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Posts posted by p.p.

  1. And then even when you go in and click another month, you don't get to see the whole calender, you just what's happening at every hour of that day. I don't know anything about computer programing, but I do know how to look things up and add things. All this system needs in order to be usable by me is to be able to browse every month the same way as the current month.

  2. Great Breakfast - Seb's (on Broadway and Carolina which is just west of Fraser). Go during the week to avoid humungus line up.

    Cafe Du Sole on Commercial Dr. has a good breakfast, then it's a good area to walk around and shop.

    Lots of great Indian food! Off the top of my head.... "Indian Oven" in Kitsalano, or a fusiony vegetarion Indian place on Commercial Dr. called "Yogi's".

    The best Burrito place ever.... "Budgies". It's a very small vegetarian place on Kingsway just before it meets Main North of Broadway. Go for lunch.

    At some point, go see the band "Brickhouse". Thursdays @ the Fairview 10:00 - 2:00am. Friday and Sat. @ the Yale from 12:30 - 3:00am and Sunday @ the Yale from I think 8:30 - 2:00am.

    Keep an eye on the message boards in www.upstreamentertainment.com and www.bonfirepresents.com for other events.

    I'm sure there's many more ideas to come...

    You're staying in a great central location and it's perfect that you'll have bikes. Make sure you get a lock and take your bikes anywhere.

  3. You guys are increadibly lucky to be seeing them, especially with the Fat Cats. They played here in Vancouver at a local legendary blues bar, "The Yale". Lots of folks did come out of the wood work for this, but I was extremely surprised at how little of the regular jamband show goers were actually there. It was a bit more of an old school trucker, biker, blues crowd.

    NRPS was amazing and played lots of old favourites.

    I highly recomend warming up for this show by listening to NRPS from the 70's as opposed to newer stuff. If you listen to a whole lot of newer stuff, you'll find it really sounds the same as the show you'll see. Listen to lots of the old stuff, get refamiliarized with the tunes, then see it live, love it, then go home and listen to the new stuff. Trust me. :)

    have fun!

  4. Here's my opinion Stone.....

    Because you live in Ontario and havn't seen Jackfruit lately, I just saw them before they left town, finally since their new drummer, and they've stepped it up huge. I know that since they were last in Ontario and since they got their new drummer, they've been practicing like 3 times a week, and in the last 5 weeks before they left for tour they played I think 5 times. They're an increadible band who is on fire right now and you should definetely go see Jackfruit!

  5. I saw them in Vancouver and they play not just an album, but in no particular order they play lots from both "Dub Side" and "Radiodread". They were awsome! The singer is really funny to watch and the "Dub Side" stuff is worth it alone.

  6. I have had SOCAN fuckwads track me down the day of a show, where I was already losing buckets of money (Garth Hudson is the one I'm thinking of), for their fee. Like Robbie fuÇking Robertson needs another payday. Garth needed, well he got, the payday.

    As far as I know and have experienced, the SOCAN fuckwads pay the artist who perform their own songs and if the artist is playing a cover, the royalties go to the songwriter of that cover. This actually allows bands like Jimmy Swift, Grand Theft Bus, Slammin Jack, BNB, etc..... to get paid a bit at the end of a tour for playing their own songs. And for this reason as well, it should be fine for bands to play covers. Some of the SOCAN money comes from bar owners and promoters paying their SOCAN fees. This is not a bad thing.

  7. I bought it at the show in Vancouver for $20cdn. Then they were selling it the next day in Seattle for $20us. I was a happy shopper. The quality of the DVD is super clear. It was a great buy.

    yay moe.!

  8. Wow, bringing out the old school eh? Makes you think how lucky we were to have access to that stage and so many excited folks that early in our career. Hey Jeff, I'm not too sure if you have this as well, but I also have an old VHS called "A Valentines Function" if you're interested for your archive. I have tonnes of other stuff to, but we may have to wait another 5 or 10 years for that. :) :))

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