coils but one is a dummy coil used to cancel out any noise. So single coil sound with no annoying hum.... hmmm after looking up Barden pickups for a picture I discovered they seem to be out of business. Too bad.

  8. Fulltone TTE. kick ass, best sounding echo I've ever owned. I've owned a lot of different delays: boss (here's your extra crispy digital), line6(gotta say, these things aren't built for the road and I find their tape simulation is more of a exageration but hey it is really good for the money and I still use it so I can't think its that bad), the Danelectro Dan-Echo is suprisingly great. The tone is really acceptable and its all analog. I wish I hadn't dumped that one. The Electro Harmonix memory man is very cool. Love the chorus on the repeats. I had an old tape echo but the tape kept getting jammed. fu©king sucked. I discovered that you had to use graphite coated tape so it didn't get stuck. If you ever find yourself in a bind for graphite coated tape just get an old 8-track and make a loop out of that tape because it is graphite coated. Yes 8-Tracks are still usefull for something.

    But the Fulltone TTE seriously takes the cake. As soon as you play through it you have this realisation that the sound you're hearing is exactly what everything else is striving to imitate but only now you realize the imitations are not doing a very good job. You can really get the repeats to sit back perfectly so that you can have a huge delay with lots of repeats but it sits back it the mix perfectly and doesn't get overloaded. c'est manifique! Chuck and Al from moe just each bought one from me last week so look for them on moe tour this winter.


  9. PRS pickups are nice pickups for sure. I'm not really big on the HFS though. Depends what you're looking for I guess, but I find them a little over the top and a little bright. The McCarty and Dragon pickups are really really nice. Warmer less agressive sounding. Most of my humbucking pickup experience had been with Gibson 490's 57'Classic (pretty much the same pickup and hardly classic sounding imho) 498, 500 etc... and I never found that I could make them work for me. I've owned 7 Gibsons in the last 10 years and they always wound up being sold off because I couldn't make them sound "right".

    I digress....

    anyhow, the PRS Archtop pickups are fu©king perfect if you ask me. But I'm definitely leaning to a less gainy type of pickup. Also the new Gibson pickups called Burstbuckers are great. Really really great. They're making them with one coil intentionnally over wound or underwound to give them a similar sound to the PAFs they were making in the 50s. I guess the logic is that these used to be wound on sewing machines with the maker putting "approximately" 5000 wraps of wire on each magnet. Well of course they weren't exact, so now they're being un precise on purpose. It works, they sound great.

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