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Everything posted by Del

  1. I've got a couple of friends heading up to Ottawa this weekend and I'm wondering if there are any shows happening. AD? bradm? Who's got my heady info? (Yes, I'm too lazy to check the Ottawa Music Listings Forum...)
  2. Cheers brother! Hope you had a good one!
  3. Yep. The entire time he fought both guys. He was loving it.
  4. Heartbreaker... At least we got a point out of it. Great comeback, great game.
  5. Awesome! This is the best game I've seen since the lockout. Emery's face was classic! Gerber sucks, he got caught looking the other way when the puck was right in front of him. I'm glad I have a ticket to Saturday's game! (Thanks 'dinghy!)
  6. Bump. I'm looking into other options at the moment (bus, train, etc.) but I'd rather ride down with some cool people. This is the last you'll hear about it from me. Again, PM me or reply on here if you can help. Cheers.
  7. Gerber nearly blew it for us. Thank jebus Emery is done his suspension...
  8. Hey y'all, I'm looking to score a ride from Ottawa to Toronto sometime on Friday, March, 2nd. I need to make it back to Ottawa sometime on Sunday, March 4th. Even a one way ride would be of interest to me. Of course I can pay my share of gas, etc. PM me or reply on here if you can help a brother out. Cheers.
  9. Happy birthday Margaret! Hope you have a great one! I miss you!
  10. Why not? We've all had to endure watching you rub one out at every Kevin Breit and Slip show you've ever been to...
  11. Oh, and some other bands are playing as well... Seriously though, "Indie Night" featuring Jason Collett, Amy Millan, Apostle of Hustle and Young Galaxy is happening tomorrow night. It should be a fantastic night of music in Ottawa. Anyone else planning on going? I'll be the guy masturbating in the front row during Amy's performance... (I'm kidding... Kind of...)
  12. Get someone to cast a level seven spell... That might help...
  13. Happy birthday briguy! Hope to party with you sometime soon. Have a good one!
  14. Move to Ottawa... livingstoned, that goes for you too!
  15. It'll be great to see you Kaidy Mae! I just PM'd you my phone number. Give me a call when you get into town!
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